*A Char find*

By Stephen C. Webster Raw Story

Shrimpers who were exposed to a mixture of oil and Corexit dispersant in the Gulf of Mexico suffered severe symptoms such as muscle spasms, heart palpitations, headaches that last for weeks and bleeding from the rectum, according to a marine toxicologist who issued the warning Friday on a cable news network.

Dr. Susan Shaw, founder and director of the Marine Environmental Research Institute, said during a CNN broadcast that after personally diving the oil spill in late May, a “very fiery sore throat” plagued her from inhaling fumes coming off the water. Because she was covered from head to toe in a protective suit, Dr. Shaw was spared direct exposure.

Shrimpers who had bare-skin contact with the mixture of oil and Corexit, she said, were not so lucky.

During her segment with anchor Rick Sanchez, Dr. Shaw specified that stories shrimpers had told her were from when BP was deploying “the more toxic” Corexit 9527. BP has allegedly switched to Corexit 9500, which Dr. Shaw has also taken to task in a widely-publicized essay.

The company responsible for producing the various Corexit formulas is Nalco, Co., which was created by former members of the boards of directors at BP and Exxon. Their product is essentially by the oil industry, for the oil industry. That’s why, even in the face of an alternative like Dispersit which is half as toxic as Corexit, Nalco’s product is still in much greater supply.

Gulf toxicologist: Shrimpers exposed to Corexit “bleeding from the rectum”

CNN, July 9. 2010: Rush Transcript Excerpt Susan Shaw, Marine Toxicologist: If I can tell you what happens — because i was in the oil — to people… Shrimpers throwing their nets into water… [then] water from the nets splashed on his skin. … [He experienced a] headache that lasted 3 weeks… heart palpitations… muscle spasms… bleeding from the rectum… And that’s what that Corexit does, it ruptures red blood cells, causes internal bleeding, and liver and kidney damage. … This stuff is so toxic combined… not the oil or dispersants alone. … Very, very toxic and goes right through skin.

* Keep this in mind…

Peter 3 weeks ago

She’s wrong about the 9500 vs 9527. 9500 is actually more toxic than 9527. It was made to use in cold Alaskan waters & 9527 was meant for warm waters. 9500 is more toxic and less effective than 9527.

Dispersants such as COREXIT 9527 – Have Adverse Effects on Biological Processes

Censored Gulf eyewitness testimonies of coughing up blood and other horror stories

– Human Rights Examiner Deborah Dupre’

Coughing up blood is among horrors that eyewitnesses are reporting in south Louisiana where BP medics diagnose the sudden widespread, burning, itching skin, lesions and marks as “scabies” or staph and government health focus on “stress” and mental condition of millions of people poisoned with what scientists report is 11 times more lethal than crude oil toxins now in Gulf and coastal water and air. Americans are still encouraged to eat Gulf seafood.

On July 29 Global Justice Radio Blog Talk Radio program hosted by Rev. T.K. (Kathryn) O’Shannahan-Hyland and Vin Beazel called “Agent Orange Alert,” listeners heard eyewitness and personal accounts of internal bleeding from orifices including coughing up blood and nose bleeds.

One woman, preferring to remain anonymous, interviewed by the Project not only has this skin condition, but also “aching bones, weight loss, stomach pains, inflammation in her leg and sties developing in her eyes.” (IntelHub: Thousands in Gulf suffer misdiagnosed skin lesions, Jul 31, 2010)

Micha Walsh was a Gulf Coast volunteer in Grand Isle, Louisiana for four weeks. She then received a heavy toxic exposure during a 3-hour trip research team trip to Barataria Bay.

Walsh explains being unprepared for what she saw that day the team went out to collect water samples. Walsh would not be alone in thinking the she would not witness what she did. Mainstream news is blanketing the world with reports that clean-up workers cannot find oil. Walsh explained that the Barataria Bay area of south Louisiana where she went with the team is heavily oiled.

One of those researchers was soon coughing up blood.

BP’s well is still “constantly leaking oil”; “Nothing to see here” by OilFlorida reported by IntelHub follows:

Representative Edward Markey (D-MA) tried contacting FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg to confirm Gulf seafood safety, but still hasn’t heard back according to Care2 that today, launched a campaign to tell FDA Commissioner Hamburg to come clean about food safety in the Gulf.

Bicksler stated that owners of only four of the hundreds of boats that dock in Plaquemines Parish “have been hired by BP and its operatives and that they were politically connected. The rest were not.”

On the radio program, she explained that other boats that can go out to look for fish return to port empty, and that “the seafood supplies have been depleted.”

Bicksler said:

“We have looked deep into the sorrowful eyes of the fishermen.

“We have heard the plaintive pleas of mothers.

“We have smelled the foul noxious odor of the oil.

“We cannot stand idly by and do nothing.”

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