Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Thursday, May 10, 2012
FourMinutes To Midnight
To put it simply, the nuclear fuel rods in reactor 4 are sitting
inside of a pool of water that is preventing them from melting down
completely and release massive amounts of radiation far beyond what
already has been released.
The structural integrity of the building has been damaged so greatly that it appears that the reactor 4 building is leaning and officials around the world, including US senators, are warning even a minor earthquake could make it collapse.
If the water leaks out of the pool or the reactors come into open contact with the air there will be devastating consequences for all of humanity.
Besides Gundersen’s assertion that TEPCO doesn’t have enough money to deal with the problem, there have also been reports in the Japanese media that TEPCO isn’t dealing with the situation as they should because the cost would hurt their stock price.
Of course that could change with the recent speculation that TEPCO will be nationalized by the government of Japan but know one knows if nationalization will actually happen or the government is just allowing the cost of the disaster to be placed on the backs of taxpayers.
Furthermore no one knows the true extent of the disaster as a former Fukushima worker has just turned whisteblower and reported TEPCO has been falsifying their reports.
The problem at Fukushima nuclear reactor 4 which is being dubbed as the greatest short-term threat to humanity and has the potential to destroy our world and civilization as we know it.
Now nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen who is one of the only people providing objective scientific analysis about the Fukushima nuclear fallout believes based on his analysis of the problems that TEPCO simply doesn’t have enough money to deal with the issues there.
Ambassador Murata writes to UN Secretary General: ‘It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of Japan and the whole world depends on No. 4 reactor’
Alexander Higgins
May 2nd, 2012
The structural integrity of the building has been damaged so greatly that it appears that the reactor 4 building is leaning and officials around the world, including US senators, are warning even a minor earthquake could make it collapse.
If the water leaks out of the pool or the reactors come into open contact with the air there will be devastating consequences for all of humanity.
Besides Gundersen’s assertion that TEPCO doesn’t have enough money to deal with the problem, there have also been reports in the Japanese media that TEPCO isn’t dealing with the situation as they should because the cost would hurt their stock price.
Of course that could change with the recent speculation that TEPCO will be nationalized by the government of Japan but know one knows if nationalization will actually happen or the government is just allowing the cost of the disaster to be placed on the backs of taxpayers.
Furthermore no one knows the true extent of the disaster as a former Fukushima worker has just turned whisteblower and reported TEPCO has been falsifying their reports.
The problems at reactor 4 are the greatest short-term threat to humanity and has the potential to destroy our world and TEPCO doesn’t have the money to fix them.
The problem at Fukushima nuclear reactor 4 which is being dubbed as the greatest short-term threat to humanity and has the potential to destroy our world and civilization as we know it.
Now nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen who is one of the only people providing objective scientific analysis about the Fukushima nuclear fallout believes based on his analysis of the problems that TEPCO simply doesn’t have enough money to deal with the issues there.
Ambassador Murata writes to UN Secretary General: ‘It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of Japan and the whole world depends on No. 4 reactor’

May 2nd, 2012
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
G20 undercover police officers
Testimony previously under a publication ban describes how two undercover police officers — one male, one female — spent 18 months infiltrating southern Ontario community groups ahead of the June 26-27, 2010, gathering of world leaders.
They were part of a much larger so-called joint intelligence group (JIG) operation that the RCMP, in its internal post-summit review, called "likely the largest JIG ever assembled in Canada."
They were part of a much larger so-called joint intelligence group (JIG) operation that the RCMP, in its internal post-summit review, called "likely the largest JIG ever assembled in Canada."
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
What May Unfold
Subject: A map of what seems to be unfolding in May 2012
Dear brenda,
I want to share with you a picture that seems to be unfolding this
month. There is a collection of amazingly profound events that seem to
be synchronistically coming into place. These are:
- An action against the global elite, issued under Admiralty Law, to claim back the 2.4 metric tons, plus “interest” of 4% unpaid for the last 50 years, parties to which include all 12 Federal Reserve Banks and the European Central Bank, amongst others.
- A complex and carefully planned series of actions by the US military, based upon plans that had their germination decades ago, to bring back constitutional government in the United States.
- A move by the Obama administration, associated with the item above, to move against those who have been controlling the US and other countries from behind the scenes for decades, even centuries.
Some of you will be aware of some of these on some level, but
perhaps you have not noticed how these are all coming together in this
time, and the synchronicities that underly them.
As I begin this, I want to acknowledge the extraordinary role that
David Wilcock has played in pulling many of the threads of this
together, along with the efforts of Kerry Cassidy at Project Camelot. As
you will see, many of the links I will share with you take you to some
of David’s and Kerry’s extraordinary work. Let me step you through each
of these in overview.
Action against the global elite to reclaim the world’s gold
Official records tell us that there is not 2.4 metric tons of gold
to be had. The evidence is rather different. David explains the
financial tyranny, to use his words, that has been in place:
Now, part of what I want to draw your attention to are the
synchronicities that emerge in what is happening. In this case, there
have been attempts made over many years to bring the central banks and
those that control them to account. These efforts have proven fruitless.
What has changed the game is that those driving this action have
connected with Winston Shrout, a self-taught, non-lawyer expert in
Admiralty Law.
Firstly, I suggest you read David Wilcock on the Arrest Warrants and Liens filed against the G7 Central Banks - here/davids-blog/1051-g7banks .
Next, I suggest you listen to the recording of David’s interview with Winston Shrout, the Admiralty Law expert -
. Extraordinary stuff. It is two mp3 files that are packaged within
the zip file, so you can listen to it on your PC, download it to your
iPod or other mp3 player and if you have a recent CD player that plays
mp3 files, burn it to a CD and listen to it there.
This is the game changer in bringing the cabal to heel. This will
trigger global arrests at the highest levels very soon, and the
bankrupting of major elements of the global banking system and those
behind it. Indeed, there is evidence that arrests have already begun in
Europe, though you will not see this in the mainstream media.
For another background piece on this, I recommend the interview with Keith Scott (brief bio at http://projectcamelotportal. com/index.php?option=com_ content&view=article&id=1042: keith-scott-re-keenan-lawsuit& catid=31&Itemid=218 and fellow Aussie by the sound of him) by Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot.
You can access the original interview at http://www. archive/Project-Camelot-32k- 050212.mp3 , however you may prefer to listen to my edited version, which cuts out the ads and
other distractions at http://www.metatronminutes. net/Recordings/Project- Camelot-Keith-Scott-May-2nd- 2012.mp3
. Keith is one of the parties to this global action, alongside Neil
Keenan of the United States. Again, note how the parties have come
together that were needed to actually bring this action to life, and it
is very much in play in May 2012.
Action by the US military to reinstate constitutional government in the United States
This fascinating story has also seen the light of day through the
work of David Wilcock, via his interview with a wonderful “elder
statesman” who goes by the name of Drake. Drake explains how he was
introduced to this plan around 1979, when he was already retired from
the military, and when the plan was already 5” thick. It seems it had
its seeds in the assassination of President Kennedy, and was pushed
along significantly by the activities with President Nixon related to
However, turning to the synchronicity once more, Drake had been
endeavouring to find a national group of any sort with sufficient
interest in the future of the United States to step forward as the
civilian voice around which this effort could be built, from 1979 until
last year without success. However, it was a frustrated call he made
into a radio show to straighten out some misleading information being
provided on that show that led to a legally trained listener in
Pennsylvania taking the necessary action to trigger the reclamation of
the sovereignty of that state, leading to a similar process for all of
the original states of the United States over the ensuing months. This
has put these actions in play here also in May 2012.
Here is the link to the transcript of David’s interview with Drake - here/davids-blog/1043- massarrests , though I do recommend that you listen to the interview, which you can download from:
This picture is brought up to date by this interview by Bill Wood (Brockbrader) interviewing Drake on Friday May 4th v=Zqc9FXE7b7M&feature=related .
And in case you are not aware of him, you may like to watch this “coming out” interview of Bill by Kerry Cassidy - v=nkIIBnIuXHM
. This is also of interest because he talks about the singularity that
the Looking Glass technology revealed at the December 2012 solstice.
Actions by the Obama administration to reclaim constitutional power
This brings us to the announcements by Bill Wood and Eva Moore on Sunday May 6th of actions by the Obama administration, ostensibly to be taken at the time of the G8 and NATO world/national-security/obama- invites-leaders-of-4-african- nations-to-attend-g-8-summit- at-camp-david/2012/05/03/ gIQA7WdezT_story.html
meetings later this month, beginning on May 19th. Perhaps one
small piece of evidence to support this unfolding was the move in March
of the G8 meeting from Chicago to Camp David World/Latest-News-Wires/2012/ 0305/G8-summit-moved-to-Camp- David-last-minute , which is a much more secure location. This is a very late shift in the planning of such an event.
Bill explains how Obama has spent his term gathering the resources
and the evidence to act against those who have subverted the governance
of the United States, and, synchronistically, is in a place to act upon
this at the time of these meetings. I encourage you to watch these
Video 2 of 6 v=wHmHeUtPYII
Video 3 of 6 v=o42OMkniiXY
Video 4 of 6 v=2SUpcSlwkrI
Video 5 of 6 v=NdNEJ0vX1Nk
Video 6 of 6 v=f4JYIprFRPY
Video 3 of 6
Video 4 of 6
Video 5 of 6
Video 6 of 6
Is this all going to unfold as spoken of?
I cannot say for sure, especially the timing spoken of by Bill Wood
for Obama’s actions, however the synchronicity of all that has come
together is hard to ignore, and when you add to this evidence from John
Kettler ( v=wZHva_ew9sI and ) regarding off-planet assistance in shutting down warfare,
the extraordinary technology for free energy and many other things coming forth from the Keshe Foundation (,
and the evidence that it was this technology that brought down over
Iran the most sophisticated drone in the US arsenal, with communications
technology in it they thought was many years beyond anyone’s ability to
interfere with it v=JRt5lMcPaWk
perhaps you can begin to see that there may be the coming together of
some of the pieces necessary for the birthing of the new age that we
have long spoken of at and elsewhere.
To complete this picture, I want to share with you the astrological picture for May 2012 provided by Carl Boudreau - v=Krp-UlSHbcU&list= UUntBJzrpFGwsNmWtGbElHhQ& index=1&feature=plcp . Note the energies at work, the amazing power supporting synchronicity, and the eclipse coming on May 20,
where its energies are in play during these supposed events. Today, May 8th, is the first day of the six-pointed star driving the beginning of these synchronistic energies.
As I said, I can’t say for sure this is all going unfold, however
there are many things that have come into alignment to support it,
including the planets. If nothing else, I suggest that if you live in
the US you take a few precautions, as Bill and Drake suggest, to stock
up a
little on supplies and cash, and perhaps some silver and gold coins. And
I do encourage you to take the time to go through the material I have
given you, even though there is a lot here, so you are across the
possibilities and bring some leadership to those around you that have no
idea about what may be about to unfold.
May it be so.
Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.
Richard Presser
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And “The Coming Golden Age and How to Prepare for it” –
Canadian Stocks Plunge
Tue May 8, 2012 4:57pm EDT
* TSX ends down 155.92 pts, or 1.3 pct, at 11,704.74 * Lowest close since Dec. 19, 2011 * Materials, energy and financials fall more than 1 pct * Greek uncertainty hurts sentiment By Jon Cook TORONTO, May 8 (Reuters) - Canadian stocks hit a 2012 low on Tuesday, as resource and financial shares floundered after a threat by new leadership in Greece to renounce the country's bailout terms raised fears of a new flare-up in the euro zone debt crisis. On Tuesday, Greece's Leftist candidate for prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, set conditions for a new coalition that the centrist conservative party said would drive the country out of the euro. Markets roiled at the news, and Canadian stocks sank for a fifth straight session. "We're down almost 700 points since last Wednesday," said Bruce Latimer, a trader at Dundee Securities. "That's a heck of a haircut in a short period of time." The Toronto Stock Exchange's S&P/TSX composite index finished down 155.92 points, or 1.3 percent, at 11,704.74. It was the index's lowest close since Dec. 19. The TSX has fallen more than 5 percent since the beginning of May. Eight of the TSX's 10 main sectors finished in the red. Losses were led by the heavyweight materials group, which tumbled 2.8 percent as miners were hit by a sharp drop in gold and base metals prices. Top gold producers Barrick Gold and Goldcorp Inc were the sector's most influential decliners. Barrick, the world's largest gold miner, fell 2.5 percent to C$36.71 and Goldcorp sank 4.3 percent to C$34.40. "With the decline in prices you're starting to get that cleansing process where the baby gets thrown out with the bath water," said Arthur Salzer, executive director and chief executive officer of Northland Wealth Management. Base metals miners were led lower by copper miner Teck Resources, down 2.4 percent to C$33.53, and Silver Wheaton, off 3.2 percent to C$26.43. The unfolding Greek drama may have implications for other struggling euro zone nations such as Spain, which could follow suit in rejecting harsh austerity constraints, said Gavin Graham, president at Graham Investment Strategy. "If Spain chooses to renegotiate its bonds and make foreign bond owners eat a 75 percent haircut, which is what happened in Greece, then effectively the French and German banking systems are going to be under severe stress," said Graham. Canadian financial firms, which have less exposure to risky European debt holdings than their global counterparts, were down 1.2 percent. Losses were led by major lenders Royal Bank of Canada, down 1.7 percent at C$54.09, and Toronto-Dominion Bank, off 1.5 percent at C$80.42. Energy shares were also down, slipping 1.1 percent. Oil prices fell for a fifth day running on Tuesday, with U.S. crude down 8.62 percent, the biggest five-day percentage loss since October. Suncor Energy, Canada's largest oil producer, dropped 1.5 percent to C$29.77. Canadian Natural Resources dropped 3 percent to C$30.69. In other company news, shares of Research In Motion Ltd rose 2.1 percent to C$12 after the struggling BlackBerry maker named chief marketing and operating officers on Tuesday ahead of the launch of its next-generation BlackBerry 10 smartphones later this year. Canadian Pacific Railway stock fell 1.1 percent to C$73.69 after the head of U.S. hedge fund Pershing Square Capital Management said on Tuesday that the future of Canada's second-biggest railway should be decided by shareholder vote.
The Toronto stock market tumbled more than 200 points mid-morning Tuesday as commodity prices retreated amid worries that Greece could be edging closer to default.
The S&P/TSX composite index fell 207.67 points or 1.75 per cent to 11,652.99 while the TSX Venture Exchange declined 54.91 points to 1,342.51.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Peru Birds Dying
going on in Peru? MASS BIRD DIE-OFF: More Than 1,200 Pelican Found
Mysteriously Dead in Northern Peru - Same Region as the Mass Dolphin
(800) Die-Off?! translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&pr ev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2& eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fperu21.p e%2F2012%2F04%2F28%2Factualida d%2Fhallan-mas-1200-pelicanos- muertos-2021995&act=url
According to Francisco Nique, president of the Association of Fishermen of Puerto Eten, for about 10 or 12 days have found more than 1,200 dead pelicans along 160 kilometers, between Punta Negra, in Piura , and San Jose creek in Lambayeque .
He reported that seven dolphins were found stranded, which add up to more than 3,000 fish dead in northern Peru so far this year.
The Peruvian Sea Institute (IMARPE) has not yet determined the cause of death of the birds
and said the dolphins may have been killed by a virus, while Nique said
the cause could be the paucity of species that function as food or
seismic waves for exploration activities in the area.
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