Doctor says H1N1 vaccine is Dangerous
Sep 28 07:04California Swine Flu Checkpoint Identified?
Paul Joseph Watson | Man claims armed military personnel at roadblock forced people to enter mobile trailers.
Bilderbergers Want Global Currency
James P. Tucker, Jr. | Bilderberg has had front-men call anew for creating a global currency and establishing major European Union-style regions for the administrative convenience of a planned world government.
Police Brutality in Pittsburgh After the G20
Jason Bermas | 1,200 Riot Police and Military Personal rabidly attacked a group of well under 300 American citizens, many of them just students that were unaware there was even a protest going on.
‘New World Order’ Emerging At G-20 Summit
Radio Free Europe | “We pledge to avoid destabilizing booms and busts in asset and credit prices and adopt macro-economic policies, consistent with price stability that will promote adequate and balanced global demand.”
New world economic order takes shape at G20
Reuters | Leaders of the G20 developed and developing nations also agreed to make the International Monetary Fund more representative.
Obama Tells G-20 Iran Has Secret Nuke Facility
USA Today | “The size and configuration of this facility is inconsistent with a peaceful (nuclear) program,” Obama said, and further raises concerns that Iran is seeking a nuclear weapon.
Zoellick Says U.S. Shouldn’t Take Dollar’s Primacy for Granted
Bloomberg | World Bank President Robert Zoellick said the U.S. shouldn’t take for granted the dollar’s status as the world’s main reserve currency.
Victims of Banker Economic Crisis Sell Kidneys for Cash
Times Online | British victims of the credit crunch are offering to sell their kidneys for £25,000 or more to help pay debts.
The Department of Terror wants You!
Hundreds of junior FBI agents, Homeland Security footpads and others were sent into the streets to find people who would fit the profile. They had to be from a Muslim country. They needed to be young and angry about something. Programs were established to make selected individuals angry if they weren’t already. They would suddenly lose their job; their wife might be assaulted by a diamond merchant on her way to a mosque, they might be evicted. Whatever it took to get them to the right emotional state and fired up about the right target was the goal. Once they were in the proper frame of mind, a government agent would appear as an angel of mercy and find them a job and a place to stay. Then they would groom the ‘terrorist’ by providing a mental framework.
UK’s Brown says G20 to become main economic council
Reuters | Global leaders will institutionalize the G20 as the world’s main economic governing council, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Thursday.
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