(This is just since the beginning of THIS year)
- 15-01-12 - Ukraine keeps shelling Donbass: http://youtu.be/VpWt490xl9U?t=14s and http://youtu.be/uvHJ9EeK9aQ?t=1m3s and http://youtu.be/PIJqfj7vLCo and http://youtu.be/99WWfgjXcW0
- 15-01-13 - Ukraine shells Donbass: http://youtu.be/JCmlTCz3ZSI and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u13Uzqow_-4
- 15-01-14 - Pervomaisk residential houses shelled by Ukrainian army: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqdNcTyfqkc
Stahanov - A factory gets shelled by special armor piercing artillery.
Ukraine is purposefully targeting important infrastructure of DNR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0lhLKkHeOs
- 15-01-15 ukraine shelling civilians: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esW8QPCG-6g
- 15-01-17: Slavyanoserbsk: Ukraine shells civilians in multiple villages: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMmetE6oOko https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=515C65pO-jI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGn249wEL9c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVqV7gZvqlA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F35PlNk9n6M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nao1I1C9JU8 Ukraine shells hit bus, nobody killed, driver injured and building hit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYJ6UNn8MEg
- 15-01-18: Donetsk ukraine shells civilian buildings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMmmgATOE38 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cG2LuHZuCE and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfY_lq5F1EA Horlovka is being massively shelled: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIysFoSLsZA a school is hit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnOxzLj5dBs hospital is hit: http://youtu.be/D697xfY1kJ0 and http://youtu.be/29qVqFhuXsA?t=4s
- 15-01-19: More ukrainian shelling of Donetsk suburb
Tekstilshchik, residential buildings, 2 schools, a hospital, stores, big
market is hit. Commenter says "Thanks Ukrainian people, keep sending
money to the army. Good job Ukrainian generals, you did a good job
destroying this garage. Destroyed all our windows. We are waiting for
your freedom. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyPYAOrqAts
At 3:32 the commenter talks about trajectory, down the road is
Mar'inka, and when he looks towards in between the buildings he says
that's where Peski is. http://zn.ua/UKRAINE/v-donecke-obstrelyali-mikrorayon-tekstilschik-est-postradavshie-164439_.html http://odnarodyna.com.ua/content/mikrorayon-tekstilshchik-v-donecke-podvergsya-obstrelu-ukrainskih-karateley-foto-video Hospital after Ukrainian shelling: http://youtu.be/bNMXycgeCM0 and http://youtu.be/VeeqNOSWfeU
- 15-01-21: More shelling of Donbass - Stakhanov. "Uragan"
artillery with shrapnel rounds. The seps say that none of their units
are stationed anywhere close to this city, so this was deliberately done
to kill civilians. Residential buildings hit and also near a school in
the morning as people were going to work and school: http://youtu.be/VXoLIP1Hkt0 http://youtu.be/QH_c0FdI_yQ?t=5s
At 5:21 he shows remnants of the shrapnel rounds. At 7:00 he says he
thinks it was "Smerch" artillery. 3.5m deep by 10m wide. More: http://youtu.be/y0QdowG9Aew?t=8s Kirovsky region shelled NSFL: http://youtu.be/g27QjHq4QdE NSFL http://youtu.be/pca5DPKDEEo?t=31s NSFW NSFL
- 15-01-22: More ukrainian shelling of donbass. A bus, a trolley and a couple cars is hit, many dead: http://youtu.be/TDhkBDrRZ7k?t=34s 18+ NSFL: http://youtu.be/l0BnQKO5xA4 NSFL. More shelling: http://youtu.be/pLOVpK1UYI0?t=19s
- 15-01-26: More shelling of donetsk: http://youtu.be/KM4U2i9kcYc?t=24s Shelling of Stakhanov: http://youtu.be/bmWNDf7iATI
- 15-01-27: More shelling of Donetsk: http://youtu.be/gt0PklVRhZI
- 15-01-28: Ukraine shelling Luhansk: http://youtu.be/lZ0ZY81jW_o 'Petrovka' after shelling: http://youtu.be/FrSluCd6DrM?t=31s
Pervomaisk shelling of factory, the director says "Push ukrainians back
to the border. We are Ukrainians, why are they shooting us.": http://youtu.be/OG9c-589VF4?t=1m7s
- 15-01-29 Yasinovataya city completely destroyed by Ukrainian shelling http://youtu.be/kJJIWdbMin8?t=25s
- 15-01-30: Ukraine shells donetsk hits humanitarian aid station: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0l1tIlVT-Y Bus hit: http://youtu.be/pvv64N2rm50?t=30s http://youtu.be/3qNMdUz6mbE?t=53s Captured Ukr equipment being fixed up to be used by separatists. Guy says these artillery were used to shell Donetsk: http://youtu.be/PU05DlQLiwg?t=1m1s Jan 31 Donetsk 'Oboronnaya street' after shelling http://youtu.be/6tUaHWX18qM
- 15-02-01 Ukraine shells "Kievsky" subdivision: http://youtu.be/ElRtv0C0PEM?t=36s and "Leninskiy" http://youtu.be/zazPnoO2Ozg?t=42s
- 15-02-02: Ukrainian army shells Donetsk again, finally hits the
factory where rebels fix their vehicles and tanks. This is 50 meters
from the week ago bombing of the bus stop. That week all Ukrainian MSM
and world MSM talked about how it was the rebels who shot themselves and
their city. But now that a strategic location is hit... it's probably
the rebels again right? It couldn't be that Ukraine was trying to hit
this factory last time too... http://youtu.be/yPYCF7gyhi4?t=1m33s
- 15-02-04: More shelling of donetsk: http://youtu.be/w7FaE95Y44M?t=17s
- 15-02-05: Ukraine shells civilians in donetsk tekstilshik. Guy
shows trajectory of where the shell came from. Says from Ukraine. Shows
exploded repair vehicle, says "this is not a tank, why are you shooting
at us". http://youtu.be/9E4Tw0FAjWI?t=3m20s More shelling: http://youtu.be/Nzv9tgRUK6I?t=22s then at 4:44 granny says repair people came by in the morning to help fix everything. More shelling zhdanovskiy and Mirniy: http://youtu.be/mkIAlD-Zu9g?t=11s
- 15-02-06: More ukrainian shelling Stakhanovo: http://youtu.be/XxG-eWJorec?t=1m19s
- 15-02-08 More ukrainian shelling leninskiy - donetsk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bA_Kn2YZChw pervomaisk shelled hospital hit: http://youtu.be/SNaUUpOKRRk?t=22s http://youtu.be/0WkzYZF2ryk?t=40s
- 15-02-09: Ukraine shelling Bryanka: http://youtu.be/EmIyfBxffK0?t=23s ukraine shelling pervomaisk hits free soup kitchen in donetsk. Then another shell hits during filming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nFZvtLwFlM
- 15-02-10: Shells hit Kramatorsk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pHKi83VMxc and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOPZWwxyP6I
- 15-02-11: Ukraine shells donetsk, factory, market, and bus stop hit. NSFW http://youtu.be/ojj6Q3XJYgw?t=22s Stakhanov shelled, firefighters putting out fire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4orTKFU-lN0
- 15-02-12 * Documentary of the guy who filmed the night shelling of Luhansk.
The Ukrainian channels say that the separatists shot their own city.
And the host even jokes that "again, the Russian humanitarian aid canned
food exploded". At 2:40 he shows unseen part of video. You can see the
GRAD firing onto Luhansk. The rockets took 46 seconds to hit. He
calculates the rockets fire a little bit slower than the rocket itself.
You hear the sound 1 second before the shells flies over you. 46 seconds
x 330meters/s = 15km away. At 9:52 he calculates the distance on a map.
Figures out it was from "Makarov" village which the entire area is
under Ukrainian control. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAwTjtsL1Kc
- 15-02-13: Right after the new Minsk agreements, Ukraine right away began shelling again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CP9xY5iO7Bo http://youtu.be/gaadOhTfByY?t=15s
- 15-02-14: Ukraine shells donetsk: http://youtu.be/7S6ab_G1rAY?t=1m18s
Interesting tidbit. The shelling nearly stopped - or maybe I
just haven't seen the videos, but after DNR/LNR went on the offensive,
Ukraine stopped shelling cities. How dare these "terrorists" defend their homes from a tyrannical government?
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