CLIMATEGATE: Hitler flips out over the CRU hacked emails
« Reply #2 on: Today at 11:37:31 PM » | |
You know, as humorous and basically true as that little video is, it plays directly into the hand of the globalist Big Oil polluter-for-profit corporatists. I'm sorry I totally disagree with Alex on this issue. Both he and most of us all have been cleverly duped into going right down the road to perdition they have so deliberately and maliciously engineered for us to follow all along.
Just ask yourself why oil magnate mega-billionaires who have piled up profits to the gunnels by polluting and disowning more totally destroyed wastelands than any of us could imagine ever even owning in the first place (Occidental/Hooker for instance) would want to support and finance their arch opposition, the "environmental stewardship" movement?
What is the best way to discredit their opponents?
The engineered scientific answer is childishly simple, just latch on to a clearly false theory (global warming) bring it to the forefront of the public mind, corrupt it's authors and the entire scientific "community" you "selflessly and magnanimously" finance beyond all reasonable sanity to "prove" for you. Then at the moment of truth, smash the entire movement to dust with a cleverly arranged and inevitable-all-along "leak".
Meanwhile you know perfectly well that the real issue is saline de-acidification of acid rainfalls, being buffered by the dissolution of the calcified ocean bed's hardened fossil stabilization layers (the colossal de-calcification of reefs, encrustations and chalks) that will lead to the volcnic ice age you see as the inevitable result of your fossil-fuel energy monopoly businesses. You know perfectly well that the Sun goes through cycles and it is not matter of the earth's capacity to self-regulate it's own optical energy-absorbing libido (color) but it is really a matter of the earth ecosystem's reserve PH ability to deal with solar variations, while also maintaining a stable crust.
Also, you have cornered and monopolized all the supplies of all the readily available and easily useful life sustaining fossil fuels and further deliberately encouraged and abetted wasteful (SUV) abuse of them to create a mildly artificial and yet getting more acute "false scarcity" and a resulting fever-pitch toxic and destructive global false "black gold rush" for them. (bankrupting the economies of many nations for them) And not only this, you are further exacerbating and accelerating your deliberately and maliciously planned "disaster" by seeding chemtrails in aviation fuel to accelerate the cooling you know is inevitable!
Now suppose also that you are an influential and powerful eugenicist who can't wait to cull the population of "useless eaters" that wreck the grass on your lawns, and leave their paw prints on your beaches. Let's also assume that you have safe sanctuaries to retreat to with all your ill-gotten gains and you wish to also capitalize on the competing and destructive hateful religious-socialist "prejudices of the people" to eagerly and gladly turn them even moreso against one another with deliberate nd righteously engineered irrational outrage and self-isolation that can only end in a "prophesied" final paroxysm of "Armageddon Battle" that will add nuclear winter to your ice age "culling" operations, and permanently contaminate 80% of the world's oil supplies (you do not own and control) in the bargain!
In Bridge this sort of exquisitely well-tailored invincible "playback" against your opponent's (and partners) lesser bids with your trump holdings is called a "Grand Slam"...
Whenever one can get one's enemies to act with the same reckless depravity and disregard for morality that you yourself have you have completely achieved your most dearly coveted counter-intuitive, counter-intelligence goals!
There's no CO2 tax or "global governance" because that was never the goal nor purpose of their "global warming" bids.T were just smoking-out their partners.
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