Morgellon's Disease A Nanotech War Against US - MUST READ
author: JAILBUSH
Morgellon's disease, a particularly horrific condition, seems to be dormant in all of our bodies and has been identified in samples of chemical trails administered to our atmosphere via military airplanes. This has all been documented by a presidential award winning toxicologist, Hildigard Staniger.
BACK TO THE ENTRANCE FOR EXOTICWARFARE.ORG -- But first read this article!
The Air Force Wants Your LOV: Aerial Seeding of Biological Implants into Food, Water, & Air
by Carolyn Williams Palit
February 29, 2008
See: for more information on the psychotronic/directed energy torture part of THE SYSTEM. You can also Google these terms: "Ionatron, PEP, or PIKL." I am not accusing Ionatron or any other contractor of torturing Americans or other citizens on this planet, but reading up on those terms and visting ExoticWarfare will make you realize that long-distance, pulse plasma weapons do exist and can be used to transmit other energies - microwave, radio, ELF, etc. The plasma beam is used much like an electric line to the targeted person. Article free to post anywhere.
synopsis of THE SYSTEM in Air Force 2025
Based on the global attack system discussed in "Hit 'Em Where It Hurts," Air Force 2025
You might want to be familiar with "Weather As a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025," a chapter from the future forecast, Air Force 2025.(1) People concerned about the ongoing, worldwide, aerosol operations in the atmosphere termed chemtrails(2) often point to this chapter as evidence that the U.S. Air Force may be involved in global, spray operations for weather control.
Writers - Izakovic Rolando,(3) Amy Worthington,(4) and Scott Gilbert(5) have explored the evidence in detail. While it is obvious that our weather is being manipulated by these aerosol operations and other atmospheric, military applications are afoot, weather control, while a very bad idea, might be minor compared to what I am going to discuss. And, the concept that the spraying is a way to slow down global warming seems like a big-old, cover story.
Lydia Mancini(6) has explored some of the mind-altering aspects of the chemtrails, but I think I have found one of the final pieces of the chemtrail puzzle - the Air Force studied how to put sensors that are nano-scale into a population's food supply, water, and air through aerial spraying so that they could get those sensors into people's bodies. Read on to catch on to all the connections.
Chemtrail activists collect evidence that the chemtrail spray contains not only germs(7) but conductive metals, blood cells,(
Recently, Dr. Hildegarde Staninger,(10) an industrial toxicologist, and Dr. Mike Castle,(11) a polyethylene expert and chemtrail activist, put their heads together to determine whether the nano fibers growing out of the skin of people who have the fiber disease, Morgellons, and the nano fibers from chemtrails have any relationship to each other.
People with Morgellons have different colors of nano fibers growing out of non-healing sores on their bodies. Chemtrail fallout has similar, many-colored fibers that look very much like the Morgellons fibers. These fibers are on you and in your home. You can find them with a fluorescent, black light. Ultraviolet light makes them glow. Use a magnifying glass, too.
A number of fibers and tissue samples collected from Morgellons victims and samples of chemtrail fibers were sent to four of the best labs in our country: AMDL, Inc., ACS, Inc., MIT, and Lambda Solutions, Inc.. Castle and Staninger asked these labs to identify these fibers. What came back from the labs is startling(12) and is discussed in detail in "Rense Morgellons Radio Broadcasts, No. 7 and No. 11."(13) Dr. Staninger has further determined that Texas chemtrail fibers show a match with chemtrail fibers from Italy.(14)
The chemtrail fibers are a kind of infant, "pre-Morgellons" fiber. The Morgellons fibers are more developed, but the fibers are related to the type of nanotechnology that assembles nanowires. From online radio host and Peabody award winner, Jeff Rense, we learn that Morgellons is:
A communicable (nanotechnology triggered?) invasion of human tissues in the form of self-assembling, self-replicating visible tubes, colored fibers, wires, arrays with what seem to be sensors or 'antennae', and other visible configurations, some carrying what may be genetically-altered and spliced DNA/RNA. These (nano-triggered) 'machines' thrive in alkaline ph conditions and use the body's bio-electric energy, its minerals and other unidentified elements for power.
Remember these key terms: "self-replicate, sensors, alkaline, minerals, and bio-electric energy." There is more from the Rense definition of Morgellons:
There is some evidence suggesting these tiny machines possess their own internal 'batteries.' They are also believed to possibly be able to receive specific tuned microwave, EMF and ELF signals and information. . . . It is reported by nearly all afflicted that Morgellons nano machines seem to have some kind of hive or 'group intelligence.(15)
Can the chemtrail nano fibers breakup to become nano particles? Dr. Staninger seems to think they might.(16) Nano particles can pass through the blood barriers in the lungs, enter the bloodstream, and travel to the brain or other parts of the body. In the online journal "Nature," Jim Giles had this to say:
Nanoparticles - tiny lumps of matter that could one day to be used to build faster computer circuits and improve drug delivery systems - can travel to the brain after being inhaled, according to researchers from the United States.(17)
Dr. Staninger thinks that these nano particles may be able to self-assemble into full-grown nanowires once they are in the brain or other organs.(18) She says we eat this nanotechnology; it is in our food - the plants and animals. She says it copies the DNA of germs or certain other cells that it is in contact with on the inside of our bodies. It makes more germs, more cancers. One kind of nanowire is implicated in the creation of pseudo-hair and pseudo-skin. One woman with Morgellons has tested positive for the pseudo-hair. These self-replicating proteins even create chimeric forms that look a lot like insects or parasites. Babies are being born with these nano machines in them. This is proof that this nanotechnology can pass through the protective barriers in the body.
Dr. Castle has stated that he believes that at least one to twenty million Americans have these sensors, antennae, wires, and arrays inside of their bodies. Morgellons is spreading at the rate of a 1,000 victims a day. That rate will increase because with each year there will be more and more victims to spread it. People who do not outwardly exhibit Morgellons symptoms can still have the nano disease on the inside of their bodies. It is thought that the ones with the symptoms are the ones whose bodies are rejecting the fibers. No symptoms? Your body might be adjusting to the infestation.(19)
Clifford Carnicom is a man with a background in science: geodetics, math, computer science, and physical science. He worked for 15 year with various agencies — DOD, Forest Service, and The Bureau of Land Management. He studies what many believe to be the chemtrail-induced, rising alkalinity of our planet. He documents the increasing amounts of calcium, magnesium, barium, and potassium in our rainwater.(20) Interestingly, J. Walleczck at the Lawerence Berkeley Laboratory researched in 1991 how calcium ions help to transport electricity across the cell membranes at the molecular level.(21) So, mucking around with the natural, mineral balance and electrical properties of the earth and our bodies is not a good thing.
Carnicom also documents the high levels of salts in our soils due to reactive metal salts from the chemtrails. He says it is these salts that are making the earth more conductive.(22) These chemtrail substances are easily ionized by ultraviolet light and are causing the air to have high levels of positive ions. This is unhealthy for all living beings. He is finding the same blood abnormalities among people with Morgellons and those who do not show any signs of Morgellons.
It would stand to reason that if the earth is being altered to become more conductive and alkaline then we, ourselves, are becoming more conductive and alkaline. The earth and all residents are now a favorable home for this alkaline-loving nanotech which can just keep on using up our bio-electricity to self-replicate and self-generate sensors, antennae arrays, and other mystery, nano machines inside of our bodies.
Which brings us to another part of Air Force 2025, "Hit 'Em Where It Hurts: Strategic Attack in 2025." This chapter deserves a more in-depth look because it describes how to implant a population with "stealthy," track and attack, biological sensors that are "thinner than a human hair" by spraying these machines into the food supply, water, and air or by using human agents to do the deed.(23)
Psychotronic (mind control) technologies are mentioned in this study, but not in much detail because that information is classified. The report explores how the weapons system must be able to access what should be private. We read:
The target acquisition system must provide decision makers the capability to detect changes in the personal values of an adversary. Changes in a leader's emotions, thoughts, or frame of reference are of interest to the strategic attack system. Techniques that get into the 'head' of an adversary to obtain valuable information require revolutionary advances. Finding plausible methods for accomplishing this task is the focus of the classified 'Information Attack' white paper.(24)
The Air Force would only classify a weapon that can read your thoughts, emotions, and intentions if our country already had this weapon in 1995 or intended to possibly develop it. The sprayed bio-implants and other spy devices are describe below:
Ground-based platforms in 2025 rely heavily on micromechanics and nanotechnology to shrink platforms to microscopic sizes. These platforms could be inserted via human agents, through water or food supplies, or through aerial seeding operations using UAVs. Microsensors thinner than human hairs could transmit data to the Delphi database via UAV or satellite relay. A swarm of ground-based microsensors could ensure constant data transmission of local conditions and activity levels near and inside an LOV.(25)
An LOV stands for "Locus of Values." An LOV can be a hard target: something physical, or an LOV can be a soft target. "The LOV is that which an adversary holds dear . . . . Soft LOVs are intangible things: Systems, knowledge, or ways of thinking."(26) A UAV is a unmanned aerial vehicle.
In the document, all the sensors are called "unattended ground sensors," even the bio-implants. In one of the graphics, arrows very blatantly point to unattended ground sensors that are located in the crotch areas of a couple of men.(27) In another graphic, the arrows point to sensors in a man's shoulder and his wrist. When I read this, my mind flashed on Denzel Washington digging a microchip out of his shoulder in the movie, The Manchurian Candidate. Besides the bio-implants, The Air Force study discusses dropping "grain-sized" sensors from the air to form a surveillance network on the ground, and microsensors can be surreptiously put into homes or appliances.
Micromachining of sound sensors has improved since Air Force 2025 was written. In 2003, the military revealed that they had a sensor network that could be dropped from the air:
In tests, it has dropped tubes containing 10 to 20 sensors from an airplane. Once they hit the ground, the tubes explode, sending the sensors flying. Then they establish connections among themselves and monitor enemy vehicle or troop movements, sending the data wirelessly to planes overhead.(28)
It is now five years later and the sensors in a network like this are about the size of a deck of playing cards. Sensors that are not classified, that is.
Smart dust is not a sound sensor, but it is very small; it is particle size. Smart dust particles are about the width of a human hair. It can be chemically programed to target a specific substance and to self-assemble or stick to it. It changes color to indicate that it has found the targeted substance. It can be used for almost, microscopic tags placed in items or stuck to the clothing of people.(29) Mike Blair and other chemtrail-aware people have noticed that chemtrail fibers often display barbs on their surfaces.(30) In "Hit 'Em Where It Hurts," we read:
Like prickly cockleburs, tiny sensors would cling to certain humans, effectively tagging them for continuous tracking via overhead platforms.(31)
Domestic security companies may soon be using state of the art ground sensors that can sniff a molecule out of the air and can taste and identify a molecule - "nano-noses" and "nano-tongues."(32) These can be handy for sniffing cocaine or marijuana molecules wafting of folks as they return home or enter buildings. Nano-noses and nano-tongues can be scanned by light or energy and will change color just like the ground sensors from 2025: "When irradiated by ultraviolet or X-ray energy, these organic changes can be scanned and analyzed by overhead sensors."(33)
Experts are working on trying to develop sensors that can identify and track people by their unique, personal odor.(34) The authors of "Hit 'Em Where It Hurts" would like sensors to become small enough in the future to be able to send them to you through the mail(35) and use "hordes" of acoustic sensors for extrapolating pictures of structures through seismic mapping in conjunction with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).(36)
. . . the importance of visual sensors may decrease in 2025 as the strategic attack process relies more on nonlethal methods of attack. In this case, non-traditional sensors that can hear, smell, or taste become essential by providing important bits of data . . . to piece together the effectiveness of an attack.(37)
How could the Air Force "Hit 'Em Where It Hurts"?
A standoff system loitering along . . . at 50,000 feet can stare 230 miles downrange at an LOV and provide continuous one meter resolution. . . . In addition, a low observable UAV that loiters directly over a specific area will carry sensors that provide continuous one centimeter resolution.(38
These UAVs are the link in the chain that connects to transatmospheric jets, space platforms, and satellites. These space-based assets would send and receive to and from super computers that are located in relay stations on the ground or in orbit. A new satellite radar called MIRIAH(39) can see through most buildings, at night, and in any weather returning a 3-D, any angle, close to real-time image. UAVs can look like dragonflies,(40) birds,(41) helicopters,(42) planes,(43) or even cubes.(44) Activists in Washington, D.C. recently spotted dragonfly UAVs surveilling a protest. They can be powered by hydrogen,(45) solar,(46) fuel-cell, batteries, or a combination thereof.(47) They can hang on an electric line to recharge(48) or be powered up by wi-fi microwave.(49) They can see you, but they can also transmit data. There is even technology that can cloak them so that you, satellites, or radar can not see them.(50)
As a more economical model, space mirrors can be used to bounce data from UAVs to ground stations.(51) A plasma mirror can also be created by a microwave heater beam station that heats the atmosphere, and this plasma area can be used just like a mirror. A Dr. Eastlund pioneered this technology. His work with the HAARP ionospheric heater was sponsored by ARCO, a major aluminum producer which is owned by British Petroleum.(52) Oddly, chemtrails have a lot of aluminum particulates.
The weapons system uses information from: Delphi databases compiled from government records and open sources; human intel on the ground (humint); real-time data from bio-implants and scattered, ground-sensor grids; visuals from sensors on satellites, jets, and UAVs; and archives on history and culture. It uses compilations of psychological beliefs, information on current and international events, knowledge from experts in their fields, past experiences in associated problem solving, and it is a system that can learn. It can "game" scenarios until it presents what it considers the best solution to a human operator and is a computer network that is widely scattered around the world, up-to-date, and "redundant."(53)
The human operator may choose to "immediately engage or never engage," or to use "direct or indirect tactics."(54) He would determine whether to deploy "laser, radio frequency, or energetic particle beam" weapons against targeted people, physical objects, factories, cities, or militaries.(55) These directed energy weapons can be deployed from space, land, or sea from a variety of platforms or bounced by the previously mentioned space or plasma mirrors. Nanotechnology will allow the creation of smaller weapons for use on UAVs.(56) Directed energy weapons ". . . can be 'tuned' for a wider range of effects, from low-order intervention to high-order destruction." And, they are "cost-effective." How nice.(57)
Futuristic engagement systems and techniques such as holographic projection, noise and gravity fields, biomedical operations, psychological operations, military deception, and information attack are all possible. These innovative indirect means are discussed in the classified C2 and Information Attack white papers. As a complement to those indirect techniques, this paper focuses on target engagements that use direct attacks with lethal and nonlethal power.(58)
Did you catch that? What do they mean by "biomedical operations," "holographic projection," "noise and gravity fields," or some of the other terms? These terms have to do with classified information about "getting into the head" of a person, and command and control (C2). Modern attacks on C2 degrades the enemy's ability to make the best decisions and makes them change their decision without them realizing that they were ever manipulated.(59)
There is a saying: life mirrors art. Let's go back to the original chapter we discussed. If the aerosol operations described in "Weather As a Force Multiplier" are just sci-fi, military daydreaming, then why are there charts within that document than can only be described as spray schedules? These charts tell the reader exactly which substances will be sprayed and during which years.
For instance, sensors along with smart dust (nanotechnology) will be sprayed in the skies from the time of the study, 1995, and will increase sharply until 2025.(60)
Did you know that nanowire arrays will soon be used in medicine to power larger biological implants? Like pacemakers . . . or maybe nano devices in the brain?(61,62) You will notice how the technology discussed in "Weather As a Force Multiplier" segues nicely with the technology discussed in "Hit 'Em Where It Hurts."
A weapon like this can be used for covert war and the micro-management of a population. A nonlethal weapon trained upon a person all the time becomes a lethal weapon. But, we can trust men who think it is no big deal to sneak electromagnetic implants into other people's privates, right?
The lack of respect for inalienable rights that is displayed by the Air Force officers who wrote this report is shocking. Hitler would have wet dreams about this death-squad technology. Weapons like these will always be abused by someone. That is why the weapons should not even exist.
Someone will say: "Well, it is only to be used against The Enemy." How do you spray only one house? How do you spray only one air supply? Shouldn't there be some kind of ban on turning people into Borgs? It is against treaties for the military to alter the environment. Some Air Force guys happen to think that putting sensors into non-combatants and enemies alike via their food, water, and air is just dandy. Coincidentally, that scenario sure sounds like the chemtrail/Morgellons nanotechnology epidemic ripping through American bodies right now.
I am just not sure I want to give the Air Force my love.
1. "Weather As A Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025," a future study conducted 1995 - 1996 for the Air Force Chief of Staff, a research paper by Col Tamzy J. House, Lt Col James B. Near, Jr., LTC William B. Shields (USA), Maj Ronald J. Celentano, Maj David M. Husband, Maj Ann E. Mercer, and Maj James E. Pugh, August 1996, Air Force 2025, website, chapter 15.
2. "Aerosol Crimes & Cover Up," by Clifford E. Carnicom,, website, numerous pages, 1999 - 2008.
3. "Report Of Chemtrail Spraying Frenzy In Croatia," from Izakovic Rolando, June 5, 2000,, website, 1997 - 2008.
4. "Chemtrails and Terror in the Age of Nuclear War," by Amy Worthington, May 2004, "Idaho Observer," website, 1997 - 2008.
5. "Environmental Warfare and US Foreign Policy: The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction," by Scott Gilbert, September 23, 2004, author archives, Global Research, website, 2001 - 2008.
6. Bariumblues, by Lydia Mancini,, website, numerous pages, 2003 - 2008.
7. "Chemtrails:GAO report admits "chaff" - Lab report reveals much more," July 2006, "Idaho Observer," website, 1997 - 2008.
8. "ERYTHROCYTES: POSITIVE VISUAL IDENTIFICATION," by Clifford Carnicom,, website, 1999 - 2008.
9. STRANGE DAYS STRANGE SKIES - YOU ARE NOW BREATHING ETHYLENE DIBROMIDE, NANO-PARTICULATES OF ALUMINUM AND BARIUM AND CATIONIC POLYMER FIBERS WITH UNIDENTIFIED BIOACTIVE MATERIA, by Glenn Boyle, strangedaysstrangeskies, web album, a large collection of photos, lab reports, and documentation that is a work in progress.
10. "Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, Ph.D., RIET-1, Industrial Toxicologist/IH and Doctor of Integrative Medicine, Bio," September 17, 2007,, website, 1997 - 2008.
11. "Dr. R. Michael Castle, Bio," May 7, 2007,, website, 1997 - 2008.
12. "Project FMM: Fibers, Meteorite & Morgellons," by Project FMM Research Team, March 29, 2007,, website, 1997 - 2008.
13. "Rense Special Morgellons Broadcasts," No. 7, March 29, 2007 & No. 11, no date, mp3 audio files, June 22, 2006 - ongoing,, website, 1997 - 2008.
14. "Texas Chemtrail Samples Compared To Samples From Venice Italy," by Dr. Hildegarde Staninger RIET-1, November, 27, 2007,, website, 1997 - 2008.
15. "Morgellons Defined," December 5, 2007,, website, 1997 - 2008.
16. "Rense Special Morgellons Broadcasts," No. 7 & No. 11.
17. "Nanoparticles in the Brain," by Jim Giles, January 5, 2004,, website, News@Nature section, Nature Publishing Group, 2008.
18. "Rense Special Morgellons Broadcasts," No. 7 & No. 11.
19. "Rense Special Morgellons Broadcasts," No. 7 and No. 11.
20. "Calcium & Potassium," by Clifford Carnicom, March 15, 2005,, website, 1999 - 2008.
21. "Electromagnetic Field Effects on Cells of the Immune System: The Role of Calcium Signalling," by J. Walleczck, Research Medicine and Radiation Biophysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, "The FASEB Journal," Vol 6, 3177-3185, The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 1992,, website, 1992.
22. "Salts of Our Soils," by Clifford Carnicom, May 11, 2005,, website, 1999 - 2008.
23. "Hit 'Em Where It Hurts: Strategic Attack in 2025," a future study conducted 1995 - 1996 for the Air Force Chief of Staff, a research paper by Lt Col Jeffrey E. Thieret, Maj Steven J. DePalmer, Maj Frederick I. Guendel, Jr., and Maj Michael A. Silver, August 1996, Air Force 2025, website, chapter 6, pgs. 8 and 20.
24. pg. 19.
25. pg. 20.
26. Executive Summary, v.
27. pg. 33.
28. "Tech Wave 2: The Sensor Revolution: Soon, sensor networks will track everything from weather to inventory," The Future of Tech - Roadmap, "Businessweek Magazine," August 25, 2003,, website, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2000-2008.
29. "SMART DUST - TARGETED SMART DUST HOW IT WORKS," Sailor Research Group, Department of Chemistry, University of California, San Diego,, website, February 27, 2003.
30. "Chemtrails Over America: A Special Report," by Mike Blair and other researchers, June 21, 2001, Wisequakker, website,, last update: July 4, 2003.
31. "Hit 'Em Where It Hurts," pg. 23.
32. "Researchers Create DNA-Based Sensors for Nano-Tongues and Nano-Noses,", website, September 15, 2005.
33. "Hit 'Em Where It Hurts," pg. 22.
34. "Biometric Person Authentication: Odor," by Zhanna Korotkaya, Department of Information Technology, Laboratory of Applied Mathematics, Lappeenranta University of Technology.
35. "Hit 'Em Where It Hurts," pg. 22.
36. pg. 22.
37. Pg. 29
38. Pg. 20.
39. "Global 3-D Wifi SpySat Project Provokes NRO Crisis," Washington, D.C., January 1, 2007,, website, 1997 - 2008, further information available at:
40. "Dragonfly or Insect Spy? Scientists at Work on Robobugs," by Rick Weiss, Washington Post Staff Writer, Tuesday, October 9, 2007; Page A03,"The Washington Post," Washington, website, 1996 - 2008.
41. "Morphing-wing robotic birds to spy on us," by Roland Piquepaille, Emerging Technology Trends, blog, July 24, 2007, ZDNet: Where Technology Means Business,, website, CNET Networks, Inc., 2008.
42. TAG: Tactical Aerospace Group, website, International Marketing Office, 468 North Camden Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, copyright: Tactical Aerospace Group Corozal, Belize, C.A., 1981 - 2008.
43. "Unmanned Aerial Vehicles," by Greg Goebel: In the Public Domain, v1.4.1, TOC (19 chapters),, website, March 1, 2008.
44. "They make no sound,", website, no date.
45. "US military plans for new UAV to stay airborne for 5 years," by Graham Warwick, "Flight Global Newsletter,", website, May 25, 2007, Reed Business Information, 2008.
46. "Solar Powered UAV," by Jim, "The Energy Blog: The Energy Revolution has begun and will change your lifestyle,", blog, March 23, 2006.
47. "Experimental Power System Expands Flight Capabilities," by Rita Boland, Signal: AFCEA'S International Journal,", website, "AFCEA International, 4400 Fair Lakes Court, Fairfax, Virginia 22033,
March 2006.
48. "Air Force developing UAVs that can recharge on power lines," posted by Nilay Patel, "Engadget," web magazine, Dec 14th 2007 4:34PM, Engadget and Weblogs, Inc. Network, 2004 - 2008.
49. Aerospace Operations in Urban Environments, by Alan Vick,, "Appendix B: Microwave Recharging of Mini-UAVs and Micro-UAVs," Rand Corporation, 2008.
50. "Holographic Cloaking Stealth Technology," by Luke,, website, 2006.
51. "Hit 'Em Where It Hurts," pg. 28.
52. "Plasma Mirrors - SURVEILLANCE," by Dr. Bernard Eastlund,, website, Eastlund Scientific Enterprises Corporation, founded January 12, 1996. See: "COSMIC IGNITED PLASMA PATTERNS IN ATMOSPHERE - CIPPA."
53. "Hit 'Em Where It Hurts," Chapter 3, pg. 12 - 18.
54. Executive Summary, v.
55. pg. 24 - 26.
56. pg. 36.
57. pg. 36 - 37.
58. pg. 23 - 24.
59. "Power And Influence, Information StrikeKnowledge Warfare: Shattering the Information War-Paradigm," Air Force 2025, prepared by 2025 Support Office, Air University, Air Education and Training Command, November 1996, developed by Air University Press, Educational Services Directorate, College of Aerospace Doctrine, Research, and Education, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, website,, Executive Summary, White Paper Summaries, Chapter 9, pg. 54, August 1996
60. "What Chemtrails Really Are - The Short Scoop," by Carolyn Williams Palit, a work in progress, 2005,, website, Republic of Seychelles, 2006.
61. "A New Nanogenerator: Researchers are experimenting with a novel nanowire material to power tiny biosensors and portable devices," by Prachi Patel-Predd, "Technology Review," Michigan Institute of Technology,, website, Monday, October 22, 2007
62. "Nanogenerator Fueled by Vibrations: An array of zinc-oxide nanowires that generates current when vibrated with ultrasonic waves could provide a new way to power biological sensors and nanodevices," by Prachi Patel-Predd, "Technology Review," Michigan Institute of Technology,, website, Thursday, April 05, 2007.
The history of the MRF’s attempt to understand Morgellons disease:
Morgellons Disease is a label assigned by the founder of the MRF to the condition of an ill child in 2002 with numerous symptoms outside known illness categories. One physical sign became the “defining” characteristic of the illness: small diameter “filaments” protruding from lesions near the child's mouth and other body areas that were both sensitive and painful. In searching for others who might have encountered the same phenomenon, the MRF was created. Its initial function was to convey details of the phenomenon to others, and simultaneously provide a central registration site to foster broader communication.
Although the initial attention of the MRF focused on filaments and movement, awareness of the other symptoms increased which broadened the presumed boundaries of the illness. This illuminated the possible degree of disability of those afflicted and made clear that Morgellons disease likely extended far beyond the “filaments” and dermal movement sensations, to include numerous other organ system effects. Initially the name Morgellons disease was only a rallying point for self-diagnosed people to compare symptoms and experiences. With time, the number of registrants and the magnitude of their data reached a level that revealed a more consistent pattern, and although virtually all remained self-diagnosed, more than one hundred physicians contacted the MRF about patients with similar symptoms. In addition, physicians, veterinarians, dentists, nurses, and other medical professionals contacted the MRF about their own illness, or about the illness of family members.
The first attempt to pool and characterize Morgellons data into a consistent pattern was made by a physician member of the MRF who evaluated information collected from fifty people who self-referred from the MRF site to a single medical clinic. It was noted that many of these patients had been previously diagnosed with a common medical label, Delusions of Parasitosis (DP), the basic tenet being this is a psychiatric illness with the presumption of a purely delusional “parasite infestation.” It was already clear by the time the first dozen patients had been extensively examined physically that they did not fit under that diagnostic label. All had evidence of actual parasite infestation, including comparison of typical skin lesions, onset history, sequence of organ system involvement, and expected organ pathology. The “filaments” were consistently observable and collectible, and laboratory data was collected on all, supporting an irrefutable immune deficiency state, chronic inflammation, and a complex picture of autonomic abnormalities. Medical histories clearly support that most symptoms of Morgellons disease "precede" emotional effects. Thus, it appears that Morgellons and Delusions of Parasites (DP) are different illnesses.
Many clinicians sought out initially by patients, although formally trained and licensed, based their conclusions on the presumptions of others who had made the same presumptions in the 57 DP-titled papers in the NLM database from 1956 through 2007. Although some patients did find clinicians willing to help them, many patients reported feeling abandoned by physicians unwilling to investigate their illness. These patients tried valiantly to find a modicum of relief in the face of an otherwise ineffective medical system, and some became the target of fringe groups who occasionally promoted ineffective treatments for economic benefit.
The MRF chose to display the following clinical characterization from 2005, which has since been revised, of Morgellons disease. We know well that Morgellons disease has no formal Case Definition. However, all new definitions of human disease begin with patient observations and collected data. As the number of patients we have temporarily labeled Morgellons has grown in consistency and, counter to the DP concept, we present below a collation of all information collected from Morgellons patients until mid-2006 to create a MRF characterization of the illness. The following subsequent step will be a fact-based Case Definition.
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Morgellons Disease Characterization
The following signs or symptoms are the basis of Morgellons Disease as defined by patients that fit within a consistent boundary that is also outside the boundary of other “known” diseases. The initial three characteristics parallel a much more entrenched illness, Delusions of Parasitosis (DP) named decades before today's laboratory technology and infection/immunity knowledge, driven by HIV, developed. The more recent findings listed below provide a far broader and more consistent evidence base, strongly supporting the likelihood that DP is a prematurely assigned label to an organic, rather than purely psychiatric disease.
1. “Filaments” are reported in and on skin lesions and at times extruding from intact-appearing skin. White, blue, red, and black are common among described fiber colors. Size is near microscopic, and good clinical visualization requires 10-30 X. Patients frequently describe ultraviolet light generated fluorescence. They also report black or white granules, similar in size and shape to sand grains, on or in their skin or on clothing. Most clinicians willing to invest in a simple hand held commercial microscope have thus far been able to consistently document the filaments.
2. Movement sensations, both beneath and on the skin surface. Sensations are often described by the patient as intermittently moving, stinging or biting. Involved areas can include any skin region (such as over limbs or trunk), but may be limited to the scalp, nasal passages, ear canals, or face...and curiously, legs below the knees.
3. Skin lesions, both (a) spontaneously appearing and (b) self-generated, often with pain or intense itching. The former (a) may initially appear as “hive-like”, or as “pimple-like” with or without a white center. The latter (b) appear as linear or “picking” excoriations. Even when not self-generated (as in unreachable regions of babies’ skin), lesions often progress to open wounds that heal incompletely (e.g., heal very slowly with discolored epidermis or seal over with a thick gelatinous outer layer.). Evidence of lesions persists visually for years.
4. Musculoskeletal Effects and Pain is usually present, manifest in several ways. Pain distribution is broad, and can include joint(s), muscles, tendons and connective tissue. Both vascular and “pressure” headaches and vertebral pain are particularly common, the latter usually with premature (e.g., age 20) signs of degeneration of both discs and vertebrae.
5. Aerobic limitation is universal and significant enough to interfere with the activities of daily living. Most patients meet the Fukuda Criteria for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as well (Fukuda, Ann. Int. Med., 1994). Cardiology data and consistently elevated heart rates suggest a persistent myocarditis creating lowered cardiac output that has been partially compensated for by Starling’s Law.
6. Cognitive dysfunction, includes frontal lobe processing signs interfering with logical thinking as well as short-term memory and attention deficit. All are measurable by Standard Psychometric Test batteries.
7. Emotional effects are present in most patients. Character typically includes loss or limitation of boundary control (as in bipolar illness) and intermittent obsessional state. Degree varies greatly from virtually absent to seriously life altering.
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Other Commonly Reported Symptoms and Signs
1. Shifting visual acuity. Unexplained frequent need to change glasses prescription, perceived changes in visual field, and scattered and changing level of perceived light intensity.
2. Numerous neurological symptoms and clinical findings. A variety of neurological symptoms and signs have been reported. Common physical findings include abnormal Romberg, peripheral neuropathy in ALL (feet, and in some cases fingers), abnormal reflexes, verifiable, probably neuropathic pain and recurrent brain control abnormalities affecting motor function, circadian rhythm, body temperature, and respiratory rate.
3. Gastrointestinal symptoms. These symptoms often include dyspepsia, gastroesophageal reflux, swallowing difficulty, and changes in bowel habits (Similar to IBS or Crohn’s disease)
4. Acute changes in skin texture and pigment. The skin is variously thickened and thinned, with irregular texture and hyper- OR hypo-pigmentation pattern. Overgrowth or hypergrowth phenomena are common (nevi, skin tags, microangioma, lipomas, callus formation).
5. Arthralgias. Arthralgias (pain in the joints) is frequently reported, although arthritis is not. Common joints are in fingers, shoulders, knees and vertebrae.
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Common Laboratory Abnormalities
Elevated cytokines: TNF-alpha, IL-6, TGF-beta; Elevated inflammation markers: C-reactive protein and TNF-alpha; Immunodeficiency markers: low CD 56 or CD 57 number, low C1Q, low IgG subclasses 1 and 3; Hematological abnormalities: low hemoglobin and hematocrit with abnormal RBC indices; and Biochemical abnormalities: elevated blood glucose, insulin, calcium, and serum Homocysteine, and low serum potassium and magnesium.
The consistent finding of numerous unexpected biologic agents at atypically high levels (some thought to be non-pathogens, others definitely pathogenic) strongly supports that an immune deficiency state exists in Morgellons patients. Agents identified serologically include many zoonoses (intermittently and in low numbers) such as Borrelia (at least five species) and Babesia, a single recently found gram negative bacterium, most herpes viruses, some strongly activated such as VZV and HHV-6, several mycology species (esp. Tineas), and particularly in those we have labeled Morgellons patients, parasites (species will be elaborated following PCR sequencing).
Morgellons Disease is a label assigned by the founder of the MRF to the condition of an ill child in 2002 with numerous symptoms outside known illness categories. One physical sign became the “defining” characteristic of the illness: small diameter “filaments” protruding from lesions near the child's mouth and other body areas that were both sensitive and painful. In searching for others who might have encountered the same phenomenon, the MRF was created. Its initial function was to convey details of the phenomenon to others, and simultaneously provide a central registration site to foster broader communication.
Although the initial attention of the MRF focused on filaments and movement, awareness of the other symptoms increased which broadened the presumed boundaries of the illness. This illuminated the possible degree of disability of those afflicted and made clear that Morgellons disease likely extended far beyond the “filaments” and dermal movement sensations, to include numerous other organ system effects. Initially the name Morgellons disease was only a rallying point for self-diagnosed people to compare symptoms and experiences. With time, the number of registrants and the magnitude of their data reached a level that revealed a more consistent pattern, and although virtually all remained self-diagnosed, more than one hundred physicians contacted the MRF about patients with similar symptoms. In addition, physicians, veterinarians, dentists, nurses, and other medical professionals contacted the MRF about their own illness, or about the illness of family members.
The first attempt to pool and characterize Morgellons data into a consistent pattern was made by a physician member of the MRF who evaluated information collected from fifty people who self-referred from the MRF site to a single medical clinic. It was noted that many of these patients had been previously diagnosed with a common medical label, Delusions of Parasitosis (DP), the basic tenet being this is a psychiatric illness with the presumption of a purely delusional “parasite infestation.” It was already clear by the time the first dozen patients had been extensively examined physically that they did not fit under that diagnostic label. All had evidence of actual parasite infestation, including comparison of typical skin lesions, onset history, sequence of organ system involvement, and expected organ pathology. The “filaments” were consistently observable and collectible, and laboratory data was collected on all, supporting an irrefutable immune deficiency state, chronic inflammation, and a complex picture of autonomic abnormalities. Medical histories clearly support that most symptoms of Morgellons disease "precede" emotional effects. Thus, it appears that Morgellons and Delusions of Parasites (DP) are different illnesses.
Many clinicians sought out initially by patients, although formally trained and licensed, based their conclusions on the presumptions of others who had made the same presumptions in the 57 DP-titled papers in the NLM database from 1956 through 2007. Although some patients did find clinicians willing to help them, many patients reported feeling abandoned by physicians unwilling to investigate their illness. These patients tried valiantly to find a modicum of relief in the face of an otherwise ineffective medical system, and some became the target of fringe groups who occasionally promoted ineffective treatments for economic benefit.
The MRF chose to display the following clinical characterization from 2005, which has since been revised, of Morgellons disease. We know well that Morgellons disease has no formal Case Definition. However, all new definitions of human disease begin with patient observations and collected data. As the number of patients we have temporarily labeled Morgellons has grown in consistency and, counter to the DP concept, we present below a collation of all information collected from Morgellons patients until mid-2006 to create a MRF characterization of the illness. The following subsequent step will be a fact-based Case Definition.
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Morgellons Disease Characterization
The following signs or symptoms are the basis of Morgellons Disease as defined by patients that fit within a consistent boundary that is also outside the boundary of other “known” diseases. The initial three characteristics parallel a much more entrenched illness, Delusions of Parasitosis (DP) named decades before today's laboratory technology and infection/immunity knowledge, driven by HIV, developed. The more recent findings listed below provide a far broader and more consistent evidence base, strongly supporting the likelihood that DP is a prematurely assigned label to an organic, rather than purely psychiatric disease.
1. “Filaments” are reported in and on skin lesions and at times extruding from intact-appearing skin. White, blue, red, and black are common among described fiber colors. Size is near microscopic, and good clinical visualization requires 10-30 X. Patients frequently describe ultraviolet light generated fluorescence. They also report black or white granules, similar in size and shape to sand grains, on or in their skin or on clothing. Most clinicians willing to invest in a simple hand held commercial microscope have thus far been able to consistently document the filaments.
2. Movement sensations, both beneath and on the skin surface. Sensations are often described by the patient as intermittently moving, stinging or biting. Involved areas can include any skin region (such as over limbs or trunk), but may be limited to the scalp, nasal passages, ear canals, or face...and curiously, legs below the knees.
3. Skin lesions, both (a) spontaneously appearing and (b) self-generated, often with pain or intense itching. The former (a) may initially appear as “hive-like”, or as “pimple-like” with or without a white center. The latter (b) appear as linear or “picking” excoriations. Even when not self-generated (as in unreachable regions of babies’ skin), lesions often progress to open wounds that heal incompletely (e.g., heal very slowly with discolored epidermis or seal over with a thick gelatinous outer layer.). Evidence of lesions persists visually for years.
4. Musculoskeletal Effects and Pain is usually present, manifest in several ways. Pain distribution is broad, and can include joint(s), muscles, tendons and connective tissue. Both vascular and “pressure” headaches and vertebral pain are particularly common, the latter usually with premature (e.g., age 20) signs of degeneration of both discs and vertebrae.
5. Aerobic limitation is universal and significant enough to interfere with the activities of daily living. Most patients meet the Fukuda Criteria for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as well (Fukuda, Ann. Int. Med., 1994). Cardiology data and consistently elevated heart rates suggest a persistent myocarditis creating lowered cardiac output that has been partially compensated for by Starling’s Law.
6. Cognitive dysfunction, includes frontal lobe processing signs interfering with logical thinking as well as short-term memory and attention deficit. All are measurable by Standard Psychometric Test batteries.
7. Emotional effects are present in most patients. Character typically includes loss or limitation of boundary control (as in bipolar illness) and intermittent obsessional state. Degree varies greatly from virtually absent to seriously life altering.
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Other Commonly Reported Symptoms and Signs
1. Shifting visual acuity. Unexplained frequent need to change glasses prescription, perceived changes in visual field, and scattered and changing level of perceived light intensity.
2. Numerous neurological symptoms and clinical findings. A variety of neurological symptoms and signs have been reported. Common physical findings include abnormal Romberg, peripheral neuropathy in ALL (feet, and in some cases fingers), abnormal reflexes, verifiable, probably neuropathic pain and recurrent brain control abnormalities affecting motor function, circadian rhythm, body temperature, and respiratory rate.
3. Gastrointestinal symptoms. These symptoms often include dyspepsia, gastroesophageal reflux, swallowing difficulty, and changes in bowel habits (Similar to IBS or Crohn’s disease)
4. Acute changes in skin texture and pigment. The skin is variously thickened and thinned, with irregular texture and hyper- OR hypo-pigmentation pattern. Overgrowth or hypergrowth phenomena are common (nevi, skin tags, microangioma, lipomas, callus formation).
5. Arthralgias. Arthralgias (pain in the joints) is frequently reported, although arthritis is not. Common joints are in fingers, shoulders, knees and vertebrae.
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Common Laboratory Abnormalities
Elevated cytokines: TNF-alpha, IL-6, TGF-beta; Elevated inflammation markers: C-reactive protein and TNF-alpha; Immunodeficiency markers: low CD 56 or CD 57 number, low C1Q, low IgG subclasses 1 and 3; Hematological abnormalities: low hemoglobin and hematocrit with abnormal RBC indices; and Biochemical abnormalities: elevated blood glucose, insulin, calcium, and serum Homocysteine, and low serum potassium and magnesium.
The consistent finding of numerous unexpected biologic agents at atypically high levels (some thought to be non-pathogens, others definitely pathogenic) strongly supports that an immune deficiency state exists in Morgellons patients. Agents identified serologically include many zoonoses (intermittently and in low numbers) such as Borrelia (at least five species) and Babesia, a single recently found gram negative bacterium, most herpes viruses, some strongly activated such as VZV and HHV-6, several mycology species (esp. Tineas), and particularly in those we have labeled Morgellons patients, parasites (species will be elaborated following PCR sequencing).
GMO and Morgellons Disease
by Barbara H. Peterson
Global Research, March 27, 2008
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Since the Clinton administration made biotechnology “a strategic priority for U.S. government backing” (1), giant transnational agri-business concerns have aggressively taken over the global food chain by flooding it with Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) without regard for the consequences to the earth or its inhabitants. This takeover not only has the potential for global economic devastation, but threatens the earth’s population with far-reaching health concerns as well. One health concern that seems to coincide with the GMO revolution is Morgellons disease. What if the advent of Morgellons disease has something to do with the ingestion of GMO foods?
Morgellons Disease – What is it?
Very little can be found regarding this disease. Originally, sufferers were told that their problem was imaginary. This was of little comfort to the people who were suffering.
Morgellons Disease sufferers report strange, fiber-like material sticking out of sores or wounds that erupt on the skin. This is accompanied by painful, intense itching, that has been described as “an ever present sensation as if something is crawling under the skin.” (2)
On May 18, 2006, KGW, a local news channel reporting out of the Oregon area published this story:
Strange sickness: Mystery disease horror story (excerpt)
[Dr. Drottar] The disabled family practice doctor felt like bugs were crawling under her skin.
"If I fully tell people what has gone on with me medically, they think they’re in the twilight zone,” said Drottar.
She woke up with the feeling that fluid was flowing just below her skin. Often black or blue hair like fibers protruded from her skin, she said.
“I thought I had been exposed to asbestos. I thought I was having asbestos fibers come out of my skin. I was pulling long, thin, small hair-like fibers that were extremely sharp that could literally pierce through my finger nails,” Drottar said.
In addition to the feeling of bugs and the fibers, Drottar also suffered from severe depression, chronic fatigue and a weakened immune system. As a result, she had to give up her family practice, Drottar said. (3)
Here are some pictures of Morgellons lesions included in the KGW report:
The Morgellons Research Foundation
Fibers embedded in skin removed from facial lesion of three year old boy, 60x.
Photo of the fibrous structures that were in the skin of a Morgellons sufferer.
Morgellons and GMO – the Link
Little information has been revealed concerning the long-term health effects of GMO crops on humans or animals, and even less information can be had regarding research correlating Morgellons with GMO foods. This is suspicious right off the bat, because it would seem that there would be a natural curiosity regarding a link between Genetically Modified Organisms that people ingest regularly and inorganic fibers that protrude from a person’s skin. This would be right up a geneticist’s alley, and quite worthy of intensive research. So, why aren’t there a ton of published studies? Why is it so difficult finding anything related to this? Could it be that companies such as Monsanto have enough clout to effectively squash these stories? If they have enough clout to ruin countries by deceiving impoverished farmers into purchasing patented GMO seeds, and then take it a step further and force these poor people to purchase seeds year after year instead of harvesting their own, then they have enough clout to ask our more than willing corporate government to manipulate the press...again.
According to Mike Stagman, PhD,
“Genetic Engineering is a nightmare technology that has already caused MANY disease epidemics -- documented but unpublicized.” (4)
Well Monsanto, you let at least one study slip through. With the help of a couple of search engines, the following article by Whitley Strieber published on October 12, 2007, titled “Skin Disease May Be Linked to GM Food” was found, which concludes that the fibers taken from a Morgellons sufferer contain the same substance that is "used commercially to produce genetically-modified plants." Here is the article:
Skin Disease May Be Linked to GM Food
Many people—and most physicians—have written off Morgellons disease as either a hoax or hypochondria. But now there is evidence that this mysterious disease may be REAL and related to GENETICALLY MODIFIED food!
The skin of Morgellons victims oozes mysterious strands that have been identified as cellulose (which cannot be manufactured by the human body), and people have the sensation of things crawling beneath their skin. The first known case of Morgellons occurred in 2001, when Mary Leitao created a web site describing the disease, which had infected her young son. She named it Morgellons after a 17th century medical study in France that described the same symptoms.
In the Sept. 15-21 issue of New Scientist magazine, Daniel Elkan describes a patient he calls "Steve Jackson," who "for years" has "been finding tiny blue, red and black fibers growing in intensely itchy lesions on his skin." He quotes Jackson as saying, "The fibers are like pliable plastic and can be several millimeters long. Under the skin, some are folded in a zigzag pattern. These can be as fine as spider silk, yet strong enough to distend the skin when you pull them, as if you were pulling on a hair."
Doctors say that this type of disease could only be caused by a parasite, but anti-parasitic medications do not help. Psychologists insist that this is a new version of the well-known syndrome known as "delusional parasitosis." While this is a "real" disease, it is not a physically-caused one.
But now there is physical evidence that Morgellons is NOT just psychological. When pharmacologist Randy Wymore offered to study some of these fibers if people sent them to him, he discovered that "fibers from different people looked remarkably similar to each other and yet seem to match no common environmental fibers."
When they took them to a police forensic team, they said they were not from clothing, carpets or bedding. They have no idea what they are.
Researcher Ahmed Kilani says he was able to break down two fiber samples and extract their DNA. He found that they belonged to a fungus.
An even more provocative finding is that biochemist Vitaly Citovsky discovered that the fibers contain a substance called "Agrobacterium," which, according to New Scientist, is "used commercially to produce genetically-modified plants." Could GM plants be "causing a new human disease?" (5)
GMO – Not on My Watch!
The giant transnational corporations behind the GMO revolution are hitting us in our most vulnerable spot – our bellies. Most people have been brought up with an innate trust that what they purchase from the stores is safe to eat. This is no longer true, since most processed foods contain genetically engineered ingredients that can have disastrous effects on both animal and human health. What you purchase from the corner store might just change your DNA and create such frightening symptoms that the general public simply does not believe it. What is worse is that when you go to the doctor to get help, he/she tells you what you are experiencing is all in your head. This is rubbish! It is up to people who care to make the correlations between what we eat and what happens to our bodies. Remember the old saying – “you are what you eat?” Well, this author believes it is true.
1) Engdahl, F.W. (2007). Seeds of Destruction.
2) Stagman, M. Phd. (2006). GMO Disease Epidemics: Bt-cotton Fiber Disease. Retrieved from
3) Porter, L. (2006). Strange sickness: Mystery disease horror story. Retrieved from
4) Stagman, M. Phd. (2006). GMO Disease Epidemics: Bt-cotton Fiber Disease. Retrieved from
5) Strieber, W. (2007). Skin Disease Might be Linked to GM Food. Retrieved from
Barbara H. Peterson is a Writer and Activist,
Global Research Articles by Barbara H. Peterson
The following was presented by Dr. Hildegard Staninger to the
National Registry of Environmental Professionals Conference
in Nashville, TN, on Oct. 18th, 2006
Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, RIET-1
Industrial Toxicologist/IH & Doctor of Integrative Medicine
Integrative Health International, LLC
12235 E. Centralia St. Lakewood, CA 90715
Tel: 562-402-7300 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 562-402-7300 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Fax: 562-402-7308
© October 18, 2006
Presented at the
NREP Annual Conference in Nashville, TN, October 18th, 2006
for the National Registry of Environmental Professionals
P.0. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025
Phone: 847-724-6631 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 847-724-6631 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, Fax: 847-724-4223
Far-Infrared Radiant Heat (FIR RH) has many known names, such as the bridge of Terra Hertz and many others. It is made up of no photons and only 1/2 electron spin that gives it its unique qualities to aid oneself in the remediation of the contamination within one's own body and in one's indoor environment. We naturally acquire it from the sun with all the other spectrum specific wavelengths of visible and invisible light. It is the grounding rod of the life force of a single cell, just as it is the universal remedial means for purifying many different items that have a common molecule of water in them. A detailed account of its applications in environmental health and engineering will be discussed in its application of mold and other unique diseases that have affected our bodies, homes, workplaces and environment.
What is Far-Infrared?
It is hard to explain something that one cannot see with the naked eye, but every evening, every one of us looks up into the heavens to see the twinkling stars that make up our universe. We called the first stars born in the galaxies the "heavens." That beginning emerged in a specific range of radiant heat as a luminous speck of dust and energy called "Infrared." Infrared is usually divided into 3 spectral regions: near, mid and far-infrared. The boundaries between the near, mid, and far-infrared regions are not agreed upon and can vary, but all create radiant heat. (1)
Any object that has a temperature (i.e. radiates heat) emits infrared energy or IR. Therefore, basically all celestial objects and other living organisms emit some infrared. The wavelength at which an object radiates most intensely depends on its temperature. When a person is ill, they will lose radiant heat within their body. The electromagnetic spectrum is composed of three segments of wavelength: near, mid and far- infrared. They are measured in microns or micrometers (a micron = 1/1,000,000 or 0.000,001).(1)
It is interesting to note that this process may be viewed as losing light within one's body as seen in chemical luminescence tests, which are currently being used to aid in the treatment of chronic diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, liver and polycystic kidney disease. In general, as the temperature of an object cools, it shows up more prominently at farther infrared wavelengths. This means that some infrared wavelengths are better suited for studying certain objects than others, such as far-infrared. (1)
The far-infrared segment of the electromagnetic spectrum occurs just below, or "infra" to red light as the next lowest energy band. This band of light is not visible to human eyes but can be seen by special cameras that translate infrared into visible colors, such as the way thermal cameras do. (2, 3)
We can, however, feel this type of light, which we perceive as heat. The sun produces most of its energy in the infrared segment of the spectrum. Our atmosphere has a "window" in it that allows infrared rays in the 7 to 14 micron ranges to safely reach the earth's surface. When warmed, the earth radiates infrared rays in the 7-14 micron bands, with peak output at 10 microns.
Our tissues normally produce infrared energy for warmth and tissue repair. Tissue production of infrared energy is associated with a variety of healing responses. At times, the infrared energy in our tissues may require a boost to a higher level to ensure the fullest healing possible for tissue repair. Body tissues that need an infrared boost selectively absorb infrared rays. The tissue will only use the infrared rays in the areas where it is needed. After boosting a tissue's infrared energy, the remaining rays pass on harmlessly. This phenomenon is called "resonant absorption." Our bodies radiate infrared energy through the skin at 3 to 50 microns, with most of the output at 9.4 microns. Our palms emit infrared energy in the level of 8 to 14 microns. If you put your hands on top of each other, but do not allow them to touch, and spin them fast like a tumble weed in a western movie, then stop them and bring the palms near each other but do not let them touch, you will feel a radiant heat. This is infrared energy. Palm healing, an ancient tradition in China, has used the healing properties of infrared rays for 3,000 years. Yogis in India also employ palm healing and recommend it, especially for relieving eyestrain.
Astronomers at the Space Telescope Science Institute, the COBE/DIRBE Science Team and NASA have determined that in the far-infrared range, the stars have all vanished. Instead we now see very cold matter (140 Kelvin or less). Huge, cold clouds of gas and dust in our own galaxy, as well as in nearby galaxies, glow in far-infrared light. In some of these clouds, new stars are just beginning to form. Far-infrared observations can detect these first stars called protostars long before they "turn on" visibly by sensing the heat they radiate as they contract. And maybe this far-infrared light of the cosmos is the simple speck of luminous dust that was used to create all living matter eons of years ago from the pulsation of divine love.(4)
FDA, EPA and Nanotechnology
Nanotechnlogy is the ability to control things at an atomic and molecular scale of between one and 100 nanometers and has been met with enthusiasm across a variety of industries. Critics highlight the murky area of how nanoparticles affect toxicity and say nanoparticles should be treated as new, potentially harmful materials and tested for safety accordingly.(5)
Unlike pharmaceuticals, which must go through a series of pre-market approvals, finished dietary supplements need no pre-market approval. Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), which is part of the Food and Cosmetic Act, only ingredients not marketed in the US before October 1994 must be approved by FDA before use in consumer products. Thus, as it stands, pre-market regulation of nanotechnology in dietary supplements, biological pesticides, and other man made nanotechnology does not fall under FDA, EPA, OSHA, FIFRA and other regulatory agencies in the USA, just for the simple reason that the nanotechnology is so small that the conventional regulatory laboratory methods do not have equipment to measure at 9 decimals below the zero and are only addressing 3 and 4 decimals (ppm, ppb, and ppt).
In 2005, the Woodrow Wilson International Center stated that more than $30 billion in manufactured goods, according to Lux Research, almost doubled the previous year. The market analyst projects that by 2014, 15 % of all globally manufactured goods will incorporate nanotechnology. So, as environmentalists, engineers and scientists, how do we monitor and keep our bodies, workplace and environment safe from its own self? (6)
Transcending Global Economy by Protecting the Land, Air and Sea
"If there is magic in this planet, it is water," wrote Loren Eisely. Covering 70% of the earth's surface and making up two-thirds or more of the weight of living organisms, water is indispensable to life. Not only does it affect humans, animals, and plants, but also the earth's life force.
Throughout history, the quality of drinking water has been a major factor in determining human welfare. (7) Pollutants can range from toxic chemicals, bacteria, mold, virus, parasites, mineral fibers, radon, metals, and even the new nanotechnology products (biological pesticides and viral protein envelop technology). (8, 9) The association of cause and effect for lead is attributed to Hippocrates about 400 B.C. Georgius Agricola in the sixteenth century knew enough about the occupational and environmental occurrences of certain diseases and substances encountered to write books on occupational diseases. Ever since, the list of toxicants has grown longer. (10) And it will be the synthesizing minded environmental professional who will have to address diseases like Morgellons and other unique diseases that went environmentally wrong in the reality of the world nanotechnology. It's not a quick fix. Many of the collective engineering, scientific, industrial hygiene, and occupational physicians have had to take care of the mycotoxins and biofilms created from simple mold infestation in the workplace and in the home. The city of New Orleans after hurricane Katrina is just one mold spore time bomb, causing its residents arthritis, Crohns disease, diabetes, and other diseases, to name just a few. (11)[/b]
Water pollution is any physical or chemical change in water that may adversely offset organisms. It is global in scope, but the types of pollution vary according to a country's level of development and economic stature. In the poorer nations, water pollution is predominantly caused by human and animal wastes, pathogens (bacteria, fungi, and virus), parasites from their waste, and sediment from unsound farming and timbering practices. The rich nations also suffer from these problems, but with their more extravagant lifestyles and widespread industry, they create an additional assortment of potentially hazardous pollutants: heat, toxic metals, acids, pesticides, endocrine disruptors in waste water from medications/chemo, and new nano biological sensors for illegal drug monitoring and biological pesticides. (12, 13)
The use of the biological pesticide Bacillus Thuringiensis for mosquito control alone in Santa Monica, California left a tale of illogic. If you use a biological agent that is now called a biological pesticide that is made up of the DNA of a Bacillus bacteria from soil and the other half from the DNA of syphilis then it is only logical that 6 months after spraying you would get an outbreak of syphilis in individuals who had some blood generational relative in the past and have an epidemic of this disease. It is simple homeopathic logic to the synthesizing minded environmentalist.
Our EPA air permits only regulate 6 pollutants, with the watchful eye on others on the horizon. None address the use of electronic, psychotronic and information weaponry; high altitude ultra low frequency weapons; plasma, electromagnetic, sonic and ultrasonic weapons, laser weapons, strategic, theater, tactical or extraterrestrial weapons, chemical biological, environmental climate or tectonic weapons. Chemtrails will be part of the environmental professionals' monitoring programs of the near future to prove it was not industries' pollution nor a work- place exposure that cause the new diseases of nano and beyond technology. (14) The way to protect the environment from these new environmental factors is only by maintaining one's own health, environment and food sources to be as sound as the cry of a newborn baby through the universe.
Mold and Other Unique Diseases
Mycotoxin is a highly toxic principle produced by molds or fungi. One type, the aflatoxins, is a member of tricothecene group produced by the fusarium fungus. This has been identified in samples of the so called "yellow rain" in Southeast Asia, where it is said to have been the cause of many deaths among war refugees. Its presence there is subject to some conjecture, since the Fusarium fungus cannot germinate in the humid environment of that area unless it is altered through genetic manipulations by man. There is substantial evidence (blood tests, autopsies and contaminated gas masks) that the former U.S.S.R. has used such lethal agents in Afghanistan, just as many other countries have used these lethal agents since the dawn of history. The human body, once exposed to a mycotoxin, runs a triple risk to its toxic effects. The triple risk factors are direct toxic effects of the myctoxins, acquisition of mutated RNAi from the myctoxin's parent fungus and creation of an internal biofilm, which will harbor a toxic soup of disease. (15)
Fungi grow all over this planet. They are found in the soil, on trees and in water. Their spores travel throughout the lands by the winds from the four corners of our world. Biosensor testing conducted by the U.S. military has resulted in an increased population of Aspergillus niger on homes, trees and other materials in various areas of the United States of America. (16)
Over the last decade, starting in the 1990's, research has implicated many toxin-producing fungi, such as Stachybotrys, Penicillim, Aspergillus, and Fusarium species, to indoor air quality problems and building-related illnesses. Inhalation of mycotoxins, producing fungi in contaminated buildings, is the most significant exposure, however, dermal contact from handling contaminated materials and the chance of ingesting toxin-containing spores through eating, drinking and smoking is likely to increase exposure in a contaminated environment. Recent advances in technology have given laboratories the ability to test for specific mycotoxins without employing cost-prohibitive gas chromatography or high performance liquid chromatography techniques. Currently, surface, bulk food and feeds, and air samples can be analyzed relatively inexpensively for mycotoxins.
During exponential growth, many fungi release low molecular weight, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as products of secondary metabolism with a melting point of 81 degrees C or less. These compounds comprise a great diversity of chemical structure, including ketones, aldehydes, and alcohols, as well as moderately to highly modified aromatics and aliphatics. Cultural studies of some common household molds suggest that the composition of VOCs remains quantitatively stable over a range of growth media and conditions. Furthermore, the presence of certain marker compounds common to multiple species, such as 3-melthylfuran, may be monitored as a proxy for the presence of a fungal amplifier. (17) This method has been suggested as a means of monitoring fungal contamination in grain storage facilities. Limited evidence suggests that exposure to low concentrations of VOCs may induce respiratory irritation independent of exposure to allergenic particulate. Volatile organic compounds may also arise through indirect metabolic effects. A well-known example of this is the fungal degradation of urea formaldehyde foam insulation. Fungal colonization of this material results in the cleavage of urea from the polymer, presumably to serve as a carbon or nitrogen source of primary metabolism. During this process formaldehyde is evolved as a derivative, contributing to a decline in indoor quality. (18)
Many fungi, mycotoxins, and their VOC's are at a level of detection within the human body that is very hard to determine at relatively low costs. Tissue samples of blood, urine and even direct organ/tissue biopsy will determine the presence of a fungi, mycotoxin and/or their VOC's To kill fungi and remove other substances, it is necessary to look at a variety of treatment modalities. Current anti-fungal formulations have been developed to address specific fungal infections. In many cases, it is very hard for the healthcare provider and physician to determine what species of fungi was present that created which specific mycotoxin, which is a billion dollar revenue to the pharmaceutical industry.
Fungal infections in AIDS patients have been observed in tissue biopsy reports to be growing within the tissue, and this causes great health risks to the patient and the environmental engineers who have to monitor HVAC systems within a hospital or hospice setting. The use of far-infrared as a treating modality can address the electromagnetic spectrum in micron and micrometers (nano level), which would be an ideal choice in treating fungal infected and other unique, diseased patients, HVAC surfaces (walls, ceilings, floors) and water. The far-infrared segment of the electromagnetic spectrum occurs just below, or "infra" to, red light as the next lowest energy band, as previously discussed.
Our tissues normally produce infrared energy for warmth and tissue repair. Tissue production of infrared energy is associated with a variety of healing responses. The Far-infrared travels the path of fresh water between the cells thus correcting the water molecules bond angle to a perfect hexagonal shape that then collects a total of 6 water molecules to form a collective microtubule of water. The microtubule then creates a fiber optic response that aligns all the molecules to respond to the correct mechanisms of the blueprint of the DNA. Once far-infrared is within the body at its total capacity, it is repealed. This occurs in all living forms of life and in any material that has moisture or a water molecule within its pores, such as cement which becomes 4-5 times stronger. (19)
Body tissues that need an infrared boost selectively absorb infrared rays after boosting a tissue's infrared energy: The remaining rays pass onward harmlessly. This phenomenon is called "resonant absorption." Our bodies radiate infrared energy from 8 to 14 microns. Palm healing, an ancient tradition in China, has used the healing properties of infrared rays for 3,000 years. Yogis in India also employ palm healing and recommended it especially for relieving eye strain.
The use of high performance carbon fiber that is made from the filaments of man- made diamonds (zirconium), which is crystalline in structure, has been developed by MPS Global, Inc. in panels for FIR Therapy Rooms, and individual use Capsule DIMA. All panels create a steady stream of pure far-infrared radiant heat that is from 4 to 16 microns. There are no photons and 1/2 electron spin, which is the basic definition of FIR in any CRC Press Handbook of Physics text. The use of these panels will create a temperature of 16521 degrees C, which does not cause any burning of the skin or ill effects upon its surfaces. They are the environmental answer to new nanotechnology-created diseases the next generation of environmentalists will have to correct. The melting point of many mycotoxin VOC's is 81 degrees C and when using FIR radiant heat at 165 degrees C the compounds are evaporated off, or out of the body or surface area, for environmental remedial activity.
Some other diseases that have come into play for workplace and environmental exposures are the following:
Morgellons - A disease in which individuals have the growth of fibers from their skin that burn at 1,700 degrees F and do not melt. (20) A private study to determine the chemical and biological composition of these fibers has shown that the fibers' outer casing is made up of high density polyethylene fiber (HDPE). The fiber material is used commonly in the manufacture of fiber optics. There is no history of the individual in that industry or coming into contact with this material. It was further determined that this material is used throughout the bio nanotechnology world as a compound to encapsulate a viral protein envelope, which is composed of a viron (1/150th times smaller than a virus) with DNA, RNA, RNAi (mutated RNA) or RNAsi linear or ring plasmids for specific functions. (21, 22) Toxicological pathology identification of tissue biopsies from an individual diagnosed with Morgellons revealed the presence of continual silica or glass tubules with the presence of silicone. (23) It must be noted that the core toxicological effects of silicone alone have been demonstrated throughout the breast implant industry and litigation cases. (24, 25) Furthermore, silicone cannot make silica, but silica or silica bicarbonate can make silicone through natural cellular interaction in a biological system. The subject did not have breast implants or any other implant or silicon glue injections.
Silicone Slide Description
Silicone Slide
Silicone Tissue Slide
Morgellon Pathology Slides
Index To Above Slides
Photo #1 (Slide #3): - Fat and soft tissue containing silicone
Photo #2 (Slide #4A): - Vessels containing particles and silicone in the fibro fatty tissue
Photo #3 (Slide #7A): - Fibro fatty containing silicone
Photo #4 (Slide #15A): - Silicone in the fat
Photo #5 (Slide #16A): - Silicone in the fat
Photo #6(Slide #19): - Synovium fibrosis and vascularization
Photo #7 (Slide #20): - Inflammation of synovium
Photo #8 (Slide #21): - Inflammation of synovium
Photo #9 (Slide #22): - Soft tissue with bone formation
Photo #10 (Slide #11A): - Degeneration of scar tissue
Photo #11 (Slide #23): - Degeneration fragmentation of the bone
Photo #12 (Slide #24): - Degeneration fragmentation of the bone
Photo #13 (Slide #9A): - Degeneration fragmentation of the bone
Photo #14 (Slide #10A): - Massive degeneration fragmentation of the bone
Photo #15 (Slide #13A): - Bone formation of articular surface
Photo #16 (Slide #14A): - Conversion of cartilege of articular surface into the bone
Second Generation Dioxin
The following photo is a boy born without legs:
Boy Without Legs
- - - Children born of the second generation of offspring from the Vietnam War are experiencing severe birth defects as seen in an article of Vanity Fair this year. It shows specific birth defects of keeping the bones in reverse positions, which again, is a result of the improper alignment of the water molecule upon the developmental embryo's cellular signaling system and sensing.
Parasitic Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Parasitic Worm
- - - 63 % of the patients diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) had a hidden lung worm, Cryptostronylus pulmoni cultured from their sputum. This species of worm is a nematode. Its male measures 250 nanometers, while the female measures between 750-100 namometers in length. (26) Currently, biological pesticide manufacturers are using nematode eggs as delivery systems of viral protein envelopes to corn, potatoes, and other agricultural feed materials that are used as feed for poultry, beef and domestic animals (cats and dogs).
The last 30 years of the birth of OSHA and EPA has given us 3 decades of professionals in the field of environmental health and science. All of us have been dedicated to reducing the risk of exposure to hazardous materials in the workplace, environment and home. We came from a generation of creating a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and telling the world of industry that it must comply but little did we know that mankind was on its own mission of creating nanotechnology that would never be ruled by an MSDS or hazardous material incident report. It would go as a silent plague into the DNA of every living creature on this planet to reveal its true face in the generations to come. Or, will it be one that never shows its face because the world may become infertile due to its own demise?
1. Staninger, Ph.D., Hildegarde. What is Far-Infrared? Healthy Life USA Magazine. Los Angeles, California. Volume 2, March 2004.
2. Zybron Optical Electronics, Inc. Our Unique Sensors and Their Innovative Fusion Systems. Beaver Creek, Ohio. © August 2006.
3. Integrative Thermal Intelligent Products. Tri-Tracker: Detector of DNA, RNA and Viral Protein Envelops. Dayton, Ohio © October 2006.
4. Markarian, Ph.D., Mark. Work in progress on the light bond and its universal applications to love. The Human Enterprise, Palisades, New York © 2001 - present.
5. Dousaud, Clarisse. FDA not "nano-ready", says report. http://www/ © October 8, 2006.
6. Woodrow Wilson International Center, Washington, DC.
7. Sacarello, Ph.D., Hildegarde L.A. International Water Quality Challenges: Their Recognition, Evaluation and Remediation. World Safety Organization Conference Proceedings: WOSAPEC 1994. WSO Journal. © September 1994. pgs. 23-26.
8. Chanlett, Emil T. Environmental Protection: Second Edition. MacGraw-Hill Book Company. New York, New York. © 1991. pgs 145-146.
9. U.S. Patent and Trademarks. Entomopathogenic Pesticides, Bayer Corporation. Washington, D.C. © 1986.
10. Science. "Global Water Scare." Volume 262. Nov. 12, 1993. pg. 987.
11. Staninger, Ph.D, Hildegarde. Mycotoxins: Their Toxicological Effects on the Human Being. World Safety Organization. 17th International Environmental Safety and Health Conference and Exposition. November 3-5th, 2003. Denver, Colorado. pgs. 21 - 25.
12. DARPA. Development of Biosensor for Detection of Illegal Drugs in a joint initiative between U.S. Army and Mexico Federalizes. © 2005. SITCOM
13. U.S. EPA Biological Pesticides for Mosquitoes. Bacillus Thuringiensis controlled spraying Santa Monica, California. © 2004
14. Worthington, Amy. Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War. and -© November 21, 2004.
15. Fungalbionics, of ungalbionics.htm (c) 7/16/2002
16. Chemtrails and Barium.
17. Johnson, Ph.D., Douglas E. Principal. IE3, International Consultant on HVAC Remediation and Sick Buildings, Branden, Florida.
18. Hidden Mold mold.htm © 7/16/2002
19. MPS Global, Inc. and Daiugin Research on Far-Infrared Radiant Heat. Remediation and Industrial Applications. Pomona, CA. © 2004
20. Twietmeyer, Ted. Is Morgellons Disease Caused by Chemtrail Spraying? © May 14, 2006.
21. Staninger, Ph.D., Hildegarde. Private Funded Independent Study on the Identification of Chemical and Biological Composition of Fibers from Moregellon Diagnosed Patients. Integrative Health International, LLC. Lakewood, CA © October 5, 2006. Laboratory Report: Fiber made of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE).
22. Leicester. Virus Replication. Microbiology @ Leicester: virology: Virus replication. Updated: October 22, 2004. "
23. Karjoo, M.D., Rahim and Hildegarde Staninger, Ph.D. Toxicological Pathology Evaluation of Tissue Biopsy Specimens of a Moregellon Patient. Pending publication American College of Pathology. © 2006-2007.
24. Kendell, Pamela. Torn Illusions: One Woman's Tragic Experience with the Silicone Conspiracy. New Horizon Press. Far Hills, New Jersey. © 1994
25. Karjoo, M.D., Rahim. U.S. Silicon Breast Implant Studies. American Medical Diagnostic Laboratories, Inc. Santa Ana, CA. © 1994
26. Kalpow, Ph.D., Lawrence A. Suspected New Species of Nematode Parasite in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) Cryptostrongylus pulmoni (provisional) " The Hidden Lung Worm."
Engineered Blood Cells -- Carnicom, April 2009
Erythrocytes in airborne sampleDried Blood Cells in the Air
Back in 2000, Clifford Carnicom, working with a medical microscopy professional, found desiccated erythrocytes (dehydrated red blood cells) in airborne samples collected in the mountains of New Mexico. The expert confirmed the cells were erythrocytes and had been altered in some way so as to be "preserved." Carnicom did more tests with outdoor samples from HEPA filters and continued to find the presence of erythrocytes. (See this and other papers on his website.) Needless to say, he was puzzled by the findings: Why were dried blood cells showing up in the air?
2009 Gum-Dental Samples Show Same Dried Blood Cells
Today, in 2009, Clifford Carnicom is discovering that cultured gum-tissue samples from our mouths are showing the same desiccated blood cells found in his environmental samples. Question: Why are dehydrated blood cells showing up in what's coming out of our mouths? When culturing (growing) what is expelled from the red-wine fiber test (see above), he observed two "forms" in the cultures -- filaments and red blood cells. The fibers then become surrounded by red-blood cells. Some of the fibers are segmented and appear to contain erythrocytes. Are the fibers producing the blood cells? Remember that our red blood is made by our bone marrow ... so how are these fibers able to produce red blood cells outside the body?? Where in this picture are the rules of biology? The fact that you or I can observe red blood appearing in a petri dish outside of the human body is truly unusual -- suggesting a form of very advanced science. What is the connection between the fibers and the blood that aligns around them? (See pictures below -- click to enlarge.)
Filament containing erythrocytes
Filament tubule containing
red blood cells
Erythrocytes around filament
Red blood cells gathered
around filament Erythrocytes unnaturally aligned
Red blood cells in unnatural
linear formation
Tests Confirm Cells Are Red Blood
Kastle-Meyer test on gum-tissue sampleTo establish beyond a shadow of doubt that the cells forming in the cultures were in fact blood cells (and not another kind of cell), Clifford Carnicom performed two courtroom-grade forensic tests: the Kastle-Meyer and the HEMASTIX. Both tests confirmed that the cells were indeed red blood, and that these blood cells came equipped with hemoglobin (the oxygen-carrying component of red blood). Read his paper here and/or listen to his April 23, 2009 interview with Jeff Rense here.
Which begs the following questions: What is material that appears to produce blood cells doing in our bodies? Is it an engineered form of blood? If an engineered form of blood from an outside source is being introduced into our bodies, what is happening to our own blood? Is this an override of some sort? Blood is like a giant taxicab system that carries oxygen and nutrients to our cells (red blood carries oxygen, serum or plasma carries nutrients). If an engineered form of blood capable of carrying oxygen is in us -- what else is it designed to carry? Is this a form of technology intended to take over our circulatory system?
Submicron-sized blood elementCarnicom went on to observe "the extreme geometric regularity of the forms of the cells. They appear to be essentially of regular and flawless geometric form -- no human blood samples examined thus far demonstrate this level of uniformity." In addition, subjecting the cultures to high heat (boiling) and harsh chemicals (bleach, for instance) did not destroy them. They are very hardy, and possibly designed to be so. Carnicom has found a sub-micron-sized spherical structure within these unusual blood cells, suggesting that they "can produce a similar result within the bloodstream of the human body." The new cells' perfect geometry harks to artificial engineering, and "also strongly indicates the likelihood of genetic transfer or manipulation in the process chain."
Read full write-up here and go to our Transbiology page for more.
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