Tuesday, May 18, 2010

SLAVERY FOREVER Canada treason International Bank Tax for Global Governance

The Prime Minister is fighting a bank tax that will be levied by an international body as a reserve fund for banks who go belly up

Fighting ? What ? Why fight unless we are no longer a sovereign nation ? Uh nope not paying it would do for a nation that was not afraid of a legally BINDING tax

If this nation --- is subject to the laws of anyone but the HOUSE of COMMONS then someone somewhere has committed treason and overthrown at least some of the power of the federal government

Yes the PM is right to fight against an international bodies attempt to levy tax ---


Where are our police ?


If ever there was a need for you to investigate HERE IT IS

If an international body has the ability to levy a binding tax
on us the people of Canada someone has sold us out

YES I do expect you to find that person or persons and YES I do expect you to charge and arrest those responsible for overthrowing the sovereignty of this nation

In fact the RCMP and CISIS principle existence is for this purpose --- Protecting OUR nation against those who would subvert the power of the government of Canada in Canada

If there is a traitor in our midst --

-- FIND CHARGE PROSECUTE That is your duty that is why you are paid

Now get going --- and perform your function Protect this nation from those who have, would, might or did trade our sovereignty away

1) Does any international body have the ability to levy an a tax upon any person business or corporation in Canada ?

2) If the PM must fight Why else would he NEED to fight except it is binding in some legal framework ?

3) Any legally binding tax by anyone but OUR governemnt is an absolute garantee some traitor somewhere gave them that power and participated in the overthrow of the Canadian governments power in Canada TRAITORS and TREASON


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