Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tyler Durden

Tyler Durden

A charismatic but nihilistic neo-Luddite and anarcho-primitivist with a strong hatred for consumer culture. "Because of his nature,"[10] Tyler works night jobs where he causes problems for the companies; he also makes soap to supplement his income and create the ingredients for his bomb making which will be put to work later with his fight club. He is the co-founder of fight club (it was his idea to have the fight that led to it). He later launches Project Mayhem, from which he and the members make various attacks on consumerism. Tyler is blond, as by the narrator's comment "in his everything-blond way". He frequently describes (and acts on) his opposition to mass society, materialism, property, capitalism, and almost all technology and social order. He even vows to annihilate civilization itself. He describes his ideal world as a neo-paleolithic paradise, in post-apocalyptic urban ruins. The unhinged but magnetic Tyler could also be considered an antihero (especially since he and the narrator are technically the same person). However, he becomes the antagonist of the novel later in the story.

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