Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Fukushima Rod Removal

"It's a slow process that will take more than a year, and there are still three other reactors to go," he says. TEPCO plans to remove unused fuel rods first and then the spent fuel. According to , 1,331 spent rods and 202 unused rods will be removed when the operation is complete. "People move these fuel bundles around all the time during normal operations at a nuclear power plant," says Brumfiel. "But this is not a normal situation — this is a plant that's been heavily damaged. There's also a fear that one of these casks might get dropped, say during an earthquake." http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/11/18/245993401/first-fuel-rods-plucked-from-tsunami-damaged-fukushima-plant
A 7.1 magnitude earthquake 370 kilometres east off Fukushima sent tremors through parts of Japan and caused a small tsunami but initial reports indicate no damage. According to Reuters, the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant was undamaged by the earthquake early on Saturday, October 26. The following footage is from a livecam monitoring the Fukushima nuclear plant and appears to be shaking from about 1.40 into the clip. Credit: YouTube/Tokyo Electric Power Company

Sunday, November 3, 2013