Armed Forces to Administer Vaccines!
***WOW*** ONE World Currency is here NOW... even I am in total SHOCK!
US bank Wells Fargo has said it plans to raise $7.5bn (£4.9bn) from selling new shares, a day after the US Treasury said 10 banks needed to boost reserves.
Morgan Stanley is also hoping to raise $3.5bn from share sales.
Bank of America said it planned to sell assets and raise capital to secure the $33.9bn it needs.
This is the story of how I, Dave Brady, was approached by Social Service Case Workers and an Adams County Sheriff's Deputy on a surprise visit
The math is so simple a second grader could do it. There is no way an airliner fit through the hole that was left in the pentagon on September 11th
Take the Revolution to the Streets
Hon. James David Manning, PhD says Obama is more dangerous than Hitler. Also, we need to boycott GM, McDonalds, Burger King, Pepsi, Coca Cola
F**K you OBAMA signed America and ME!
Don't let Obama and his OBAMANOIDS take your rights away! ACT NOW! Consider this my Public Service Announcement!
General of all American Intelligence: 911 was a fraud!
Major General Albert "Bert" N. Stubblebine III, head of all intelligence says:/nPentagon NOT hit by a plane WTC 7 brought down by explosives
Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) is blocked by Senate Democrat Leadership from having a vote on his amendment to audit the Federal Reserve
EXO Squad, a 1993 cartoon, depicts 'Chip Implantation' and 'New World Order' and 'Concentration Camps' and 'Chicago' as the focal points.
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