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Minority Report’ technology used by police to predict crimes
Software that can predict when and where future violent crimes will be committed is being used in Britain for the first time.
Watch out for this bag of fun ppl !
‘Minority Report’ technology used by police to predict crimes
Software that can predict when and where future violent crimes will be committed is being used in Britain for the first time.
Two police forces have begun trialling the sophisticated programme, which has echoes of the Tom Cruise film Minority Report, where psychics are used to stop criminals before they commit a crime.
The system, known as Crush (Criminal Reduction Utilising Statistical History) evaluates crime records, intelligence briefings, offender profiles and even weather reports, to identify potential flashpoints where a crime is most likely to occur.
The “predictive analytics” technology has been credited as a key factor behind a 31 per cent fall in crime and 15 per cent drop in violent crime in Memphis, Tennessee, according to The Observer.
John Williams, of the Memphis Crime Analysis Unit, said: “This is more of a proactive tool than reacting after crimes have occurred.
“This pretty much puts officers in the area at the time that the crimes are being committed.”
The software has been developed by IBM which has invested $11 billion in analytics over the past four years.
Mark Cleverley, the company’s head of government strategy, said: “What the technology does is what police officers have always done, sometimes purely on instinct – looking for patterns to work out what is likely to happen next.
“What is different is the scale on which the systems operates and the speed at which the analysis takes place.”
is the only guardian of true liberty."
~James Madison
The software has been developed by IBM which has invested $11 billion in analytics over the past four years.

IBM and the Holocaust is the stunning story of IBM's strategic alliance with Nazi Germany -- beginning in 1933 in the first weeks that Hitler came to power and continuing well into World War II.
As the Third Reich embarked upon its plan of conquest and genocide, IBM and its subsidiaries helped create enabling technologies, step-by-step, from the identification and cataloging programs of the 1930s to the selections of the 1940s.

Great collage showing genocide and the IBM mind set that uses and thrives on it...
This is why homelessness is on the rise. It is the incrementalization grid for the genocide that is being used to supplant the lower and middle-class with a recognizable dark skinned underclass... this all ties in with the attrition invasion by Mexico.
"In a republic, what species of knowledge can be equally important,
and what duty more pressing on its legislature, than to patronize
a plan for communicating it to those who are to be the future
guardians of the liberties of the country?" ~George Washington,
in a speech to Congress, Dec. 7, 1796
Actually I think sci fi gives people the idea for this stuff and then they work to realize it. Not they plant it in sci fi to condition us , for what? To get used to their new tech..? why would they bother with that. i never did understand the concept of pre conditioning people....
remember this:
"The spider model is similar to that featured in the 2002 sci-fi film, Minority Report, starring Tom Cruise, in which robot insects are sent into a building by police to search for a suspect.
The robots are being developed for use by the American military and its allies, including the British Army, by BAE Systems.
Prototypes small enough to sit on a fingertip have already been created, including a fly that weighs less than an ounce and has a wingspan of 1.18in.
Lightweight carbon joints allow the robot to mimic precisely the movements of a real fly, with wings that beat 110 times a second. "
Just so we are all clear who the enemy is and how they operate...
"Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting." -Sun Tzu
"To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another and then “managing” such crises. This will confuse and demoralize the population to the extent where faced with too many choices, apathy on a massive scale will result. In the case of the United States, an agency for crisis management is already in place. It is called the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), whose existence I first disclosed in 1980. There will be more on FEMA as we proceed." -John Coleman Committee of 300 http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_committee300_02.htm
Here is an extract of the document:
“One of the main techniques for breaking morale through a strategy of terror consists in exactly this tactic: keep the person hazy as to where he stands and just what he may expect. In addition, if frequent vacillations between severe disciplinary measures and promise of good treatment together with the spreading of contradictory news make the structure of the situation unclear, then the individual may cease to know whether a particular plan would lead toward or away from his goal.
Under these conditions, even those individuals who have definite goals and are ready to take risks are paralyzed by the severe inner conflict in regard to what to do.”
This Club of Rome blueprint applies to COUNTRIES as well as to individuals, particularly the government leaders of those countries. We in the U.S. need not think that “Oh well, this is America, and those kinds of things just do not happen here.” Let me assure you that they ARE happening in the U.S., and perhaps more so than in any other country.
The Levin-Club of Rome plan is designed to demoralize us all so that in the end we feel we should follow whatever it is that is planned for us. We WILL follow Club of Rome orders like sheep. Any seemingly strong leader who SUDDENLY APPEARS to “rescue” the nation must be regarded with the utmost suspicion. Remember that Khomeini was groomed for years by British intelligence, especially during his time in Paris, before he suddenly appeared as the savior of Iran. Boris Yeltsin is from the same M16-SIS stable.
The Club of Rome feels confident that it has carried out it Committee of 300 mandate to “soften up” the United States. After 45 years of waging war on the people of this nation, who will doubt that it has indeed accomplished its task? Look around and see how we have been demoralized.
With the U.S. spiritually, morally bankrupted, with our industrial base destroyed throwing 30 million people out of work with our big cities ghastly cesspools of every imaginable crime with a murder rate almost three times higher than any other country, with 4 million homeless, with corruption in government reaching endemic proportions, who will gainsay that the United States is ready to collapse from within, into the waiting arms of the New Dark Age One World Government?
We as a nation are ready to accept the demise of the United States of America and the American way of life, once the envy of the entire world.
Do not think this has happened on its own— the old “times are changing” syndrome. Time does not change anything, PEOPLE do.
Hey Tavistock...I got your apathy right here you pieces of psychopathic crapola!
May 30, 2007 [Please read all of Alan Watt's analysis in the link above, it is amazing]
Here it is, summing it up. This is what all this is meant lead your mind to: coming to their conclusion.
"The common enemy of humanity is man."
Alan: Here's a beautiful psychopathic ability to double-think.
"The common enemy of humanity is man."
Alan: This is the new enemy, you see, we always need enemies to come together to fight, to work, to strive towards, and to be taxed silly.
"…in searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea…"
Alan: I'll read that again.
"…in searching…"
Alan: “In searching,” not in finding.
"…in searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill."
Alan: Now for the hard of thinking, I'll repeat that part.
"…in searching for a new enemy to unite us, we…"
Alan: We--
"…we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill."
Alan: That should be chiseled in your stone or painted on your living room walls; you could read it everyday, because if you forget this, you'll fall for everything else that just comes your way in your lifetime.
To continue:
"In their totality and in their interactions, these phenomena do constitute a common threat which demands solidarity."
Alan: Their goal is solidarity, like a religious movement.
"…of all peoples, but in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome."
Alan: Behavior changes, behavior modification, you see.
Then they sum it up:
"The real enemy…"
Alan: --Which they have chosen, remember, to make you believe in.
"The real enemy then is humanity itself."
This is a summary of a religion that's been indoctrinated and has been over the years, many years, which will bring in their new idealized society; but we have to believe in it, like a religion, to make it happen. And you think that your governments are making all these decisions for you.
Since the 1960’s, massive funding went into preaching the new environmentalism, the Gaia [or Gaea] worship, the overpopulation, “the sky is falling” attitudes that we've been brought along with. Now you do have a generation that's grown up hearing nothing but this, who believe it's all true. Their reality is induced through propaganda and indoctrination, and reinforced by further propaganda, ongoing propaganda. A term they used in circles at the top, back in the 1940’s and '30’s even, they called it "continuing education." That was their couching term for it, which would confuse Joe Average, but it literally meant: beginning with early childhood indoctrination at school and furthered down through time with newspapers, magazines, the radio and eventually television, to reinforce their original lies, until Joe Average and Jane Average think it’s all real and they behave accordingly.
It’s no different than the way religion was used before that, where you'd run through the forest, terrified of all the demons behind every tree; and shadows, as the sun would move and cast the shadows; and it would get dark and you'd run into that big church, where it’s full of light and God was there to dispel all the darkness. It made you feel better and safe, and you clung to the holy men because they could save you.
Any reality can be induced, given time, reinforcement and promulgated from the top down, as the ancients talked about in Greece, when they discussed this many times in the writings of various philosophers. How many generations have lived, died, fought in wars, had moments of pleasure and masses of misery, never knowing that their reality and their belief system (and everything else) was given by a small dominant minority with the history of the ages and the sciences therein? Nothing has changed.
Eventually, you will see children who will volunteer for sterilization, thinking they're doing the world a great deed (or if they're singled out), because they will be told; and this is coming. It's been discussed, written about and published that they have defective genes. They might even have an allergy, “oh, my,” and they shouldn't really put that on to another generation of inflicting misery. You'll see the first generation being "enhanced," as they call it. That's was put forth to the public, through fiction again; the Star Trek series and the eventual space station series (I don’t know what they called it). "Genetic enhancement,” see the movie, "Gattaca," good predictive programming.
However, they will volunteer for sterilization, and probably get some social benefits if they go ahead and do this. Ultimately, of course, they won't need humans to breed, at the low levels. They've discussed this and published it too. Charles Galton Darwin talked about the elite not altering themselves or altering their brains, because they must retain survival capabilities and instincts, since they will be steering the ship of Earth. Whereas Koestler, by the way, for all his so called leading of the left-wing worked for MI6 (declassified now). He said "the masses of people won't need their survival capabilities because the state will be making their decisions for them."
Therefore, we're going through just one part of an ongoing process. It was ongoing and planned for your parents, grandparents and back through time. Masses of people have lived and died, never knowing reality; and that's what we're up against—those who steal our ability to be sentient. They decide what we will be, by giving us a scripted version of reality. They often, in their arrogance, do come out with statements, psychopathically, because they are psychopaths, you see. Psychopaths have tremendous ego. They love to say, "Well, we really told you. It's just that you didn't listen," and they do tell us, and they chuckle that we don't get it because we cannot imagine people being so evil as to do what they do. That's why they get away with it. They're helped by myriads of bureaucrats, who, once again are conditioned in their little tunnel and they can't think outside of it either. They will rationalize what they do, no matter what it is and no matter who suffers.
Get the book. Read through it, and you certainly will learn, by their own admissions that: the reality that you've had, and the one they're going to give you, was designed by them.
From Hamish and myself, it's good night, and may your god or your gods go with you.
"It was while I was in Catholic Central that Gerald Ford went into the office of President.
This furthered what I had been conditioned to believe: that I had no place to run and no place to hide.
Of course, since then, since I've been deprogrammed, I know I do have a place to run, and it's right at them.
And I'm not the one with anything to hide.
They're the ones who are hiding their secrets under this cloak of so-called "national security."
Cathy O'Brien http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/transcription_cathy_obrien.htm
It all comes down to courage . . .
Friday, May 19, 2006
If you have courage, then you're willing to face that really stinky mess in the garage and clean it up. You have faith you can clean it up, because you've cleaned up other really stinky messes, or seen other people do it. In other words, you have faith because you have experience of succeeding in the past. Now Americans don't have much faith that we can throw out a bunch of murdering, psychotic tyrants (excuse my French). Why? Because we don't have experience succeeding against such people. Sure, the Founding Fathers threw out the British; but that was WAY back in the day, hundreds of years before we were born. French revolution? Ancient history, and different country. WWII? Still generations back for many of us, and that was different. The WWII generation was fighting "the good war", and never knew that our own government probably let Pearl Harbor be attacked in order to justify the U.S. entry into WWII to help out the British. So we have no experience of having really stood up to tyrants.
Fat and Happy
Moreover, we Americans have led a very pampered life for the past couple of decades. Sure, there has been inequality and exploitation, and some have had it a lot worse than others. But, other than stopping extreme forms of racism (Ku Klux Klan, etc.), we haven't had to defend our borders or our liberties. Basically, we complain if our tv goes on the fritz, or our team loses the game, or we can't afford that new, nicer whatzit, or if our boss is mean. We think those are big, Earth-shattering, history-changing events. But they are quite small in the grand scheme of things. And even those of us who think of ourselves as brave heroes usually only act like that when we know it is within the bounds of safety, within the limits of what we can handle. "Tough guys" tend to turn into meek mice whenever they are really threatened. So we're basically lazy and timid, but we don't know or admit it. We like to pretend we are like the Founding Fathers or John Wayne (at least the cowboys had to rough it a little). But we have no experience of successfully standing up to tyrants, so we have no faith that it can be done, and while the evidence is right before our noses that our current leaders are tyrants, we're so terrified that we have our knickers in a bunch.
What Would They Do?
Even if you haven't experienced success in standing up to tyrants, remember that the Founding Fathers did just that. They were just men, not gods. Sure, they were too persistent and stubborn to give up, but that's because they CARED about something: freedom. They may have lived hundreds of years before our time, but that doesn't matter -- we can still learn from their experience as if it were happening now. Time is an illusion, since human nature is the same now as it was then. Just as many people of faith ask "what would Jesus do?", we can also ask "what would the founding fathers do?" If they could do it, we can do it.
Take Heart
There is a real misunderstanding of what it means to be courageous. In America, courage is often thought of as a testosterone-driven toughness. There's nothing the matter with testosterone. Masculinity is a great thing. But many American men secretly fear that they don't have sufficient testosterone to really be brave when the chips are down. As I said above, even those of us who think of ourselves as brave men usually only act like that when we know it is within the bounds of safety, within the limits of what we can handle. We might jump in a bar room brawl to protect our buddy, but that's because we know we're only going to get knocked around a little bit -- nothing but bruises that will go away in a little while. The stakes just aren't that high. But most American men secretly doubt whether they are macho enough to pull it off under fire. They may watch alot of action movies, and talk tough, and stand up when its not really dangerous (or when they clearly outgun the other guy), but they are secretly terrified that they don't have quite enough backbone to pull it off against the big boys, such as tyrants.
I would argue that this view fundamentally misunderstands the nature of courage, and ensures that we will never have true courage when it counts. By way of analogy, the word "discipline" comes from "disciple". If you are a true "disciple" of an idea of a plan or a strategy or a religion, then you will stick to it and "have discipline" to reach your goal. It is not just a matter of willpower; it is also devotion to something bigger than ourselves. Similarly, the word "courage" comes from the French "with heart". Why does it have this root meaning? Because it takes heart to act bravely. That's how my childhood Karate teacher used the word: when I was practicing with courage, power and focus, he would say "you have alot of heart today" (indeed, many old-school warriors use the phrase "fighting with heart" in that way). If courage is acting "with heart", we've lost heart. And without heart, we cannot face the truth of 9/11, or lying to start wars, or vote fraud, or fascism, or torture, or dictatorship.
So how do we regain our heart? Well, let's start with what gets our hearts beating.
Remember that the mother bear is one of the fiercest animals of all. Just get between a mother bear and her cub and you'll see what I mean. It is her love of her cub which gives her the heart to face any enemy when her cub is threatened. It is not her level of testosterone, but rather her love for her cub which makes her so fierce. Just as discipline is more than just willpower, courage stems from something bigger than just cajones. In fact, the strongest courage comes from the love of something we care about, since our heart will sustain us even when the chips are really down and we are really up against a tyrant. As the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said: "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." In addition, we're no longer living in the old west. Individualism is very important in numerous ways, but we can only win against the tyrants as a team, as a community, as a nation. And only by opening our hearts to what matters will we be able to work together, to fight for all of our kids, and all of our freedom. Only then will we be able to put the tyrants back in the box.
Do we care about our kids, our significant others, our parents, our friends? Do we care about the freedom to choose what we want, instead of having our "great leader" choose for us? If not, what DO we care about? Because if that is where your heart is, that is what will give you courage. Even if you are driven by greed, then -- unless you directly make your living from the defense or oil industries (the two sectors profiting wildy under the current administration) -- you have motive to restore democracy to our country.
I care too much about my kids and my freedom to be afraid. I care enough about them that it gets my heart beating, connects me to something bigger than myself, and that gives me courage, even when the chips are down.
Courage is an innate human quality. It is within each of us, waiting to reveal itself when we open our hearts. When we act with heart, by definition, we are courageous.
Those who would trade safety for freedom deserve neither.
– Thomas Jefferson
Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.
- Hellen Keller
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.
- Goethe
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.
- Ambrose Redmoon
Courage is an everyday thing. When we look reality squarely in the eye and refuse to back away from our awareness, we are living courage.
- Anonymous
To have courage for whatever comes in life - everything lies in that.
- Mother Teresa
It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.
- Robert F . Kennedy
It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.
- Seneca, Native American
Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the others.
- Aristotle
Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.
- John Wayne
Courage is doing what your afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared.
- Eddie Rickenbacker
Courage is fear holding on a minute longer.
- George Patton
One man with courage makes a majority.
- Andrew Jackson
Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did.
- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.
— Eleanor Roosevelt
Within each of us is a hidden store of energy. Energy we can release to compete in the marathon of life Within each of us is a hidden store of courage. Courage to give us the strength to face any challenge Within each of us is a hidden store of determination. Determination to keep us in the race when all seems lost.
- Roger Dawson
We must never despair; our situation has been compromising before; and it changed for the better; so I trust it will again. If difficulties arise; we must put forth new exertion and proportion our efforts to the exigencies of the times.
- George Washington
We must remember that one determined person can make a significant difference, and that a small group of determined people can change the course of history.
-Sonia Johnson
Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
- Margaret Mead
"War Against the Weak"
"Aren't three generations of imbeciles enough?" is a line repeated over and over in this documentary recounting how the Western pseudoscience of eugenics morphed into genocide during World War II. In horrifying detail, "War Against the Weak" explores the scientific climate that led to the extermination of many millions of Jews and other "imbeciles" at the height of the Third Reich. Eugenics, the study of selective breeding, sprang up in the 1860s under the tutelage of Francis Galton, an English scientific wunderkind and half-cousin to Charles Darwin. Roughly 70 years later, it flowered as "racial purity" under Hitler's hand — and it all took root in America. Galton popularized eugenics as a way to rid humanity of disease and defects — such as epilepsy, premature births, retardation and alcoholism — through sterilization. He was under the impression that if such blemishes were not eradicated, humanity would slide down a path to extinction. American eugenicists picked up on Galton's studies and, according to the film, "In the first 70 years of the 20th century, more than 70,000 Americans were eugenically sterilized," mostly women — thousands more were "eugenically separated" into colonies — so they could not further pollute the gene pool with their so-called inferiorities.
"War Against the Weak" is based on the book of the same name by American journalist Edwin Black, the son of Holocaust survivors, who has written three books uncovering the ties between Nazi Germany and American corporate giants such as IBM, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Institution and General Motors. For instance, in his book, "IBM and the Holocaust," Black details how IBM customized punch cards for Nazi Germany, without which the deportation and extermination of so many people would likely have been impossible to mastermind. In this new film, Black and director Justin Strawhand posit that it was American eugenics studies that Adolf Hitler first latched onto in 1924 while in prison on a treason charge, as he began to construct his political ideology in "Mein Kampf." Hitler took the eugenics thinking one giant step further and applied it to Jews, Gypsies and other people, graduating from sterilization to mass killings.
There's no happy ending to "War Against the Weak." At the close of the film, viewers are reminded that the U.S. government and United Nations helped fund the forced sterilization of nearly 300,000 women in Peru during the 1990s; Australian philosopher Peter Singer, a bioethics professor at Princeton, has "called for the right to kill disabled infants up to one month after birth; and in 2007, American Nobel Prize-winner James Watson, who helped discover DNA, claimed that blacks are genetically inferior to whites.
How American corporate philanthropies launched a national campaign of ethnic cleansing in the United States, helped found and fund the Nazi eugenics of Hitler and Mengele — and then created the modern movement of "human genetics." In the first three decades of the 20th Century, American corporate philanthropy combined with prestigious academic fraud to create the pseudoscience eugenics that institutionalized race politics as national policy. The goal: create a superior, white, Nordic race and obliterate the viability of everyone else.
War Against the Weak: Eugenics
1:03:57 - 2 years ago
Edwin Black discussed his book War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race, published by Four Walls Eight Windows. The book discusses a large-scale eugenics movement that began in the U.S. in 1904 and that was championed by the nation's medical, political, and religious elite. Eugenics sought to eliminate social "undesirables" and was eventually copied by the Third Reich. Mr. Black responded to questions from members of the audience.
Aug 14--Ashton Kutcher talks about Eugenics/Rockefeller/War Against the Weak on Bill Maher's show
War Against the Weak by Justin Strawhand
(2009, USA, 90 minutes, DVD)
War Against the Weak is a shocking investigation of American eugenics, arguably the most dangerous pseudoscience of all time, which became the largely unknown foundation for Nazi genocide. Even before Hitler’s rise to power, a powerful mix of American corporate, scientific, academic and political elite was formulating a sinister racial and ethnic purification movement that attempted to breed a Nordic master race through the elimination of those deemed physically or mentally unfit. Under the Nazis, eugenic principles were applied without restraint, and with the support of Ivy League scientists funded by the Carnegie Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation and others. Ingeniously condensed from the book by award-winning journalist Edwin Black, this film is a gripping account of bad science at its worst, and a warning bell in our impending genetic age.
Here Comes the Master Race
Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race.
By Daniel J. Kevles Published: October 5, 2003
EUGENICS -- the idea of manipulating human genes to the end of improving individuals, groups or entire populations -- is strongly associated with the Nazi programs of sterilization, euthanasia and genocide. But during the first third of the 20th century, eugenics movements flourished in many nations, including the United States. In the last few years, newspaper articles have called attention to -- and prompted official apologies for -- state-mandated sterilizations done legally to rid society of its alleged human trash, the ''weak'' in the title of Edwin Black's new book, notably in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Oregon and California.
Black is the author previously of ''IBM and the Holocaust,'' a work strongly suggesting that the company, with its punch-card machines, knowingly assisted Hitler's brutalities. His ''War Against the Weak,'' apparently written with similar intent, is a muckraking book about a subject incontestably awash in muck. In the vein of the genre, it is a stew rich in facts and spiced with half-truths, exaggerations and distortions. The most pungent ingredient is its central thesis: eugenic doctrines and policies favoring ''Nordic superiority'' were in fact invented in the United States, were developed in alliance with American wealth and power, and were then exported, inspiring Hitler and achieving their ultimate realization in the Holocaust.
Black pursues his thesis across largely familiar ground -- the eugenic theories that attributed costly physical conditions and socially deleterious behaviors to genetics, accounting for many of them as expressions of ''feeble-mindedness''; the claims in the United States that such deficiencies occurred with particularly high frequency among African-Americans and immigrants from eastern and southern Europe; the respectable standing of eugenic science at leading universities, state agencies and institutions, public interest organizations and research installations, notably the Eugenics Record Office, which was part of what became the department of genetics at the Carnegie Institution of Washington and which was financed in the main by the widow of the railroad magnate E. H. Harriman and in part by grants from the Rockefeller philanthropies. Black rightly observes that eugenic research into heredity combined ''equal portions of gossip, race prejudice, sloppy methods and leaps of logic, all caulked together by elements of actual genetic knowledge to create the glitter of a genuine science.''
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