Sunday, March 29, 2009



Please organise a public demonstration in your area on 1st and 2nd April 2009 to coincide with the G20 Summit in London.

Please make a specific Facebook group or event for your demonstration and invite all your friends to it.

If you are already an admin at a Facebook group, you can create an event as follows:

1. Go to your Facebook campaign group. Then go to 'Create Related Event'.

2. Put in event name, tagline, description, start and end time, location, and any contact details if you wish (optional)

3. Then go to 'Create Event'.

4. Add a picture to the event.

5. Edit the various options (who can be invited or post items, whether the group is publicly listed or not, etc).

6. Go to 'Save'.

7. Invite your own personal friends to the group. In addition, or alternatively, there is a little box at the bottom of the screen (marked 'Invite members of the host group ..... '). To invite the members of the group you are an admin of, simply tick that box and then click 'Send invitations'.

8. Then please post a link to your event at:

9. Turn the volume up to 11!

MIGHTY oaks from little acorns grow.

Let's demonstrate for better ways of organising our financial and economic systems, and in the long-term build a better set of financial and economic architecture.

Let's make it noisy, colourful, vibrant, constructive, and peaceful.

When you have created your event, please post a link to it at the following:

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