Monday, January 31, 2011
BREAKING: Federal judge rules Obamacare unconstitutional
TAGS: health care lawsuit obamacare Roger Vinson unconstitutional
By: Mark Hemingway 01/31/11 12:06 PM
The full text of the decision from Federal Judge Roger Vinson is not available yet, but according to reporters who've seen the decision, he's ruled the entire Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act unconstitutional. The ruling favors of the 26 state attorney generals challenging the law. The judge ruled the individual mandate that requires all Americans to purchase health insurance invalid and, according to the decision, "because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire Act must be declared void."
Ufos Jerusalem & Salusa
Clearly there is something, but what is a matter of debate and controversy.
There has also been a UFO sighting in Jerusalem over the Dome on the Rock

It appears, hovers briefly and then takes off directly upward and is gone in an instant.
I also received this message from the Lemuria List today.

Subject: [etfirstcontact@et.
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 07:40:06 -0000
SaLuSa 31-January-2011
Changes cannot come without the movement of energies that become powerful thought forms, which when they reach a certain stage of growth energies the people for the purpose they were formed. It is as though there is a sudden coming together of minds that are thinking alike, with the impetus to manifest their desires. It is what is happening in the world now and unrest is reaching epidemic proportions, and it is the reaction of those who have not been treated in accordance with their rights. Sometimes regretfully it is not until matters reach an explosive level and results in violent demonstrations, that the authorities are forced to acknowledge the will of the people. If true democracy existed without corrupt practices, changes could peacefully take place through the ballot box. Using brutal force against the people will not solve the problems, and at best only puts off the inevitable. What you can see is the outworking of the new energies, that are shaking the foundations of anything that lacks the Light. It is to be hoped that in the Western countries a peaceful take over is allowed to take place. Also that new political appointments, are based upon the credentials of those who are energized with the desire to honestly lead the people into a new era of peace.
We have never condoned violence of any kind, and that includes the barbaric practices that are meted out as lawful punishment. Violence of any kind breeds more violence, whereas love is not in any way forceful but gently permeates all other energies and uplifts them to higher levels. It is the answer to so many problems, yet some people find it difficult to express their love. Sometimes it is because they have been shown little love during their formative years. It also comes from rejection and the fear of it happening again, yet all souls have the potential to express their godselves. As you grow in consciousness so it becomes a most natural aspect of life, and is easy to apply in your everyday activities. True love asks for nothing in return but is normally reciprocated because like attracts like, and it is how you uplift people without imposing upon their freewill. In these present times there is a wonderful thought form of great size moving around the Earth. It represents Universal Love that calls for peace and goodwill, to end the rule of the dark Ones. Its energy is so powerful that it cannot be denied for much longer.
So you see Dear Ones that when you send out your love and light, it is not wasted or ineffective but grows in intensity until it brings its desired result. In this way what you send out is returned tenfold, as it attracts more energy from beyond the Earth. Each of you that do so are helping build the new Earth that is forming all around you, even if you are not aware of it. Out of the ashes of the old one, the Phoenix is rising with all the promise of a Golden Age, and we are here to lead the way and help you achieve success. Why else would we be with you in such great numbers unless there was a goal to be achieved? We have your interests at heart and are preparing the way, so that your quantum leap out of the cycle of duality takes place with as little disruption as possible. Changes by their very nature can be uncomfortable and unsettling, but we will bring them to completion as soon as possible. It is true that events have not moved on as we would have preferred, but you shall lose nothing as a result.
It is not just the Galactic Federation that has a prime interest in you, although we will play a greater part in your lives by coming openly to you. There are legions of Angelic Beings also present, and you may be aware that they too have been showing themselves more frequently of late. The Masters also draw closer, and some of them such as St. Germain will play a prominent part in your final preparations for Ascension. Those that you have been familiar with will return to guide you to new pastures, and it will fulfill the promises made to you eons of time ago. At any time you feel doubts just remember how many Higher Beings walk alongside you, and call upon them if you need help. The most wonderful times beckon, and if you so desire you will be amongst those who are lifted up in the end time of this cycle. Live your life as one who is moving into a new level of consciousness, and let go of the old ways that do not fit in with your aspirations. Do not concern yourselves about others around you who are still bound by the pull of the lower vibrations, as they are not yet ready to give them up.
What you see on Earth of the coarseness and vulgarity comes from a lack of respect for each other, and is a state of being resulting from the gradual erosion of caring and love for all souls. However, as you desire to instead bring beauty and harmony into your lives, those lower vibrations will be shaken off. You are continually assessing your approach and attitude to what is considered normal and acceptable, and as you become more discerning so you discard those things that do not harmonies with you. The result is that your vibrations are continually rising, and the feel good factor becomes a major part of your life. You will have noticed that the mass media including television and films spend a disproportionate time highlighting crime and war, until it possible to become saturated by such energies. That is how the dark Ones draw you into their vibrations so that nothing no longer shocks you or sickens your feelings, and you become in danger of losing your sense of what is right or wrong.
For a long time teachers whether incarnate or through channeling have tried to spell out what is needed to lift you up. They have introduced you to Universal Love and the true purpose of life, and warned you of the lower energies that can creep up on you if you are unprepared. You have been helped to understand your true nature and potential to become the gods that you are. Those that have taken heed of the higher teachings, have eventually found that all knowledge is held within and have started their own journey home. Guidance is perfectly acceptable and if you have recognized your intuitive powers you will rarely go astray, but even so will probably quickly find your way back onto your path of Light.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and have an understanding of your difficulties. I say put faith in your own ability to ride out the storm knowing that all will end well, and as you have been led to expect. May you be blessed with true understanding and knowledge.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
You make up your own minds.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Canada Martial Law
« on: Today at 08:25:17 PM » | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
TheSecretStore | August 18, 2010 | 35 likes, 1 dislikes
JUSTICE FOR G20 VICTIMS John Pruyn 57 year old Ontario resident shares his G20 Toronto arrest story on the Word of Mouth Wednesday August 11th 2010, full radio show downloadable here:
Lets be clear we all support good police officers and by no means are the conduct of the unlawful acts done by a minority of G20 police officers reflective to the Police as a whole, we are just asking questions and want criminals including the public and G20 police to be held accountable for their actions . This is not Toronto Police problem, it is who gave commands to treat the public like this..remember TO SERVE AND PROTECT
Derek is a local activist who has been protesting the brutality that occurred during the G20 weekend. He speaks about the Class Action and call for a Public Inquiry getting the word out on the media and the streets. On August 15th 2010 Derek was surrounded and intimidated by police near the parking lot of the building he lives in, the incident was recorded on security cameras:
This is the G20 public works act still being enforced 6 weeks later? This was an I.D check and subsequent investigation.
This $45 million dollar lawsuit is called Good vs. the Toronto Police , Heres the City TV pulse 24 footage
A 57-year-old amputee was "brutalized" and "humiliated" by police patrolling the G20 summit when they confiscated his prosthetic leg, labeled it a "weapon" and ordered him to "hop" into a paddy wagon.
Amnesty International press release on Police misuse of powers during G20
Caring about a deaf man and a amputee isn't mainstream..lets worry about the property damage right..the police were given orders to stand down and not arrest "Black bloc" when they had the chance..16,000 G20 police couldn't apprehend 100 criminals and protect the public and property?
In a past summit in montebello Quebec, Quebec Police were caught dressing up in black disguises as anarchists and were instigating violence..the term is known as "agent provocateurs" when you have violence, it justifies how much money spent.. it aired on CBC..
Innocent Deaf man arrested and not given a sign language translator while being detained..
G20 misleading the public on expanded security ..passed the law in secret
Bliar admit no five-metre rule existed on security fence law 'I was trying to keep the criminals out,' police chief bill blair stated
**Police say they were given "do not engage" orders in response to Black Bloc: DO NOT BLAME POLICE ..we need to find out who gave these orders
The first ever mainstream media article exposing a stand-down order appeared in the Toronto Sun this morning, with Joe Warmington reporting that "there was "a clear order from the command centre saying 'Do not engage' ", referring to the covert official allowing of the "Black Bloc" to rampage through Toronto to provide the pretext for the later assault of the peaceful protesting citizens on Saturday June 26, 2010 ("Cops had hands 'cuffed - Could have moved on Black Bloc anarchists - but brass ordered them not to.
Ben Franklin quote: People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Gold And Silver
5 January 2011, by Tyler Durden (Zero Hedge)
Here's a look at silver.

As you can see, silver had its biggest advance in 2010. The average of the decade, again excluding 2001, was 27.5%. And also tossing out the '08 decline, the average gain is 34.3%. So, from the 12-31-10 closing price of $30.91, if silver matched...
* The average rise this decade, the price would hit $39.41
* The average gain excluding 2008 = $41.51
* Last year's advance = $56.22
* The 1979 gain of 267.5% = $113.59
So, $50 silver seems perfectly attainable this year. And that's without monetary conditions worsening.
Excluding 2001, the average gain is 20.4%. Tossing out the additional weak years of '04 and '08, the average advance is 24.8%.
So we can make some projections based on what it's done over the past 10 years. From the 12-31-10 closing price of $1,421.60, if gold matched…
* The average rise this decade, the price would hit $1,711.60
* The average rise excluding the three weak years = $1,774.15
* Last year's gain = $1,858.03
* The largest advance to date (2007) = $1,875.09
But what if global economic circumstances continue to deteriorate? What if worldwide price inflation kicks in? And what if government efforts at currency debasement get more abusive? If Doug Casey is right, a mania in all things gold lies ahead – what if that begins in 2011? Here's what price levels could be reached based on the following percentage gains.
* 35% = $1,919.16
* 40% = $1,990.24
* 45% = $2,061.32
* 50% = $2,132.40
* 1979's gain of 125.7% = $3,208.55
It thus seems reasonable to expect gold to surpass $1,800 this year, as well as reach a potentially higher level since the factors pushing on the price could become more pronounced.
6 January 2011, by Eric King (King World News),_Feds_Hoenig_Correct.html
How do we get there Jim?
“Well, as I've said before, there's more to a gold standard than just snapping your fingers and wishing it to be so. It will require a lot of study, a lot of planning and a lot of technical work to execute. One clear implication is that given the amount of money printing in recent years, a much higher price of gold is required to create an equilibrium between the current money supply and the amount of official gold available to support it.
Estimates of that higher price can vary over a wide range depending on what definition of "money" you use and what gold to paper ratios you require. My own analysis indicates a range of between $5,000 to $11,000 per ounce of gold; of course, some estimates are much higher.”
There is the easy way and there is the other path which could very well involve social disorder, violence and failure of the current monetary system. A gold standard is coming to the United States, and the US can do this willingly, or “kicking and screaming” as Jim Rickards has said in the past. Let’s hope we choose the easy path.
See Also:
World Bank chief surprises with gold standard idea
8 November 2010, London (Reuters)
Wish I could tell you but I think better just wait. After every gold manipulation down it goes up imediately.
So within a few weeks, or maybe even earlier we are back to ol levels.
But there's said that it's expected that silver will go higher more. Jim Rogers also says so.
So from that perspective yes. But even better is to keep the gold and buy silver next to it on the dips like now.
btw MUST LISTEN: Talked about on part2 of this podcast: January 2, 2010 – A. C. Griffith
27.5 trillion of multi-national Cold War funds diverted through Federal Reserve to Bush family, GS, JPM and others.
Here’s the court documents:
2 January 2011, by Egon von Greyerz - Gold Switzerland (CommodityOnline)$10000oz-35210-2-1.html
Long Term Interest Rates
In spite of US government debt being totally worthless, investors have bought more than ever, with virtually no return, in a world drowning in sovereign debt paper. We have for some time stated that the US bond market is one of the biggest financial bubbles ever. As we forecast back then, the market turned down (rates up) in January 2009. A 14 month correction ended in August 2010. Since then both the 10 year and 30 year US Treasury bonds have moved up one full per cent. So investors are finally waking up to the enormous risks in the financial system by selling government debt. We expect both short and long interest to surge in 2011 in many countries and to reach well into double digits in the next few years.
Precious Metals to reach unthinkable heights
Gold has gone up 40 times against the Dollar in the last 40 years and almost 6 times in the last 11 years. Very few investors have participated in this rise since the 1999 low at $ 250. Less than 1% of world financial assets are invested in gold and gold stocks. Between 1920 and 1980 circa 25% of financial assets were invested in gold and gold stocks.
The major rise in gold in the last 11 years has been a stealth move with very few investors participating. The dilemma is that there is not enough gold to satisfy the coming increase in demand. We have in previous articles forecasted the gold price to reach anywhere between $ 6,000 and $ 10,000 in the next few years – see “Gold entering a virtuous circle”. As we explained at the time, these are totally realistic targets without the effect of hyperinflation.
Bearing in mind that we are likely to see hyperinflation in the US, the UK and many European countries, the $6-10,000 target for gold is much too low. The dilemma is that it is absolutely impossible to predict how much money will be printed by governments. In the Weimar republic gold reached DM 100 trillion. But it is really irrelevant what level gold and other precious metals will reach in hyperinflationary money.
What is much more important to understand is that physical gold (and silver) will protect investors against losing virtually 100% of the purchasing power of their money. Whatever real capital appreciation gold will have in the next few years is of less importance. But what is vital, is that physical gold (stored outside the banking system) is the ultimate form of wealth protection both against a deflationary collapse and a hyperinflationary destruction of paper money.
Throughout history gold has protected investors against various calamities but this time, holding physical gold will be absolutely critical to financial survival.
Rabbit coin in high demand in Singapore
3 January 2010, (The Voice of Russia)

A gold coin with the image of the symbol of the year 2011 – the Rabbit – on it has been minted in Singapore.
The Rabbit is portrayed in the traditional Chinese style accompanied by the name of the year – Jinmao - under the 60-year calendar cycle.
Even though the value of the coin is 200 Singaporean dollars, buyers pay 12.6 thousand Singaporean dollars, or about 10 thousand USD, for it, “China Daily” reports.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Bayer GMO Rice
By RP Siegel | December 27th, 2010
The German chemical giant Bayer, most widely known for curing headaches, seems to be causing a few lately with their insistence on pushing their controversial genetically modified rice on farmers around the world.
They have a new strain, LL62 that has been approved for commercial use, but only in the US (other strains have been approved in China). This is one area, along with debt and defense spending in which the US leads the world, presumably not because we’re eager to show the world how willing we are to cover vast tracts of farmland with these highly experimental, and biologically unstable new manmade organisms now, a near totally irreversible process, and then find out if they are safe later, but rather because the US is where most former executives of biotech companies now reside on government panels charged with approving such crops. But as we will see in a minute, this trend is starting to move into other countries. It appears that perhaps in this time of high trade deficits, we have found a new, highly profitable export: corruption.
LL62, (Liberty Linked) is a strain of rice that is professed to be resistant to the pesticide glufosinate, which is also made by Bayer. (No big surprise there). The company claims that this type of rice will achieve 10% higher yields than ordinary rice, presumably because of reduced insect damage. Unfortunately, Glufosinate residue has been shown to remain on rice and into the hands and stomachs of consumers–which means that LL62 is making it easier for the planet’s population to be exposed to the pesticide which is classified as toxic for reproduction and liable to cause birth defects. It is expected to be on the market by 2020.
This is Bayer’s second attempt at introducing Liberty Linked rice.
Back in 2006, the company conducted field trials of the rice,
which somehow found its way into the American food supply
despite the fact that it had not been approved for human consumption.
This created havoc in the rice market and reportedly cost the industry $1.2 billion. Bayer is still settling claims with individual farmers in compensation for losses they suffered. You can think of it as a rice spill, somewhat akin to what happened in the Gulf of Mexico earlier this year. But apparently it wasn’t enough to dissuade the company from pursuing this dangerous practice any more than the oil industry has been dissuaded from deep sea drilling. Alas, the allure of profit is a powerful one.
Indeed there are 3.4 billion people around the world who eat rice at least once a day. So the idea of increasing yields by ten percent seems like a noble one. Unfortunately this kind of tampering with the gene pool is risky and ill-conceived. Experts, such as Wes Jackson suggest that we would fare far better following nature’s model.
Earlier this year, the company had put a full court press on in Brazil, hoping to get approval for the rice. The company had already established a beach head for GMO crops there, thanks in large part to the fact that the CTNBio (National Technical Commission on Biosecurity) is comprised largely of individuals with close ties to the biotech industry, including: BASF, Bayer, Cargill, Dow, Dupont, Monsanto, Pioneer, Syngenta, and others.
But the effort was beaten back this time, not only because of protests from environmental and consumer groups, but also because of objections from with the agricultural sector after scientists pointed out that the new rice could interbreed with red rice, an invasive weed species which could then result in a chemical resistant variety which would be catastrophic to Brazil’s rice crop which last year reached 11.3 million tons.
Yet despite these manifold concerns, and the fact that technical analyses in the processes of licensing GMOs have lacked scientific rigor and have not followed the principles of caution as outlined in the Protocol of Cartagena regarding Biosecurity, the CTNBio has gone on record saying that, “Brazil cannot let go of transgenic technology” as it is “essential for sustainability and keeps agribusiness and small family farms competitive, and brings in numerous social and economic benefits to the country.”
Bayer was in the news earlier this month when word came out that despite the fact that another one of their pesticides, clothianidin, has been devastating to honey bees; the EPA continues to refuse to regulate it.
(Oh yes, Bayer has been in the news a lot throughout their history... a 100% eugenicist corporation with a rich history of mass murders:
Foundation of IG Farben: Zyklon B)
The stage continues to be elaborately set. These companies continue to infiltrate agencies at every level of government, either through direct recruiting or paid influence and the highly misinformed American public goes blithely along while the bureaucrats responsible for protecting their health and safety continue to rubber stamp anything the companies think they can make money on, whether they are safe or not.
I’m not sure that the answer is smaller government, as the last election tries to suggest. But I think a government that did what it was supposed to do would be a good place to start.
RP Siegel is co-author of the eco-thriller Vapor Trails.
Like airplanes, we all leave behind a vapor trail. And though we can easily see others’, we rarely see our own.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
The Chinese Card
2 January 2011, by Malcolm Moore (The Telegraph)
China could be hit by inflation of 7% to 8% over the next two months, panicking Beijing's policy-makers into dramatically raising interest rates, economists have warned.
The prospect of at least four further interest rate rises in the world's second-largest economy is likely to alarm global markets, which tumbled in shock at China's decision to raise rates on Christmas Day.
However, inflation has become the central concern for the Communist Party, which is struggling to contain growing outrage in the People's Republic over rising prices.
"If you look at the sequential growth over the last two months, inflation is rising at double digits. In the very worst-case scenario, if Beijing does not take action, we could see double-digit inflation this year," said Yu Song, chief China economist at Goldman Sachs.
At stake is the future of the global economy, according to Andy Xie, the former China economist at Morgan Stanley. Writing in Caixin, a Chinese magazine, he said that the two most likely candidates to trigger the next financial crisis are either the US's sovereign debt or China's inflation.
"You can describe the global economy as a race between the US and China to see who goes down first," he wrote. "If China manages its inflation, the US will cause the next crisis. But if China suffers a hard landing, the US trade deficit might even halve because of lower import prices. That would boost the dollar's value. The US would have lower financing costs for its debt and could enjoy a period of good growth."
In food markets around Shanghai, the price of meat and vegetables has risen by at least 50% in the past year, sparking anger among poorer shoppers who spend up to half of their income on food.
In some parts of China, the price of basic foods has doubled and shoppers in the southern city of Shenzhen have even taken to skipping across the border to Hong Kong to buy their daily groceries. On the Chinese internet, the Chinese character "Zhang", which means "inflate", has been picked as the word of the year.
Al Gore Lies
CO2 lags an average of about 800 years behind the temperature changes
Comparison of Atmospheric Temperature with CO2 Over The Last 400,000 Years
Yep, after 800 years !!!! CO2 lags an average of about 800 years behind the temperature changes
Hitting Debt Ceiling
2 January 2011, by Sam Stein (The Huffington Post)
NEW HAVEN -- There are, it seems, only two major issues that have a set time frame for political brinkmanship between the White House and Congressional Republicans. The Bush tax cuts will make for an interesting election-year dynamic when they expire in two years. Well before that, however, the president will have to persuade GOP leadership to ignore Tea Party insistence and allow for the country's debt ceiling to be raised.
That issue is set to come to a head this spring. So far the administration has been (or perhaps just expressed a sense of being) self-assured that the ceiling will be raised, but on Sunday its rhetoric was noticeably sharper.
Appearing on ABC's "This Week," Austan Goolsbee, the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, laid out the fairly alarming implications of the United States defaulting on its obligations while asking the question: What type of insanity would persuade us to do this?
It’s no insanity, it’s a orchestrated controlled demolition to bring in the New World Order after the crash. PROBLEM-ACTION-SOLUTION.
- That’s why the elite is forcing oil between $150 – $200.
- That’s why they’re spending more and QE3 or a extending of QE2 will follow.
- WO III 2020 or earlier!
Zorg Explains Order out of Chaos – Problem Action Solution
Novus Ordo Seclorum explained
HAARP Kills Birds
« Reply #3 on: Today at 06:55:40 AM » | ![]() |

Check this video out
Update: Thousands of birds fall from the sky in Beebe
Ashley Blackstone Katherina- Marie Yancy 8 hrs ago
Just before folks in Beebe rang in the New Year, many witnessed an uncanny resemblance to the Hitchcock movie "The Birds." About 2,000 black birds fell from the sky off Windwood Drive, leaving quite the mess to clean up.
Folks Today's THV spoke with initially thought the birds were poisoned because they are what they call a nuisance around this time every year, but they are surprised to hear it is more of a mystery.
Stephen Bryant recalls, "Millions, millions fly over every night. You look up at the sky and it's just black and then last night at about 10:30 I came out here and saw a bird drop."
In a matter of hours on New Years Eve thousands of birds fell from the sky to their death.
Melissa Weatherly says, "I immediately called mom because I had to go to work, I said you have to come get the kids and get the dog because I don't know what's going on." She continues, "It was horrible; you could not even get down the road without running over hundreds. It was that bad."
The mystery is unraveling like scenes from a movie, dozens of U.S. Environmental Services crews spent the day picking up the birds, walking between homes and climbing on roofs with protective hazmat suits and breathing masks,.
Charles Boldrey stands outside watching the crews, "Nobody knows, I asked these guys who are out here picking them up and they don't seem to know anything. Nobody seems to know anything. It just kind of freaked everybody out."
Officials with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission flew over the area and determined it's a one mile stretch. There are a variety of dead black birds, mostly red winged and a duck was also found.
No one has been evacuated because the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) air test came back clean for toxins.
Weatherly is skeptical, "They're walking around in masks and I'm wondering do we need the same thing because what makes that happen for them to drop out of the sky like that."
Katherina Yancy with Today's THV found one bird still living. It was confused, injured, continuously walked in circles and didn't make a sound or attempt to fly.
Officials will confirm their findings when they get the test results, until then they are giving these possible scenarios: lightning, stress, high altitude hail or startled by fireworks, but neighbors just want answers.
Bryant says, "Something out of a movie and Hazmat people are walking around not telling us anything."
Boldrey adds, "I'd like to know. Kind of spooky, you never know what's going to happen."
The birds should be cleaned up by Sunday. Game and Fish Commission's Karen Rowe says poisoning doesn't appear to be the case and strange events similar to this have occurred across the globe a number of times.
The City of Beebe held an emergency city council meeting Saturday morning to approve paying the U.S. Environmental Services to clean the neighborhood.
Sixty-five dead birds have been sent to off for testing.
Arkansas Game and Fish Press Release:
BEEBE, Ark.-- Friday night, ringing in the New Year took on a whole different meaning for the citizens of Beebe. Around 11:30 p.m., enforcement officers with Arkansas Game and Fish Commission began getting reports of dead black birds falling from the sky in the city limits of Beebe.
Officers estimated that over 1,000 birds had fallen out of the sky over the city before midnight. Most of the birds were dead, but some were still alive when officers arrived. The blackbirds fell over a one-mile area in the city. AGFC wildlife officer Robby King responded to the reports and found hundreds of birds. "Shortly after I arrived there were still birds falling from the sky," King said. King collected about 65 dead birds that will be sent to the Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission lab and the National Wildlife Health Center lab in Madison, Wis.
The AGFC has flown over the area to gauge the scope of the event. There were no other birds found outside of the initial area.
AGFC ornithologist Karen Rowe said that strange events similar to this one have occurred a number of times across the globe. "Test results usually were inconclusive, but the birds showed physical trauma and that the flock could have been hit by lightning or high-altitude hail," Rowe said.
Another scenario may have been that New Year's Eve revelers shooting off fireworks in the area may have startled the birds from their roost. The birds may have died from stress.
Rowe said that it didn't appear as though the birds died of any poisoning or other event. "Since it only involved a flock of blackbirds and only involved them falling out of the sky it is unlikely they were poisoned, but a necropsy is the only way to determine if the birds died from trauma or toxin," she said. Testing will begin on Monday.
The City of Beebe has hired U.S. Environmental Services to begin the cleanup and dispose of the dead birds. The environmental firm will go door-to-door to pick up the birds that are still in yards and on roof tops.
Thousands of birds fall from sky
By Amanda O'Brien
January 10, 2007 01:00am
Article from: The Australian
THOUSANDS of birds have fallen from the skies over Esperance and no one knows why.
Is it an illness, toxins or a natural phenomenon? A string of autopsies in Perth have shed no light on the mystery.
All the residents of flood-devastated Esperance know is that their "dawn chorus" of singing birds is missing.
The main casualties are wattle birds, yellow-throated miners, new holland honeyeaters and singing honeyeaters, although some dead crows, hawks and pigeons have also been found.
Wildlife officers are baffled by the "catastrophic" event, which the Department of Environment and Conservation said began well before last week's freak storm.
On Monday, Esperance, 725km southeast of Perth, was declared a natural disaster zone.
District nature conservation co-ordinator Mike Fitzgerald said the first reports of birds dropping dead in people's yards came in three weeks ago. More than 500 deaths had since been notified. But the calls stopped suddenly last week, reportedly because no birds were left.
"It's very substantial. We estimate several thousand birds are dead, although we don't have a clear number because of the large areas of bushland," Mr Fitzgerald said.
Birds Australia, the nation's main bird conservation group, said it had not heard of a similar occurrence. "Not on that scale, and all at the same time, and also the fact that it's several different species," chief executive Graeme Hamilton said. "You'd have to call that a most unusual event and one that we'd all have to be concerned about."
He expected birds would return to the area once the problem - natural or man-made phenomenon - was fixed but said it was vital the cause was identified.
The Department of Agriculture and Food, which conducted the autopsies, has almost ruled out an infectious process.
Acting chief veterinary officer Fiona Sunderman said toxins were the most likely cause but the deaths could be due to anything from toxic algae to chemicals and pesticides.
Dr Sunderman said there were no leads yet on which of potentially hundreds of toxins might be responsible. Some birds were seen convulsing as they died.
Michelle Crisp was one of the first to contact the DEC after finding dozens of dead birds on her property one morning.
She told The Australian she normally had hundreds of birds in her yard, but that she and a neighbour counted 80 dead birds in one day.
"It went to the point where we had nothing, not a bird," she said.
"It was like a moonscape, just horrible. But the frightening thing for us, we didn't find any more birds after that. We literally didn't have any birds left to die."
(AFP) – 1 hour ago
WASHINGTON — Like an Alfred Hitchcock nightmare, a flock of more than 1,000 blackbirds rained on the small town of Beebe, Arkansas, baffling wildlife officials who said Sunday the birds would be tested.
The blackbirds began dropping from the sky on New Year's Eve, officials said, alarming residents as they mysteriously piled up on homes and gardens, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission said in a Facebook posting.
Game authorities said they had no immediate answer as to why the birds fell from the sky, and that they would be tested on Monday.
Some scientists said they could have been hit by high-altitude hail, or startled by fireworks, the Arkansas Times reported.
Arkansas game officials probe mystery of falling birds
By the CNN Wire Staff

January 2, 2011 9:33 a.m. EST
Just before folks in Beebe rang in the New Year, many witnessed an uncanny resemblance to the Hitchcock movie "The Birds." About 2,000 black birds fell from the sky off Windwood Drive, leaving quite the mess to clean up.
Folks Today's THV spoke with initially thought the birds were poisoned because they are what they call a nuisance around this time every year, but they are surprised to hear it is more of a mystery.
Stephen Bryant recalls, "Millions, millions fly over every night. You look up at the sky and it's just black and then last night at about 10:30 I came out here and saw a bird drop."
In a matter of hours on New Years Eve thousands of birds fell from the sky to their death.
Melissa Weatherly says, "I immediately called mom because I had to go to work, I said you have to come get the kids and get the dog because I don't know what's going on." She continues, "It was horrible; you could not even get down the road without running over hundreds. It was that bad."
The mystery is unraveling like scenes from a movie, dozens of U.S. Environmental Services crews spent the day picking up the birds, walking between homes and climbing on people roofs with protective hazmat suits and breathing masks,.
Charles Boldrey stands outside watching the crews, "Nobody knows, I asked these guys who are out here picking them up and they don't seem to know anything, nobody seems to know anything. It just kind of freaked everybody out."
Officials with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission flew over the area and determined it's a one mile stretch. There are a variety of dead black birds, mostly red winged and a duck was also found.
No one has been evacuated because the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) air test came back clean for toxins.
Weatherly is skeptical, "They're walking around in mask and I'm wondering do we need the same thing because what makes that happen for them to drop out of the sky like that." complete article
Very interesting...
Huge fishkill at Guy, Arkansa as well: 35°19′29″N 92°20′6″W / 35.32472°N 92.335°W / 35.32472; -92.335
Beebe 35°4′17″N 91°53′31″W / 35.07139°N 91.89194°W / 35.07139; -91.89194 (35.071378, -91.892073).
Fake Swine Flu
Rare interview of Dr Archie Kalokerinos MBBS PhD FAPM
In an Interview---- International Vaccine Newsletter June 1995 he confirms vaccines are being used for murder and genocide here:
In 1976 I was working in the far north of Australia amongst Aborigines. I observed, in one community of only a few hundred people, when they were given the flu vaccine (probably the Victorian strain but this detail does not really matter because nobody outside a few selected individuals really knows what is in any particular batch), six men died suddenly soon afterwards. They were not all 'old. One was in his early twenties. A few weeks later, in another community I found that individuals with heart or potential heart problems or diabetes were particularly likely to drop dead soon after being given the vaccine.
Obviously, there was a problem with some batches of the flu vaccine.
A few months later I was in America. President Ford had been told by his health advisers that there was going to be a huge epidemic of swine flu, that this could kill may thousands and the only way to prevent this catastrophe was to vaccinate the entire population of America every man woman and child - with a specific vaccine.
So the vaccine was manufactured and the biggest vaccination campaign in history was begun. I was concerned because the vaccine could not be properly tested in a short period. None of the recipients would know anything about what they were being injected with and the chances were that many would die suddenly. Furthermore, it was extremely unlikely that an epidemic of swine flu would occur. So I spoke out. At first the newspapers got hold of what I said and headlined, Australian Physician Call It Mass Murder. Then I appeared on Kathy Crosbys television program.
Watching that was a man in New York who did not like a gentleman named Gambino the Mafia boss. Gambino was about 70 years old and had a history of heart problems. It was a simple matter to get someone to persuade Gambino to have the flu shot and Gambino obliged by dropping dead. The newspapers got it right when they stated, Mafia Flu Jab Conspiracy.
People were dropping dead in the buildings where they received their shots. Others became paralyzed. The whole program ground to a halt.
President Ford decided to settle the matter quickly. In front of the whole world, on television, he rolled up his sleeve and had his shot. I claimed at the time that he was given a dud shot and I am certain that this was actually done. Then President Ford invited all the news media men and women who were milling around to line up and have their shots. Only one man volunteered and he happened to be the White House press secretary. All the others refused the invitation.
There was not a single case of swine flu. There never was going to be an epidemic of swine flu. How was it that the worlds most powerful man with the world's greatest department of health got it all so wrong? No one really knows the answer but what ever it is it is certainly not clean and tidy.
Furthermore, as far as I know I was the only practicing doctor who spoke out against it and warned about almost certain consequences. How was it that a doctor with only basic qualifications and not even the possessor of American citizenship stood out alone? There was at least one researcher, Anthony Morris, who did try to speak out but he was at the time censored and censored very hard.
This, therefore, is a classical example of how only one man got it right and everyone else got it wrong. This is an important consideration because, when the subject of vaccines is discussed the fact that the vast bulk of the medical establishment states that something is so it is not, in reality, necessarily so. If the establishment can get something so vast and important as the swine fiu vaccine campaign so wrong then it is logical to reason that they could also get a lot of other things wrong. At least it gives reasons to doubt what the establishment claims to be fact. If doctors and members of the general public considered this fewer errors would be made and fewer individuals would suffer unnecessarily.
More info here:
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Gulf Is Dying
The Gulf of Mexico is Dying
A Special Report on the BP Gulf Oil Spill
By Dr. Tom Termotto
It is with deep regret that we publish this report. We do not take this responsibility lightly, as the consequences of the following observations are of such great import and have such far-reaching ramifications for the entire planet. Truly, the fate of the oceans of the world hangs in the balance, as does the future of humankind.
The Gulf of Mexico (GOM) does not exist in isolation and is, in fact, connected to the Seven Seas. Hence, we publish these findings in order that the world community will come together to further contemplate this dire and demanding predicament. We also do so with the hope that an appropriate global response will be formulated, and acted upon, for the sake of future generations. It is the most basic responsibility for every civilization to leave their world in a better condition than that which they inherited from their forbears.
After conducting the Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference for over seven months, we can now disseminate the following information with the authority and confidence of those who have thoroughly investigated a crime scene. There are many research articles, investigative reports and penetrating exposes archived at the following website. Particularly those posted from August through November provide a unique body of evidence, many with compelling photo-documentaries, which portray the true state of affairs at the Macondo Prospect in the GOM.
The pictorial evidence tells the whole story.
Especially that the BP narrative is nothing but a corporate-created illusion – a web of fabrication spun in collaboration with the US Federal Government and Mainstream Media. Big Oil, as well as the Military-Industrial Complex, have aided and abetted this whole scheme and info blackout because the very future of the Oil & Gas Industry is at stake, as is the future of the US Empire which sprawls around the world and requires vast amounts of hydrocarbon fuel.
Should the truth seep out and into the mass consciousness – that the GOM is slowly but surely filling up with oil and gas – certainly many would rightly question the integrity, and sanity, of the whole venture, as well as the entire industry itself. And then perhaps the process would begin of transitioning the planet away from the hydrocarbon fuel paradigm altogether.
It’s not a pretty picture.
The various pictures, photos and diagrams that fill the many articles at the aforementioned website represent photo-evidence about the true state of affairs on the seafloor surrounding the Macondo Prospect in the Mississippi Canyon, which is located in the Central Planning Area of the northern Gulf of Mexico. The very dynamics of the dramatic changes and continuous evolution of the seafloor have been captured in ways that very few have ever seen. These snapshots have given us a window of understanding into the true state of the underlying geological formations around the various wells drilled in the Macondo Prospect.
Although our many deductions may be difficult for the layperson to apprehend at first, to the trained eye these are but obvious conclusions which are simply the result of cause and effect. In other words there is no dispute around the most serious geological changes which have occurred, and continue to occur, in the region around the Macondo wells. The original predicament (an 87 day gushing well) was extremely serious, as grasped by the entire world, and the existing situation is only going to get progressively worse.
So, just what does this current picture look like. Please click on the link below to view the relevant diagrams and read the commentary:
As the diagrams clearly indicate, the geology around the well bore has been blown. This occurred because of drilling contiguous to a salt dome(1), as well as because of the gas explosions which did much damage to the integrity of the well casing, cementing, well bore, well head, and foundation around the well head. Eighty-seven straight days of gushing hydrocarbon effluent under great pressure only served to further undermine the entire well system. Finally, when it was capped, putting the system back under pressure forced the upsurging hydrocarbons to find weaknesses throughout the greater system, which revealed all sorts of compromised, fractured and unsettled geology through which the hydrocarbons could travel all the way to the seafloor and into the GOM.
(1)“The rock beds in the vicinity of a salt dome are highly fractured and permeable due to stress and deformation which occur as the salt dome thrusted upwards.” (Per BK Lim, Geohazards Specialist)
We also have faults* to deal with in this scenario of which there are both deep and shallow. Depending on the current vital stats of the blown out well, especially its actual depth; the number, location and severity of the breaches throughout the well system; the pressure at the wellhead; as well as the type and status of geological formations/strata it has been drilled into, these faults will become prominently configured into the future stability of the whole region. Larger faults can open up much greater opportunities for the hydrocarbons to find their way to the seafloor via cracks and crevices, craters and chasms. In fact the numerous leaks and seeps throughout the seafloor surface, which are quite apparent from various ROV live-feeds, give testimony to sub-seafloor geological formations in great turmoil and undergoing unprecedented flux.
*“Once the oil gets into the shallow faulted zones, we have an uncontrollable situation. The place where most of the oil and gas is coming out is at the foot hills of the continental shelf as shown in figure 134-1 in the article “BP continues to dazzle us with their unlimited magic”. The discovery by WHOI of the 22 mile long river of oil originated from these leaks. So the leaks will be mainly along the faults where I have marked (shallow) in “What is going on at West Sirius” and deep strike-slip faults (red line) on fig 134-1.” (Per BK Lim, Geohazards Specialist)
Just how bad is this situation? There are actually three different ongoing disasters – each more grave and challenging than the previous one – which must be considered when assessing the awesome destruction to the GOM by the Oil & Gas Industry.
I. A single gushing well at 7o – 100,000 barrels per day of hydrocarbon effluent for 87 days into the GOM at the Macondo Prospect along with two smaller rogue wells
II. Numerous leaks and seeps within five to ten square miles of the Macondo well with an aggregate outflow of an unknown amount of hydrocarbon effluent per day into the GOM
III. Countless small gushers and mini-spills, leaks and seeps, throughout the Gulf of Mexico, where oil drilling has been conducted for many decades, with an aggregate outflow into the GOM that can not even be estimated, but is well in excess of any guesstimate which would ensure its slow and steady demise (not too unlike the petrochemical cesspool known as the Caspian Sea).
It is the last scenario which we all face and to which there is no easy or obvious solution. The truth be told, there currently does not exist the technology or machinery or equipment to repair the damage that has been wrought by the process of deep undersea drilling, especially when it is performed in the wrong place. Therefore, wherever the oil and gas find points of entry into the GOM through the seafloor, these leaks and seeps will only continue to get worse. Here’s why:
Methane gas mixed with saltwater and mud makes for a very potent corrosive agent. Under high pressure it will find every point of egress through the rock and sediment formations all the way up to the seafloor where it will find any point of exit that is available. The longer and more forcefully that it flows throughout the fractured area, which is dependent on the volume, temperature and pressure at the source of the hydrocarbons, the more its corrosive effects will widen, broaden and enlarge the channels, cracks and crevices throughout the sub-seafloor geology, thereby creating a predicament that no science, technology or equipment can remedy.
Dire realities of the methane hydrate predicament
The Macondo Prospect in the GOM is just one of many throughout the oceans of the world where the seafloor has beds of methane hydrate locked in place by very high pressure and low temperatures. Likewise, there are myriad repositories and large “reservoirs” of methane clathrates in the sub-seafloor strata, and especially within the more superficial geological formations, which are being greatly impacted by all oil and gas drilling and extraction activities. It does not take much imagination to understand how the upsurging hydrocarbons (very hot oil and gas) are quickly converting the frozen hydrates to gas, thereby causing innumerable “micro-displacements”, the cumulative effect of which will translate to larger “macro-displacements” of rock, sediment and other geological formations.
When you factor in this constant vaporization of methane hydrates/clathrates both sub-seafloor as well as those scattered around the seafloor surface to the existing scenario, this devolving situation becomes that much more difficult to effectively remedy. With the resulting shifts and resettling and reconfiguration of the entire seafloor terrain and underlying strata occurring in the wake of these dynamics, we are left with a situation that is not going to get better through the use of even more invasive technology and intrusive machinery.
Question: How many times can you grout a seafloor crack that was caused by an underlying superficial fault after drilling into an old mud volcano?
Answer: “In the attempt to seal the oil from oozing through the faults, BP resorted to high pressure grouting. Basically it is like cementing the cracks in the rock by injecting grout (cement mixture) at high pressure. The way they do this is by drilling an injection hole into the shallow rocks and pumping in the grout. The grout in “slurry” state will permeate into the cracks, cure and seal up the cracks. However it is not working because of the presence of gas and oil. It is like super-glue. You need to clean the surfaces before you apply the glue; otherwise it won’t stick and will come off eventually after a few days or weeks. That is why we can see a few blown out craters – shown in my article – Is the last rite for the Macondo Well for real?” (Per BK Lim, Geohazards Specialist)
Likewise, how do you fill a newly emerging gash in the seafloor which is caused by a deep fault due to low level seismic activity, or worse, a full blown earthquake?!
Seismic activity in the GOM and the uptick in earthquakes in the Mississippi River Basin and surrounding region
The oil and gas platforms that were in operation throughout the northern Gulf of Mexico in 2006 (per Wikipedia).
We now come to the most serious issue regarding the relentless drilling for oil and gas throughout the Gulf of Mexico. The map above clearly illustrates the density of drilling throughout the northern GOM as of 2006. Likewise, the map below demonstrates the extraordinary and increasing intensity of these very same operations off the coast of Louisiana alone.
Green lines represent active pipes (25,000 miles in all). Yellow dots represent oil rigs.
The map that follows, however, tells a story which demands the attention of every resident of the GOM coastline. The video link below the map shows the development timeline of the successively deeper wells being drilled during the last decade. Of course, with greater depths come much greater risks, as the technology and machinery have not been proportionately upgraded to accommodate the extraordinary demands and unforeseen contingencies of such a speculative and dangerous enterprise*.
*Oil and gas drilling in seawater depths of over 4000 feet, and through 15,000 to 25,000 feet of the earth’s crust and mantle, is considered extremely dangerous to those from whom reason and common sense have not yet fled.
It’s critical to understand the location and current activity of the various faults which exist throughout the GOM and how they connect to the New Madrid Fault Line, as well as other major faults at much greater distance. There does appear to be a emerging uptick in earthquake activity in the greater Louisiana area, as well as contiguous regions in the GOM as demonstrated by unprecedented, albeit low level earthquakes. Correlations between these earthquakes/seismic activity and major operations at the Macondo Prospect have been alluded to in our previous postings.
Earthquake Activity in Gulf of Mexico Prompts 2003 Study for MMS
Gulf of Mexico Subsea Structures May Be in Seismic Danger Zone – Part 2
Now then, the question remains just how vulnerable has the GOM been made to a truly catastrophic event, ending up with an overwhelming displacement of water producing tidal waves, in the aftermath of an undersea earthquake.
There is no question that the ceaseless fracturing of the seafloor and fissuring of the sub-seafloor geological strata by the Oil & Gas Industry has set up a quite conducive environment for HUGE unintended consequences. We leave it up to the experts to conduct the necessary risk assessments, which will most assuredly let loose a sea of red flags about what Big Oil has done, and is currently doing, in (and to) the Gulf of Mexico.
Furthermore, we are deeply concerned that, if a permanent moratorium on all new oil and gas drilling and extraction in the GOM is not put into place poste haste, the coastal communities will remain in a very precarious situation. The most immediate concern relates to the combination of ill-advised drilling activity (conducted in spite of geohazards assessment/recommendations) with unpredictable seismic events, which could trigger undersea landslides at the shelf edge.
Worsening GOM predicament is reflective of the status quo around the globe
Now consider the following scenario: that this very same predicament, which we have all witnessed in the Gulf of Mexico, is happening wherever oil and gas drilling is conducted in the various water bodies throughout the planet. Therefore we can multiply the Macondo Prospect disaster a hundred times and still not come close to the impacts that these ongoing gushers and spills, leaks and seeps are having the world over.
Perhaps the BP Gulf Oil Spill was the defining moment in modern history when all the nations of the world community were called by Mother Earth herself to begin transitioning the planet away from the Hydrocarbon Fuel Paradigm. After all, we may never get another chance!
Tom Termotto, National Coordinator
Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference
SKYPE: Gulf_Advocate
Author’s Note: This short reality check was made possible by BK Lim, Geohazards Specialist, whose research and analysis of the BP Gulf Oil Spill have proved invaluable to ferreting out the truth of this unprecedented environmental devastation. BK provided figures 137-06, 136-3, 1h and 137-01 including the commentary, which only an experienced and highly skilled geohazards expert could furnish with authority. He is also responsible for many of the articles/essays referred to and linked to in this post.
There are two very significant topics, which have been not been discussed in this report, that beg for acknowledgement and further attention in light of the title:
The Gulf of Mexico is Dying
Both of these problems are highly consequential and therefore merit separate papers in order to give them the treatment they deserve, if we are to understand why the GOM is slowly dying. Until those papers are completed, we offer the following short summaries:
#1 The wanton and indiscriminate use of the dispersant, Corexit, turned an extremely serious regional disaster into an unmitigated global catastrophe.
How so? The dispersants Corexit 9500 and 9527 both served to interact with the oil in such a way that much of it sank to the bottom. It also caused much dispersed oil to be held in suspension within the water column, as well as carried with the currents to and fro in amounts which can only be guessed. There is an emerging consensus that, because of the overwhelming volume of Corexit which was dispensed throughout the GOM, the Loop Current, which has historically guaranteed the flow of the warm Gulf waters into the Gulf Stream Current, has been fundamentally altered.
The most obvious consequence was to profoundly slow down the turnover of water into and out of the GOM. By curtailing this natural, rejuvenative process, the Gulf has become a more stagnant body of water, with significantly less opportunity to cleanse itself. Even the normal hurricane pattern in the GOM slackened precipitously this past hurricane season, thereby diminishing much churning and mechanical action which can be helpful to the natural breakdown of petroleum and its many byproducts.
Of course, the real unknown here is how dramatic and lasting the effects a stalled Loop Current will have on the Gulf Stream’s influence on the weather of Great Britain, Continental Europe and the contiguous land masses. By many accounts the recent meteorological developments, especially in Northern Europe, are being viewed with great apprehension about what the future weather patterns will bring? Many are concerned that a tipping point has already arrived and that this sea change will irrevocably transform a way of life.
What else do we know about Corexit from an environmental health perspective?
How many times have we all heard that dispersed oil is at least four times more toxic than oil alone? Here are the test results from the EPA study, as well as the EPA link:
(1) 10.72 parts per million (ppm) of oil alone will kill 50% of the fish test species in a normal aquatic environment within 96 hours.
(2) 25.20 parts per million of dispersant (Corexit 9500) alone will kill 50% of the fish test species in a normal aquatic environment within 96 hours.
(3) 2.61 parts per million of dispersed oil (Corexit-laden) alone will kill 50% of the fish test species in a normal aquatic environment within 96 hours.
“Crude oil has proven toxicity at 1 part per million, with constituents like benzene exhibiting genotoxicity in the parts per billion range. The dispersants have made the oil “disappear,” according to the mainstream media, and yet we have marine toxicology documents PROVING that the dispersants PREVENT the natural break…down of some constituents of the oil, e.g. the lesser soluble hydrocarbons such as naphthalene.” (Per Gulf Oil Spill Truth)
Not only is the dispersed oil much more toxic, it is now virtually impossible to remediate in its current micronized or nano-sized state. Disappeared they did to the oil, and so did they to the various technologies and methodologies which would have been effective in cleaning up oil alone. Now we are left with a predicament that requires a form of mitigation which must be conceived, before it can be tried and tested.
In the meantime the entire GOM food chain (including those who continue to eat the seafood) is concentrating these newly formed toxic byproducts in their tissues, the effects of which will gradually wend their way through the bodies of each and every organism that is exposed to them. Just how poisonous to life dispersed oil is we may not know for years, nor does any government-funded research institution seem to be in a hurry to find out!
Both Corexit 9500 and 9527 were sprayed liberally for many months both on the GOM surface, as well as undersea. The officially reported amount is shown below; the covert spraying continues to this very day in volumes which can only be determined by reviewing the disbursement records at Nalco Holding Company. The photo above (Fig. 137-06) , in addition to much anecdotal evidence, unequivocally demonstrates continued dispersant use up to this very day, which therefore indicates a much higher volume used throughout the GOM.
Surface dispersant used: 1, 072,514 gallons
Subsea dispersant used: 771,272 gallons
Total dispersant used: 1,843,786 gallons
Consider what Wikipedia has to say about 9527: “Corexit 9527, considered by the EPA to be an acute health hazard, is stated by its manufacturer to be potentially harmful to red blood cells, the kidneys and the liver, and may irritate eyes and skin.[14][24] The chemical 2-butoxyethanol, found in Corexit 9527, was identified as having caused lasting health problems in workers involved in the cleanup of the Exxon Valdez oil spill.[25] According to the Alaska Community Action on Toxics, the use of Corexit during the Exxon Valdez oil spill caused people “respiratory, nervous system, liver, kidney and blood disorders”.[16] Like 9527, 9500 can cause hemolysis (rupture of blood cells) and may also causeinternal bleeding.”[4]
COREXIT being offloaded according to strict OSHA procedures
The following link offers a more in-depth discussion of how this unprecedented mixture of massive amounts of dispersant, oil, methane and radioactive hydrocarbons have forever altered the energetics of the Gulf of Mexico. It is then much easier to understand the unanticipated and immediate stalling of the Loop Current in light of these critical changes to the GOM fundamentals.
#2 The deeper the geological source of the hydrocarbons, the more radioactive isotopes present in the oil and gas.
That hydrocarbons pulled from the bowels of the earth have a scientifically verified radioactive component(s) is the dirty little secret of the Oil & Gas Industry. So secret in fact that, if it were to get out, this single scientific fact would seal the fate of the entire industry. It also undergirds the correct understanding that oil and gas are both abiotic in nature and abiogenic in origin – facts which completely upend the corporate myth known as Peak Oil. Yes, we have probably reached a Peak Oil of sorts, but not because of the untenable Fossil Fuel Theory as pitched by Oil and Gas Industry. (i.e. It has been asserted that the Macondo Prospect sits on a reservoir of abiotic oil the size of Mount Everest, one of the two largest batholiths with proven oil and gas mega-reserves in the GOM.) However, that doesn’t make it economically feasible or technologically prudent to extract; nor is it smart to engage in such utter folly, as the sinking of the Deepwater Horizon dramatically demonstrated.
Soon after the BP Gulf Oil Spill began there appeared a headline which was more telling than them all:
Mantle-generated hydrocarbons come from very young geological formations deep in the earth, and are the product of extremely powerful geo-thermal forces. The presence of radioactive isotopes such as uranium, thorium, radium show up in much greater concentrations the deeper the well bore is drilled into the earth’s crust, and are ubiquitous throughout the mantle. Therefore, the hydrocarbon constituents, which are actually found in the interstitial spaces, porous rock formations and quaternary sediments and are scattered everywhere because of their liquid and gaseous states, exist within and around this highly radioactive environment.
How radioactive is the hydrocarbon effluent upsurging from the these wells in the GOM that are drilled at 12, 15, 18, 20, 25 or 30,000 feet through the crust and into the mantle? Here’s a link to the American Petroleum Institute website that will partially answer this question.
Whenever there is a higher concentration of methane gas in the mix of oil/gas that comes out of any given well, it means that:
“The more methane that is present reflects the amount of Uranium and Thorium in the oil reserve. The deeper the oil, the younger the radiological decay is that produces helium.”
“Helium is a naturally occurring gas formed in oil reserves. So common that helium detectors have been used to discover oil reserves. Helium is an inert gas known to be a by-product from the radiological decay of uranium and thorium. Uranium and Thorium are known to be in great quantities at greater depths. Yes, radioactive elements occur naturally and can be found and detected in smaller amounts in shallow oil reserves. Oil reserves that do not produce large amounts of methane also lack uranium and thorium. The presence of methane is proportional to the presence of uranium and thorium, both radioactive elements.”
“The energy coming from uranium and thorium decay is thought to be the most significant energy source inside the earth,” Tolich said. “So this is the driving engine for things such as tectonic plate movements, volcanoes and earthquake. We are looking for neutrinos, particularly electron antineutrinos … coming from uranium and thorium decay inside the earth. The uranium and thorium is distributed all through the earth in the mantle.” (Per
Uranium, thorium neutrino research could determine Earth’s age, energy production
From our many discussions with those knowledgeable at the OSATF (Oil Spill Academic Task Force) here in Tallahassee, FL, it became evident early on in the spill that the percentage of methane of the total hydrocarbon composition was quite high. Some observed that it appeared to very slowly decrease, yet remained high right up until the capping of the gusher. Hence, we know that this oil spill in the GOM has a very definite radioactive component which must be addressed.
Please understand that we are not suggesting that the fish will start glowing with radiation; only that long term exposure to low level radioactivity has its obvious consequences to all living organisms. In the meantime, those living on the GOM coastline ought to introduce copious amounts of seaweed (e.g. kelp) into their diets.
Where it concerns the release of radioactivity into the waters, there is simply no way to put this genie back into the bottle within the current scientific paradigm … unless there is alchemical science yet to be revealed or new age technologies to be developed.
As we said in the introduction, “It is with great regret that we file this report.”
May we all do our part in spreading the awareness of these realities, so that many more of US will be in the position to make informed decisions about where we live, work and play, what we eat, our health and safety, our livelihoods, our families, our communities … … … and our shared environment known as Mother Earth.
The Seventh Sign of the HOPI Prophecy:
“You will hear of the sea turning black,
and many living things dying because of it.”
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