But there is a prophecy in Islam.
The Great (One-Eyed) Deceiver, The Dajjal or The Anti-Christ/The False Messiah will eventually succeed in deceiving the people (especially those who follow his preachings in the corrupted Talmud) & establish a world government based in Jerusalem.
How many people who feel their reason and instincts all point to the existance of the NWO Illuminati's plans, & their totalitarian, satanic belief systems, their ancient and very effective propaganda and control mechanisims, which match exactly to this prophecy?
It's an interesting coincidence/reality? Anyway, one for people to research for their own interests.
Read up on the Dajjall in Islam...lots of superstition there, but something of value lies beneath these stories I feel. The Dajjal is a person, but he exists only in essence till the establishment of his False Kingdom of Jerusalem, and then he will reveal his human face, according to legend!
Literally the Dajjal myth is the inspiration for the character of Sauron the Deceiver in 'The Lord of The Rings', written by a professor of folklore and and ancient cultures. Clearly JRT knew of this possibly pre-Islamic legend/belief. The evolving 'essence' of the dajjal is in itself a fascinating notion/legend/
According to Islamic 'Hadith' the Satanists will succeed in setting up their global government but ultimately fail in their attempts to control & dominate the Human Race. Once he reveals himself to his followers as the Messiah, the reign of the False-Messiah will only last for forty days. That's where things get really, really, superstitious, with the arrival of the "Mehdi' ( As in the real 'Mehdi Army' ) followed by the return of the the Original Messiah, yup you guessed it, Isa/Jesus (pbuh) himself.
The Mehdi is supposed to arrive in Damascus 'from the direction of Fars' in Iran towards Mecca, anywhere from Fars to China essentially. That's one more reason perhaps, why the Talmudic Satanists are so terrified of the people of that region and feel the need to exterminate them.
This is a main belief in Islamic societies, especially Shia. Its why the Palestinians will never give up their struggle, no matter how brutally they are oppressed. I can't prove that to anyone, but it is the truth I feel. It is the main reason it was so important for the Arabs nearly a thousand years to re-capture Jerusalem, as long as Jerusalem was apart of an Islamic state, the oppression & suffering to be experienced in the era/s of the Dajjal could not take place.
Food for thought at least.
Final ramble:
http://www.globalresearch.ca/ind...xt=va& aid=14022
The Pashtun's claim to be descended from one of the tribes of Bani Israel, one of the banished tribes, sent east from Babylon. Their history, location and genetics make that a possibility, I don't know if it's a belief that's been proved or disapproved either way. But how ironic if it were true! I'd like to imagine them as the prophesised "Medhi Army'....!!!
Not my beliefs, but very real in the Islamic world, and very easily exploited by Psy-Ops a la OBL!
http://www.globalresearch.ca/ind...xt=va& aid=14022
God bless Younis KHAN, Shahid AFRIDI and the glorious Pakistan Cricket team! Truly, the lord moves in mysterious ways
Peace all!
America loses.
The West loses.
The EU loses.
The Israelis emerge as the WINNERS.
Zionism is deadly for everyone concerned.
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