« Reply #102 on: June 14, 2009, 07:04:56 AM » | |
Joseon Sr. Member
Awesome thread guys, keep it up. I really think that Ptacnik had a point about nationalism being the eventual conduit or facilitator for wars. Countries lining up against each other because of Genetic superiority is exactly what Hitler, Stalin, Mao, all of these ass-holes preached. So, the answer does not lie in nationalism per se. SO good point Ptacnik. The answer must lie in global harmony. The question is whose version of global harmony are we going to suffer through? Will it be 1984 and brain chips? Or, will it be constitutional republics, a la US, working in collaboration? Well, obviously you guys know the answer to that.
I also thought that bringing up Wal-Mart was a quintessential topic of discussion. Freeski is right for the most part. The government played dirty behind the backs of the people. They, the government, allowed total leverage in letting Wal-Mart run over the small businesses. Which means that Wal-Mart paid government officials millions of dollars for 'Political contributions'. Meanwhile, bureaucrats will obtain massive shares of Wal-Marts preferred stock. It's the same game everywhere.
The recognition of corporate dominance of society brings up a fundamental issue. Which, arises from the depths of human greed and corruption. Why have we been cannibalising our own species? Why do we murder millions of innocent creatures, without just cause or hunger satiation? The animal kingdom kills as part of the natural order. Or the gritty slogan, kill or be killed. The path of humanity has superseded the basic instinct for survival by supplying an abundance of food and water. There is no need to dominate other humans to survive, is there? Lions, hyenas, every creatures do not cannibalise their own specie. Yet, humans do consistently and brutally.
My only explanation to this desire to betray and murder similar kin must be due to human awareness of knowledge. And perhaps God's reticent leash to permit ANY possible action on planet Earth. In other words, perhaps Lucifer revealed the fact that anything goes on this world. As long, as they comply to a minimal set of rules. Laws of physics govern this planet. Anything that constitutes murder does not betray the laws of nature or physics.
Let say, that the banking cartel decides to annihilate two billion civilians, right? Well, according to biological nature, the population can theoretically reproduce back to the former number of 6.5 billion people. So the question becomes, what is the value of humanity? What is the value of a creature? if you can destroy and create life, essentially, we are Gods in our own way. This type of logic essentially is the scientifically measured root to governance and management.
The second reason for the betrayal of humanity must be due to the sublime possibility of trans-human, or trans-specie creatures. The provoking thought of creating humans with IQ over 300, wielding perfectly chiseled bodies and beautiful features, no body hair, is a very alluring possibility. If you can create 300 IQ humans, those advanced creatures will the be building blocks for unlimited human potential. Basically, 300 IQ super humans, will lead way to 1000 IQ ultra humans, which will lead the way to 10,000 IQ freaks of nature. Do you see the path humans are going on? It is exponential growth and the endgame will be the colonisation of deep space itself.
The hubris of the ideological path of Human Utopia in outer space is still unknown, beset with many traps that the arrogant oligarchs and eugenicists are completely ignorant to. It's kind of like the tower of Babel. Where man's arrogance led to his demise. It is the exact same concept. The creation of trans-humans is still completely unknown and unpredictable. The NWO are confident that these super humans will be controlled by a microchip. But what is not understood is that these super intelligent types have a real shot at rebelling against their creators. If these trans-humans figure out a way to rebel, they will overthrow the old obsolete homosapiens in a war completely unimaginable. The end result will be human destruction and trans-human dominance.
This is where I see the path leading to honestly. And the future is set with many grave dangers that the NWO are still non cognisant to. It could be a biological weapon that escapes from a lab. It could be a nuclear World War III that annihilates the entire planet. It could be anything to tell you the truth. And quite frankly these dip-hole predator-like pedophiles have trouble tieing their own shoelaces. How the hell can the be entrusted with the future of planet Earth?
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