Monday, April 26, 2010


By Dawn Ellen Kiss

"It's a good day to die". How many would think that that statement would bring peace to a person? To me it does. Once again I have seen throughout the past week life shift before my eyes. I have seen people just walk through life without even looking towards where they were going. No notice of what was around them. No connection to life itself.

"Through Death we live
and through life we Die

To live life is to accept death
To die in peace is to accept we did not live fully

My time has I may die as I never lived
Now I may live past my death and die to this hell.

Now is the time to say good-bye, for I will see you soon."

created by Dawn Ellen Kiss
copyright April 26, 2010

Yes "it's a good day to die" when you are at peace with "who you are as you are". If we live life to the fullest in each second we are granted, then when our time does come we will not be plagued with "if only" or "what if". These thoughts and all the rest like them should have no place within our life. To keep them at bay we need to be fully awake. If not, we might as well be the living dead. Harsh statement? Yes.

The time is now to live...not at the end of our days. Those days could be this week, next month, two years from now or even forty. Point is, we don't know when that time will come. I admire those who are courageous enough to truly live. Those who live their Faith. Who live their Truth. Who accept who they are at any given second of the matter what. Those who will die in peace knowing that they have lived as best they could with all their heart and soul. Even if they know they didn't accomplish everything they wanted to...they will know that they at least tried. When you reach out and never lose...for you gain yourself. When you don't even die.

I ask you to please join Living. To extend this Friday from this moment forward and long past Friday into eternity. I ask you to join me in living from your sharing your granting yourself the joy of the moment. I ask you to look deep inside yourself and see what you would like to change about your life and then don't wait. Let your voice be heard and accept the change that comes. Do not wait until it is too late. Live now.

This week was prompted by one of my closest friends who "died" to his old life and had the courage and strength to walk into a new life. He took a leap of faith...
one that I pray brings him happiness. Each of us deserves to be happy.

May your hearts sing with Joy, your souls glow with Love and your life reflect who you are.

I wish you a thousand tiny miracles.

Thank you all for all you do.
Many Hugs

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