Former self-proclaimed libertarian piece of shit globalist sell-out.
A minute and a half eulogy for that joke of a country called "Canada".
Real leaders stand up for truth, justice and freedom.
I can't believe I'm actually forced to pay part of this dickhead's salary. I tried not to, but they unlawfully and immorally took their cut anyway. They can do that, thanks to the scumbags in the banking industry.
The idea of The Free West is nothing but an illusion, so we have to recreate it.
From the YouTube description: (11 min.) PPF member Press For Truth even gets his say in the vid! Well said, Dan!
Actually I'm the last person to advocate violent revolt.. I've already made it quite clear that I think the best way to beat these fascists, is non compliance. Stop buying their stuff. Stop attending their protests. Don't watch their TV. Yank our children out of their indoctrination farms. Stuff like that. Unfortunately however the reality is going to be much much different. As we speak they are setting up a two pronged war to keep the people at each others throat. A race war and a class war.
So those of you who have violent fantasies, tomorrow will be your time to play. It seems obvious enough to me. Telling the people this is costing a billion dollars and on top of it we're going to pay in taxes, to get pummeled over the head. It just goes to show that they are either extremely arrogant or they want to insight the peoples' wrath. That is about all they associated this summit with in our media. Violence and police brutality!!! The police acted like nothing short of NAZI Stormtroopers. While our leaders hammered out the finishing touches to our demise. Looking real smug while doing it, too.
Poor Stephen Harper.. Forever getting chastised by the globalists in Europe for daring to show a little restraint. You could even call it resistance in a spineless sort of way. I know it's not just Stephen's fault, but the woes that rocked Romania weren't all the Chauchescus doing, either I guess the captain must and will go down with his ship.
Okay I know the example of Romania is a little extreme in the context of Canada.. Or is it really? We.. Canada, have been gingerly propping up brutal fascist regimes all over the third world for the last 30 yrs. Let's say we had it coming.
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