Hanging by your Fingernails - The Fukushima Meltdown
A Transhumanist Play in Three (or more) Acts
Michio Kaku on April 4, 2011, 8:30 PM
A Transhumanist Play in Three (or more) Acts
Michio Kaku on April 4, 2011, 8:30 PM
The situation at Fukushima is relatively stable now... in the same way that you are stable if you hang by your fingernails off a cliff, and your fingernails begin to break one by one.
As I mentioned before, the accident so far in Fukushima is progressing in three acts.
The first act was the earthquake and tsunami, which immediately wiped out all emergency cooling systems simultaneously at all three reactors and all hell has broken loose.
Act II was the enormous damage done to the cores of these three reactors. With the loss of cooling water, temperatures began to rise rapidly, causing the hydrogen gas explosions and fuel melting. We know that about 70% of Unit 1's core was damaged, and that 33% of Unit 2's core was also damaged. All computer simulations done by various laboratories all show the same thing—that we came perilously close to a full scale metldown at all three reactors, including a spent fuel pond accident in Unit 4.
Against the wishes the utility, the Japanese government ordered flushing the entire reactors with seawater, which temporarily halted the accident from progressing to a full blown tragedy. This stabilized the accident, at present, from going into free fall (but reduced the three reactors to pieces of junk.) Meanwhile, radiation keeps flowing out of the reactors and into food, agricultural products, the oceans, the soil, etc.
Now we are entering Act III. With the cores covered with seawater and fresh water, the workers are desperately trying to hit rock bottom, so they can begin recovery operations.
Unfortunately, we have not yet reached the bottom. Leaks of radiation are being found everywhere. The crucial thing is that the workers do not know precisely where this radiation is coming from. The primary suspect is that there is a direct contact between melted uranium (called "corium") and the cooling water, probably caused by a pipe break or, more ominously, a pressure vessel that has completely melted through.
So the utility is like the little Dutch boy, trying desperately to plug up one leak, only to find another. But until they find the primary source of this leak, there will be damaging reports of radiation being found in more and more places. Time is not on their side. The longer it takes to hit rock bottom, the more the danger of evacuations of workers and damage to the economy of the area. Also, secondary earthquakes and pipe breaks can cause the accident to start up all over again with the loss of precious cooling water. It's also a Catch 22: they need to flood the cores with water, but this water becomes contaminated and flows out to the environment. Damned if they do, and damned if they don't.
One solution is to put a special TV camera into the contaminated water to actually photograph the bottom of the reactor vessel, which is underwater, to see precislely the nature of this leak, whether its just a simple crack or a full blown melt-through of the reactor pressure vessel. If it's just a crack, then it might be possible to drain the water and then weld the crack shut. But if it is a melt through, then it is much harder to seal up the hole. Either way, robots or suicide squads of workers will be necessary to seal up the leak. In the best case scenario, the situation continues on for months and years. At TMI, it took years before a camera was finally able go underwater to photograph the state of the core. There, the reactor vessel was not damaged. But at Fukushima, it is likely that the pressure vessel is cracked or partially melted through, which makes clean up much more difficult. Workers have a long, long way to go. For example, although electricity was been brought onto the site, a great disappointment is that the pumps cannot be turned on, because they are broken, or there is too much hydrogen gas, or it is too radioactive to make repairs. Until the pumps are turned on, workers have to use the Stone Age method of using firemen to shoot hose water into the reactor. (This is a problem if radiation levels continue to rise due to the failue to find the leak in the reactor.)
I get a headache just thinking of all the measures that have to be taken just to reach rock bottom and then to begin clean-up operations. Meanwhile, the clock is ticking. Let's hope there are no more secondary earthquakes, or pipe breaks, or full scale evacuations of workers, which could restart the nightmare all over again.
Let's hope no more fingernails crack.
Michio Kaku Warns 5 Cities Of Enormous Pending Earthquakes (VIDEO)
By: admin
December 31, 2010
By: admin
December 31, 2010
Physicist and author of “Physics of the Future” Michio Kaku warned world citizens this morning on Good Morning America about the pending threat of enormous earthquakes.
“In our life time, we could very well see one of these cities destroyed,” Kaku said. “Los Angeles, San Francisco, Mexico City, Tehran, Tokyo.”
Kaku pointed to changes in the physical structures of human civilization, and how the new composure poses many risks. “We are creating mega cities where there used to be fishing villages,” he said.
About the many disasters this year, he said: “Well, look at the Chilean earthquake. You realize it was so big it actually rocked the planet earth. The axis of the earth shifted 3 inches as a result of that 8.8 earthquake. The day is no longer 24 hours, it’s been shortened by one micro-second, That’s how big that earthquake was.”
What else did the author warn viewers about?
The Great Transition
"It will be necessary to replace today’s cumbersome social systems, religious dogmas, heated emotions, partisan ideologies, and other commonly outmoded forms of thought and consciousness that now form the major obstacles to progress." — William E. Halal, Emerging Technologies and the Global Crisis of Maturity
There are several futurists, think tanks and high level government analysts that are both eagerly anticipating and warning that there will be great social conflict during this "great transition". They are nearly uniform in calling for a casting aside of "outmoded forms of thought" to pave the way for a new era. By holding on to "ancient ideas" of government and religion, people are holding back the progress of the great technological revolution and a resulting "planetary civilization". Some have compared the potential impact of this transition to the social and political impact of the Industrial Revolution. This new revolution, however, is on a much grander scale.
Some call it the "Age of Transitions", others the "Global Crisis of Maturity". Zbigniew Brzezinski called it the "Technectronic Era". However it is labeled, it brings with it major change and upheaval to humanity. Fred C. Ikle, author of The Ultimate Threat to Nations: Annihilation from Within, sees a widening gap between the "two souls" of society. One is dedicated to the scientific outlook that has been freed from religious and political bindings, while the other clings to the "stubborn past" of tradition and religion. Ikle sees this expanding gap as a great danger to all governments world-wide. Ikle writes,
"This widening chasm is ominous. It might impair the social cohesion of societies, and of nations, by drawing the human psyche in two directions: to the personal and national identity that resides in acquired beliefs, memories, and traditions of the past; and to the promise of greater wealth and power offered by untrammeled technological progress… In the scientific sphere, we are neither emotionally tied to our cultural and religious heritage, nor pining for a final redemption. But when animated by the world’s old soul, we seek to protect our identity by clinging to ancient artifacts from our ancestors and hallowed legends from the distant past."[1]
William E. Halal stated in the March-April 2009 edition of The Futurist that, "Some new form of global order is needed to avert disaster." He continues, "The transition could happen anytime, but it is hard to conceive of a future in which today’s systems could survive much beyond 2020, let alone 2030." Halal writes,
"It will be necessary to replace today’s cumbersome social systems, religious dogmas, heated emotions, partisan ideologies, and other commonly outmoded forms of thought and consciousness that now form the major obstacles to progress."[2]
Halal cites prominent pollster John Zogby’s new book The Way We’ll Be as he discusses the rise of a new "global generation." His description of this generation fits current economic trends that point to dramatically lower standards of living, but frames this as a "sustainable" lifestyle. The "First Globals" as he calls them will be "…intent on living sustainable lives in a unified world." Zogby writes,
"…we are in the midst of a fundamental reorientation of the American character… away from wanton consumption and toward a new global citizenry in an age of limited resources." [3]
Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist and futurist, believes that the globe is moving towards what he calls a "Type 1" civilization. This civilization, according to Kaku, will be technologically superior and constitute a world-wide system of governance, a global language, culture, and global economy. The transition may not be smooth, however. As kaku has repeatedly stated, there will be resistance to the rise of this "Type 1" civilization. In a 2006 interview Kaku stated,
"It’s the most dangerous of all transitions because there are some people who don’t want to be in type 1. They instinctively in their gut know that a type 1 system will be a system of different discourses, of different ideas and clashes of ideas and so on and so forth and these people who don’t want this transition are the terrorists. In their gut, the terrorists know that we’re headed for type 1. They can’t articulate it, they don’t know the larger outlines of it, but in their gut they don’t like it."[3]
In an earlier 2005 BBC interview Kaku said,
"…look at the economies. NAFTA, European Union, Trading blocks, the birth of a new economy is taking place. Now there are people who don’t like this transition, who feel in their gut feel more comfortable being in a Type minus 1. They’re the terrorists. They in their gut realize that a Type 1 civilization has flowing ideas, challenging orthodoxies, new bigger, wondrous ideas popping forth. That’s Type 1." [5]
As the world faces unparalleled economic turmoil, America’s decline is marking a historical geopolitical time period. The re-ordering of the globe is underway. The "Global Crisis of Maturity" – as envisioned by the elite – is ushering in a new world order as advancing technologies dramatically alter society.
It is vitally important that everyone, especially young people, gain their own understanding of what we are facing. The school system may prepare you for the future, but only in a manner that is self-serving to the establishment and kept within safe confines to prevent organic change. This study must involve not just a study of potential technological developments, but an understanding of the nature of power and the elites that wield it. Social engineers and opinion molders will be working overtime to shape society during this "Age of Transitions" as societal norms are broken and reshaped, and the political battlefield is thrown into chaos.
Please read the entire article, it is very important:
Please watch this fascinating video exposing the fact that transhumanism is really eugenics with a new face. It also exposes some of the top propagandists of this new eugenics agenda including Brzezinski, Gingrich, and Kaku:
The Age of Transitions
A documentary by Aaron Franz about converging technology, transhumanism, and our future in the making. The cutting edge group known as transhumanists see a beautiful future brought about by artificial intelligence, life extension, and cybernetics.
What must be realised before getting carried away with such utopian dreams is that transhumanism was born out of the elitist pseudo-science eugenics.
This documentary provides vital information on the history of eugenics and its new faces. Featuring: Ray Kurzweil, Nick Bostrom, Dr. Professor Kevin Warwick, Hugo de Garis, Michio Kaku, Aubrey de Grey, Anders Sandberg, Cathy O'Brien, Alan Watt, Alex Jones, Jordan Maxwell and Natasha Vita-More.
A Japanese version of "Al Gore"---"Dr." Kaku
He should be reading stories to children at the library on Saturday afternoons.
It is a no-brainer that one of those 5 cities will eventually go. THEY HAVE ALL HAD MAJOR EARTHQUAKES.
What must be realized before getting carried away with such utopian dreams is that transhumanism was born out of the elitist pseudo-science eugenics.
Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist and futurist, believes that the globe is moving towards what he calls a "Type 1" civilization. This civilization, according to Kaku, will be technologically superior and constitute a world-wide system of governance, a global language, culture, and global economy. The transition may not be smooth, however. As kaku has repeatedly stated, there will be resistance to the rise of this "Type 1" civilization. In a 2006 interview Kaku stated,
"It’s the most dangerous of all transitions because there are some people who don’t want to be in type 1. They instinctively in their gut know that a type 1 system will be a system of different discourses, of different ideas and clashes of ideas and so on and so forth and these people who don’t want this transition are the terrorists. In their gut, the terrorists know that we’re headed for type 1. They can’t articulate it, they don’t know the larger outlines of it, but in their gut they don’t like it."[3]
Don't you stupid anti-Type 1 terrorists realize that we need to move forward to the Second Industrial Revolution of Molecular Manufacturing?
Molecular Manufacturing on Fox News
Thursday, Apr 16 2009 nanotechnology Michael Anissimov 9:57 pm
Michio Kaku, who qualifies as a superlative futurist if there ever was one, discussing technologies like time machines that most transhumanists consider implausible, recently went on Fox News to talk about molecular manufacturing and the “Second Industrial Revolution” (actually, there already was a Second Industrial Revolution, by some accounts). Note how even the Wikipedia page for “Second Industrial Revolution” has a mention of molecular manufacturing;
At the start of the 21st century the term “second industrial revolution” has been used to describe the anticipated effects of hypothetical molecular nanotechnology systems upon society. In this more recent scenario, the nanofactory would render the majority of today’s modern manufacturing processes obsolete, transforming all facets of the modern economy.
Here is the quote from the interview where Kaku mentions MM:
It could create a second industrial revolution. The first industrial revolution was based on mass production of large machines. The second industrial revolution could be molecular manufacture. We’re talking about a new way of manufacturing almost everything. Instead of having robots that are gigantic and clumsy, you now have molecular robots, because what does a virus do? A virus cuts and splices and dices other molecules. So why not use that molecular ability to create a whole plethora of things for the computer age and the electric age? And so this could remove many bottlenecks in our manufacturing industry.
The idea of MM is flopping around in the mainstream, just like it used to before the National Nanotechnology Initiative starting labeling any nanoscale research “nanotechnology”.
The concept of molecular manufacturing is slightly perturbed by it very often being introduced in the context of a suite of possible future technologies. This is what books like Nanosystems are for — just MM, nothing else, purely a physics-based analysis. This allows you to estimate the long-term plausibility of the technology on its own terms, even if your estimate is guaranteed to be off.
In case you missed it...transhumanists want to inject viruses into you to try out cybernetically controlled molecular manufacturing of various fixes, or even organs, or whatever. Was this in the new vaccine given to millions to combat the fake swine flu pandemic? Was this just a test (with millions of guniea pigs) for future transhumanist "live forever" technology?

"It will be necessary to replace today’s cumbersome social systems, religious dogmas, heated emotions, partisan ideologies, and other commonly outmoded forms of thought and consciousness that now form the major obstacles to progress." — William E. Halal, Emerging Technologies and the Global Crisis of Maturity
There are several futurists, think tanks and high level government analysts that are both eagerly anticipating and warning that there will be great social conflict during this "great transition". They are nearly uniform in calling for a casting aside of "outmoded forms of thought" to pave the way for a new era. By holding on to "ancient ideas" of government and religion, people are holding back the progress of the great technological revolution and a resulting "planetary civilization". Some have compared the potential impact of this transition to the social and political impact of the Industrial Revolution. This new revolution, however, is on a much grander scale.
Some call it the "Age of Transitions", others the "Global Crisis of Maturity". Zbigniew Brzezinski called it the "Technectronic Era". However it is labeled, it brings with it major change and upheaval to humanity. Fred C. Ikle, author of The Ultimate Threat to Nations: Annihilation from Within, sees a widening gap between the "two souls" of society. One is dedicated to the scientific outlook that has been freed from religious and political bindings, while the other clings to the "stubborn past" of tradition and religion. Ikle sees this expanding gap as a great danger to all governments world-wide. Ikle writes,
"This widening chasm is ominous. It might impair the social cohesion of societies, and of nations, by drawing the human psyche in two directions: to the personal and national identity that resides in acquired beliefs, memories, and traditions of the past; and to the promise of greater wealth and power offered by untrammeled technological progress… In the scientific sphere, we are neither emotionally tied to our cultural and religious heritage, nor pining for a final redemption. But when animated by the world’s old soul, we seek to protect our identity by clinging to ancient artifacts from our ancestors and hallowed legends from the distant past."[1]
William E. Halal stated in the March-April 2009 edition of The Futurist that, "Some new form of global order is needed to avert disaster." He continues, "The transition could happen anytime, but it is hard to conceive of a future in which today’s systems could survive much beyond 2020, let alone 2030." Halal writes,
"It will be necessary to replace today’s cumbersome social systems, religious dogmas, heated emotions, partisan ideologies, and other commonly outmoded forms of thought and consciousness that now form the major obstacles to progress."[2]
Halal cites prominent pollster John Zogby’s new book The Way We’ll Be as he discusses the rise of a new "global generation." His description of this generation fits current economic trends that point to dramatically lower standards of living, but frames this as a "sustainable" lifestyle. The "First Globals" as he calls them will be "…intent on living sustainable lives in a unified world." Zogby writes,
"…we are in the midst of a fundamental reorientation of the American character… away from wanton consumption and toward a new global citizenry in an age of limited resources." [3]
Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist and futurist, believes that the globe is moving towards what he calls a "Type 1" civilization. This civilization, according to Kaku, will be technologically superior and constitute a world-wide system of governance, a global language, culture, and global economy. The transition may not be smooth, however. As kaku has repeatedly stated, there will be resistance to the rise of this "Type 1" civilization. In a 2006 interview Kaku stated,
"It’s the most dangerous of all transitions because there are some people who don’t want to be in type 1. They instinctively in their gut know that a type 1 system will be a system of different discourses, of different ideas and clashes of ideas and so on and so forth and these people who don’t want this transition are the terrorists. In their gut, the terrorists know that we’re headed for type 1. They can’t articulate it, they don’t know the larger outlines of it, but in their gut they don’t like it."[3]
In an earlier 2005 BBC interview Kaku said,
"…look at the economies. NAFTA, European Union, Trading blocks, the birth of a new economy is taking place. Now there are people who don’t like this transition, who feel in their gut feel more comfortable being in a Type minus 1. They’re the terrorists. They in their gut realize that a Type 1 civilization has flowing ideas, challenging orthodoxies, new bigger, wondrous ideas popping forth. That’s Type 1." [5]
As the world faces unparalleled economic turmoil, America’s decline is marking a historical geopolitical time period. The re-ordering of the globe is underway. The "Global Crisis of Maturity" – as envisioned by the elite – is ushering in a new world order as advancing technologies dramatically alter society.
It is vitally important that everyone, especially young people, gain their own understanding of what we are facing. The school system may prepare you for the future, but only in a manner that is self-serving to the establishment and kept within safe confines to prevent organic change. This study must involve not just a study of potential technological developments, but an understanding of the nature of power and the elites that wield it. Social engineers and opinion molders will be working overtime to shape society during this "Age of Transitions" as societal norms are broken and reshaped, and the political battlefield is thrown into chaos.
Please read the entire article, it is very important:
Please watch this fascinating video exposing the fact that transhumanism is really eugenics with a new face. It also exposes some of the top propagandists of this new eugenics agenda including Brzezinski, Gingrich, and Kaku:
The Age of Transitions
A documentary by Aaron Franz about converging technology, transhumanism, and our future in the making. The cutting edge group known as transhumanists see a beautiful future brought about by artificial intelligence, life extension, and cybernetics.
What must be realised before getting carried away with such utopian dreams is that transhumanism was born out of the elitist pseudo-science eugenics.
This documentary provides vital information on the history of eugenics and its new faces. Featuring: Ray Kurzweil, Nick Bostrom, Dr. Professor Kevin Warwick, Hugo de Garis, Michio Kaku, Aubrey de Grey, Anders Sandberg, Cathy O'Brien, Alan Watt, Alex Jones, Jordan Maxwell and Natasha Vita-More.
A Japanese version of "Al Gore"---"Dr." Kaku
He should be reading stories to children at the library on Saturday afternoons.
It is a no-brainer that one of those 5 cities will eventually go. THEY HAVE ALL HAD MAJOR EARTHQUAKES.
What must be realized before getting carried away with such utopian dreams is that transhumanism was born out of the elitist pseudo-science eugenics.
Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist and futurist, believes that the globe is moving towards what he calls a "Type 1" civilization. This civilization, according to Kaku, will be technologically superior and constitute a world-wide system of governance, a global language, culture, and global economy. The transition may not be smooth, however. As kaku has repeatedly stated, there will be resistance to the rise of this "Type 1" civilization. In a 2006 interview Kaku stated,
"It’s the most dangerous of all transitions because there are some people who don’t want to be in type 1. They instinctively in their gut know that a type 1 system will be a system of different discourses, of different ideas and clashes of ideas and so on and so forth and these people who don’t want this transition are the terrorists. In their gut, the terrorists know that we’re headed for type 1. They can’t articulate it, they don’t know the larger outlines of it, but in their gut they don’t like it."[3]
Don't you stupid anti-Type 1 terrorists realize that we need to move forward to the Second Industrial Revolution of Molecular Manufacturing?
Molecular Manufacturing on Fox News
Thursday, Apr 16 2009 nanotechnology Michael Anissimov 9:57 pm
Michio Kaku, who qualifies as a superlative futurist if there ever was one, discussing technologies like time machines that most transhumanists consider implausible, recently went on Fox News to talk about molecular manufacturing and the “Second Industrial Revolution” (actually, there already was a Second Industrial Revolution, by some accounts). Note how even the Wikipedia page for “Second Industrial Revolution” has a mention of molecular manufacturing;
At the start of the 21st century the term “second industrial revolution” has been used to describe the anticipated effects of hypothetical molecular nanotechnology systems upon society. In this more recent scenario, the nanofactory would render the majority of today’s modern manufacturing processes obsolete, transforming all facets of the modern economy.
Here is the quote from the interview where Kaku mentions MM:
It could create a second industrial revolution. The first industrial revolution was based on mass production of large machines. The second industrial revolution could be molecular manufacture. We’re talking about a new way of manufacturing almost everything. Instead of having robots that are gigantic and clumsy, you now have molecular robots, because what does a virus do? A virus cuts and splices and dices other molecules. So why not use that molecular ability to create a whole plethora of things for the computer age and the electric age? And so this could remove many bottlenecks in our manufacturing industry.
The idea of MM is flopping around in the mainstream, just like it used to before the National Nanotechnology Initiative starting labeling any nanoscale research “nanotechnology”.
The concept of molecular manufacturing is slightly perturbed by it very often being introduced in the context of a suite of possible future technologies. This is what books like Nanosystems are for — just MM, nothing else, purely a physics-based analysis. This allows you to estimate the long-term plausibility of the technology on its own terms, even if your estimate is guaranteed to be off.
In case you missed it...transhumanists want to inject viruses into you to try out cybernetically controlled molecular manufacturing of various fixes, or even organs, or whatever. Was this in the new vaccine given to millions to combat the fake swine flu pandemic? Was this just a test (with millions of guniea pigs) for future transhumanist "live forever" technology?
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